Walls Have Eyes

Loving Little Brother

She beat me to a fucking bloody pulp. I didn't take it offensive though. My sister, Amy, has MPD. Multiple Personality Disorder. She doesn't think we know. But damn we knew before she did. She went to one of those like lunatic doctors secretly and when he got the results he contacted us before her. She is pretty damn stupid if she thinks they wouldn't tell us. Some of my friends say she will go to hell, but I know better. It`s not her fault.

I was a man. So every time my mom asked if I was okay, I acted as if I was fine. Which I of course was.

I saw Amy jolt awake in the front seat, which my mom put her there instead of herself. So I would be "safer." But I was fine either way. She began shaking and repeatedly saying, "Sorry."

"Damn Amy, shut up its fine." She began to calm down, and went back to sleep.

My mom screamed, "Jacob Henry Odd."

She said my full name so she meant business. She began yelling at me, but I ignored her. Everyone swears, give me a break. I watched Amy to make sure she was okay.