LoVe, LuSt...and Jelly Bracelets/ Shag Bands?

The Terrible Twins

I ran upstairs into a room and locked myself in it for the rest of that night. In the morning I was awakenesd by a loud thumping on the door.

"Who's there?" I asked in a grubby voice.

"Your mother, now let me in."

I got up and opened the door to see my mother with her angry face.

"Sam, just give them a chance, its your first day of school and besides you don't know anyone but them." My mother said in her oh-so-sweet tone that I could'nt say no to. This was an exception.

"No way mom! Why did'nt you tell me we were moving with that bitch and that, that player!"

"Excuse me young lady do not talk to me in that tone and besides just give them another chance, that incident can be forgivable but you just keep on holding grudges against them."

That 'incident' that my mother was talking about was when I was in Grade 9 and I had my first boyfriend, who a matter a fact is going to be my step-brother. Fun. Note the sarcasm. He was just a player who was dared to have a thing with me just because I seemed geeky and nerdy and they were popular and then his bitchy sister, Donna, whose going to be my step-sister in a few months made my life a living hell. The day they moved to California was the day my life was going to be back to normal. Well boy was I wrong!

"But mom Donna and Mathew are like the worst twins in the world!"

"Well you are just going to have to deal with them and start to love them like your family, I'm going to leave you to get ready and Mathew offered to drop you to school." Joy...

I quickly put on my uniform. Heck, we never had a uniform in my old school, and grabbed my black converse.

"Morning Jason!" I chirped ignoring the other two people glaring at me.

"Well good morning, someone is in a happy mood." He replied

From the corner of my eye I could see Donna and Mathew giggling about some unknown joke, probably about me.

I scurried along grabbing my jansport and headed through the door grabbing an apple along the way.

"Bye mom, bye Jason!"I shouted before slamming the door. I was definetly not getting a drop with 'The Terrible Twins'.

I walked all of two blocks to get to George Ding High school. Of course the twins were already there with their BMW. I did'nt care.

I walked into the halls of my new school to see everyone with all sorts of different coloured bands on their wrist and most of the girls looked like sluts who just wanted to get layed.

Grade 11 Biology class was first, if I only knew how to get there...

"Hello!" A high, squeaky voice made me jump. I looked to the side and saw a petite girl with short brown hair.

"O scared me."

"Haha sorry about must be new, I'm Claire," she put out her hand and I shook it.

"I'm Sam," I stated, "How come everyone has on those bracelets?" I asked looking at her wrist, she only had three on unlike the other girls.

"OMG you don't know what Jelly bracelets are?" She squealed.

I shook my head.

"Ok they're also called 'Shag Bands', persons wear them and when a person comes up to you and snaps one you have to do the thing with the snapper that the band means...if you don't have any you're a nobody." She explained. "Hey! Why don't after school you come with me to 'Lovely Sins' that's where they sell the bracelets?"

"Sure." I did'nt want to start school as a nerd or a nobody so I had to go.

Claire was in most of my classes so it was a lot easier to get around. I sat with her and her firends at lunch and they were pretty cool. I looked across to see Mathew and Donna surrounded by people at their lunch table, not that I cared. After the last three periodds of school we jumped into Claire's blue convertible and she carried me to the store.

Outside the store was a big, hot pink sign that said 'Lovely Sins' we quickly walked inside and you should have seen how many different coloured bands they were. I gasped with awe because there wasn't only bracelets but jelly rings and chains, the store was full of them.

"What do yours mean?" I asked pointing to her wrist.

"Oh.. the black means sex, the purple means kiss a partner with either gender and the yellow means hug."

She explained to me what each colour meant and I decide to get the yellow, the orange and the pink. I would'nt get any of the other more 'sexual' ones... not as yet.

As we were cashing I heard someone walk behind me and felt their warm breath tickle my neck, I jumped about a foot in the air because I got frightened and turned around. My heart started to do flips as I saw who it was.

Holy Crap...