Walls Have Eyes

The Castle

Jake was such a sweet poor. He cared so much about me. He knew how to calm me and that's what he did, causing me to feel safe enough to go to sleep. I did go to sleep.

I dreamt about him as I slept. There were several scenarios, each I was the evil sister and he was prince charming. He saved me in each dream, from something different each time. But the most remembered was a true one. In it I had caught someone on fire, my one side had. I almost died from the fire. But he had saved me, risking his own life.

"Amy, sweetie," I heard a voice say, it was distant. Then seemed to become closer. It only became closer because it was my mom and the more awake I became the more I heard her.

I opened my eyes and she smiled. "We are here."

I jumped up, excited.

I looked around and saw a house that looked like a castle. "Is that it?" I asked, heart racing.

"Yes, Jake and dad are already inside." I jumped outside and ran towards my new house. We had a huge yard, and it was a long run. But when I got in front of it I looked up and admired it. The best way I could describe it is if you put one rectangular prism down, then two smaller ones on the side. Then put columns coming out from everywhere. Paint that all white. Then at last put blue points at the top of the columns. I am a bad describer, I know.

I walked into the house and wanted to start exploring but dad said, "Go finds some PJs, pick a room, then off to bed."

I sighed and picked through the bags of stuff, to find PJs. I found a old baggy shirt from camp that I just wear as Pjs, and joggy pants. I changed right there since everyone had left the room.

I ran upstairs and I was going to look through every room to find which one I wanted. But then I realized I had become tired. So I would just go with the first room I walked into. The room I walked into had purple walls and comics pasted all over the floor. It was awesome. There was a huge black bed with a black canopy over it. That was awesome too!

I started to sing, "This is awesome." Over and over again. As I got into my bed and under the covers. As I started singing I thought I saw a movement on my wall. So I stopped singing and looked. Nothing was there. I started to sing again, and I saw it again. When I looked, nothing there.

You`re just tired Amy, so your seeing things. Go to sleep. That's what I told myself in my head.