Walls Have Eyes

Two Girls, One Body

I looked around my room. At first I hated this room, so so much. But as the more I lived in it the more fond of it I became. I never really liked pink. But the walls in this room were pink. I began to think about the room creatively, a few months back. I had accidentally peeled a piece of paint off and saw it was black underneath. I felt as if I was judging the room, when really deep down it was different, like me. I know, I know, a room doesn't have feelings or anything, so you cant really judge it. But that's just how I thought about it.

I sighed as I looked around the empty pink room, for the last time. My family and I was moving. I'm not sure what my feelings were about this. My brother,Jake, was excited, new adventures to conquer. My parents were sad yet excited. They were glad that we were going to have a better education, and better money. I was sad to move away from my friends, my school, and my room I had only began to love. But little did we know our feelings would change. Little did we know what was in store for us in the little town of Ben Side.

"Amy!" My mom yelled from outside. "Hurry up dear, we need to leave soon."

I snatched my only stuff not packed up and ran outside. I would never ever ever see my room again, or even that house. I looked around. My little house- my old house, I corrected myself- looked so cabin-like, it looked like it came straight from a fairytale. It was just so breathtakingly beautiful. The surrounding of the house just made it that much better. The back of the house was filled with beautiful cherry blossom trees. The sides of the house both had beautiful flowers. My mom had started planting flowers there so long ago, I cant even fully remember. The front wasn't really any special. It was just grass and a marble pathway.

"Amy!" My mom screamed again, and I stopped dazing out and jumped into the car.

When I jumped in I accidentally kicked Jake, who of course over-reacted. "Ow! Ow! Ow! I think she broke my leg."

Jake was 10-years-old but he acted like he was 5. I just ignored his over-reacting and put my pillow against the door, laid my head on it to go to sleep. No way I could handle Jake all day, and seeing us past everything I would never see again.

Now, there is two sides of me. The first one is a very deep girl. Like she writes dark poems. She has anger problems. She has deep dark secrets. No one ever sees that girl though. Unless some little shaggy evil person reads my poems! You could happen to guess I am angry, because Jake began to read my poetry. "You wouldn't believe your eyes."

I didn't know that he was at first, until I looked at him and saw my diary. My diary was also one of the things not packed along with my pillow, and video game system. This made my unknown side come out. I unbuckled myself and went and sat on his chicken legs, so he couldn't move. I yanked his black hair with one hand and with the other punched his face, breaking his glasses. His reflects told him to close his eyes and he did. If he didn't close his eyes, the glass wouldn't have scraped his eyes.

"I'm sorry!" He called out, but that didn't stop me. He immerged this side of me out, it couldn't be stopped.

I kept punching his face, while my parents had stopped the car, trying to get me off. I then punched him in the stomach and he spit blood out. This brought my other side back, and I saw him crying. My other side was a nice girl, usually shy and quiet.

"I am so sorry," I said standing up off him, he was a mess.

I heard my parents yelling at me in the back of my head. My couldn't make out what they were saying. I was focused on my brother. The last thing I knew my knees collapsed and I got dizzy.