LoVe, LuSt...and Jelly Bracelets/ Shag Bands?


"Hey Sam..." The person standing infront of me said.

I looked closer to the figure "Josh...?" I asked trying to keep my voice from breaking. Epic Failure.

"Who else would have my dreamy voice..." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Josh!" I jumped up embracing him, wrapping my legs around him.

"Whoa, you haven't changed a bit, personality wise,still your hyper self I see, but wow, you" He did his cute little smirk, I missed.

I blushed. Josh and I had been best friends, along with Sally, since like forever. He left Grade 8 in the middle of the semester because his dad had a new job up in California. Me and Sally cried for days. I know were little girlies but we could'nt help it. It wasn't the same when Josh wasn't there.

" Hey Claire.." She replied 'Hi' in a almost nervous, shy voice? "What are you doing up here in California? And how's Sally going?" He asked me.

"I live here now because my mom's getting remarried to Twidledee and Twidledumb's father. Oh and Sally's doing great...she's supposed to be coming up in Summer. Ways, I hardly recognised you!" And I didn't. In Grade 8 Josh was this geeky, flimsy muscled boy who I knew and loved (as a friend) and now he was this hot, tanned, muscled guy.

"Wait who's Twidledee and Twidledumb." He asked just as they themselves walked into the store.

"Them." I glared at the people standing right behind Josh.

He turned. "Hey guys!" What the fuck was he doing?

"Hey Josh," Donna said in almost loving way as she came up to us.

"Hey dorks!" She spat at me and Claire. Mathew was lost in his own worldjust stareing at... me? Typical since now thatI had a goodbody he would want to stare. Every single boy was staring at me in school, even the girls were glaring.

"What are both of you doing here?" I asked Mathew and Donna.

"I could ask you and your little friend therethe same thing." She challenged.

"Getting bracelets." I snarled back and to think that this girl was going to be my step-sister.

"Oh wellwe came to just replace my alreadysnapped ones." I looked attheir wrist. There must have been twenty, I was shocked to see that even Josh had more than that!

"Come on Claire, let's go to my house...Josh you coming?" I asked before me and Claire evacuated.

"Nah...I'll see you tomorrow at school, right?" He asked.

"Yea sure," I replied trying to cover the disappointment behind my voice.


As me and Claire got to the house I remembered one thing...I didn't know which room was mine.

"Wow your house is huge!" Claire exclaimed.

"I know...Mom?!" No answer. "Mother?!" Still none.

"I guess we'll have to look in all the rooms for unpacked boxes." I directed to Claire.

We searched almost all the 'royalty-styled' bedrooms when I stumbled on the room I slept in the night before. I had a feeling I already knew whose own it was because it had posters of half-naked ladies and it smelt of dirty socks...Mathew's. I guess I was in such a rush this morning that I didn't realise.

There was a room on the third floor that I guessed it was mine because I saw my belongings. My mother probably unpacked the boxes for me to get over me being mad at moving. The room was gorgeous Just how I would like it. The walls were pitch black with different coloured peace signs all over. The bed had a purple silk spread ontop and there was a chandilier in the middle. It was huge.

I saw three doors in it so I decided to explore. The first door I opened to a huge walk-in-closet with triple the amount of clothes I had before. I was so happy because Jason must have bought them with my mother and I loved every article of it... until I stumbled on the dresses and the slutty clothes. I had to remember to stay away from them.

The second room was the most magnificent bathroom I had ever seen. My own bathroom! It looked like it was made of all gold and porcelain. There was a large tub in the corner and right next to it was a shower with jets and two double sinks. "Rich people." I muttered to myself.

The third and final room had a fricking jacuzzi in it! My own jacuzzi! I was starting to love this place.

I ran out and shouted Claire's name at the top of my lungs. As she ran up the three floors she was panting.
"I found it!" I squealed. We walked in and the expression on her face was golden. "Whoa..." She whispered.

"Let's go in the jacuzzi." I grabbed her hand before she even could ask of what I was talking about and showed her. We put on two of my bathing suits that I never saw in my life and jumped in the jacuzzi.

"I see you found your room." I turned around to see Mathew standing in the door frame.

"Yes I please evacuate my room." I told him in a stern voice.

"Whatever you say...Sister." He smirked and walked out.

"What a jerk!" I exclaimed to Claire.

"Major!" She stated. We laughed our asses off. After about an hour Claire called some friends to go to dinner to get to know about me. I lent Claire clothes and I put on my favourite, ripped skinnies with a Tee and my pink converse.

As we were leaving I heard talking coming from behind the door that had the letters P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S. I leant in closer and of course Donna was talking about me with someone on the phone. I heard her talk in the retriever. "Did you see her at school? Total freak, her mom moved here just for my dad's money. I heard they were struggling just to pay mortgage on that hut of theirs...haha yea I know. Loser!"
I marched off with Claire trying to suck up my tears. Even though I should of just ignored her.

"Let's go" I told her.

Donna Francis was going to get her revenge from all the suffering she gave me...if that was the last thing I did.