Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

1o. Sirens, Harpies, Pheonixes, and Vampires, Oh My Freaking God!

They just stared at me. Now is one of those really awkward moments you wish you could have never had...

"Hey, I'm not gonna bite your heads off!" I tried joking. Bad idea at this time, Alice.

At last, Lucky smiled. Shortly after, Aster went back to his usual death type look. "Sorry, Alice. You didn't strike me to be someone like us." Lucky said.

Now my jaw dropped about ten feet.

"Uhm, what?" Was my reply.

"I'm a..tri-brid if you'd think of it that way. I'm part pheonix, harpy, and human." She smiled.

"A harpy? You mean like those crazy bird things?" Shit. Wrong word choice. "Uh...I mean...those bird-like girls with the big talons and what not...? Yeah..those...that's what I said..."

She laughed lightly. "It's okay, Alice. My mom's a harpy and human and my dad's a pheonix and human. We're like shape-shifters, but the shape-shifters' organization is for domestic animals like cats and dogs."

"But my uncle's a wolf..?"

"Which means he can be a dog too." Aster said.

"Mhmm. And Aster, would you care to tell Alice or should I?"

Aster rolled his eyes and sighed, "You're not the only vampire at this school, Alice."

"Y-you're a vampire?" That's why he reminds me of Death. Duhh. Stupid Alice.

He rolled his eyes again and nodded.

"And, Aster?" Lucky said, crossing her arms and glaring at him. Damn, mom like much?

"Ugh, and I guess you could consider me a shape-shifter too. I'm like Damon, I can turn into a crow."

"And I wasn't faking with why I'm named Lucky. That's true. It's mostly because of all the blood combos." Aster's jaw cracked and Lucky smacked him. "Control that! God. Alice, watch whenever you say the B-word around him. He still hasn't managed to control that lust yet." She paused, and added, "Oh, and don't push your hair to one side like when you're writing or something and tilt your head to one side. You're the most human between us two."

"Thanks...that makes me want to come to school oh so much more often." I joked as we walked to a table.

"Well, the other girls here are completely repulsing. And I've never had a hybrid's blood before." Aster said, licking his lips and walking in front of me. Yeah, that's not sketchy or anything...


"Stefan!" I called. "Damon! I'm home! And I've got friends so please don't freak them out too much.." I threw my bag on the couch and slid across the island in the kitchen. Damn, I was turning into Damon.

"So Damon's really your dad, huh?" Lucky asked, sitting in front of me.

"That's what my mom's told me."

"And Kat Sterling is your mom?" Aster asked, sitting beside Lucky.


"What ever happened to her?" Lucky questioned.

"Well, a lot, actually that I'll get to later. But for the most part, Stefan and Damon's ex--Katherine--came back all bitchy and such and Kat beat her 500 year old ass, later that night Damon proposed, they had sex, then the next day when Kat was so happy, her cousins Dylan and Andy kidnapped her.
"From then on, she was beaten and such for some information but I still don't know what. They only lightened up once she found out she was pregnant. After she had me, which I ended up being like Renesmee Cullen you could say, they made me work while they tortured my mama every day.
"I had a certain time limit for everything, if I didn't do it then, I was beaten. I was always lucky to get scraps for something to eat. They were too smart and put locks on everything so I couldn't sneak food. That's why I'm so skinny.
"We've both been through hell, but we're both going to make it out together."

Silence. Then Damon and Stefan came in.

"Oh, Alice, just who we needed to see." Stefan said.

"Oh? Why?" I replied.

"Because remember when you were singing?" Damon said.

"Mhmm. And the vice principal dude said I could sing some stuff before vacation. Why?"

"Well we did some digging and found out something." Stefan said.

"What'd you find out? I'm some kind of ancient singing thing?" I joked.

"Uh..sort of.." Stefan said, uncomfortably.

"You're have siren blood in your bloodline." Damon said bluntly.

"A siren?" Lucky asked.

"Yes," Stefan started. "Sirens were these beautiful mythological beings that would lure sea men to them with their impecable songs."

"And once they had the sea guys," Damon added. "They were good as dinner."

"WHAT THE HELL GUYS!" I shouted.

"You only have the voice part, love." Damon said. "So, who are your friends?"

"Damon," I said through my teeth. "This is Lucky LaBelle and Aster Shattix."

"The Shattixes and LaBelles, haven't seen them in a while."

"Let me guess, their families hate you too?" I smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
*gasp!* she's a siren too and her friends aren't all that human either!
don't worry guys, much much much more to come, believe me(:
I have this one planned out!