Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

11. Dance Class.

"You really love ballet, don't you Alice?" Lucky asked me as we walked home.

"So much." I replied, looking at my feet and remembering the good days of when I used to dance.

"Well, today's one of my classes so--"

"You're in dance classes?!"

"Yeah, ballet, tap, and jazz. And since today's one of my days, I'm sure my teacher would let you in." She winked.

"You could really get me in?"

"'Course, miss Jo-Anna loves newbies so long as it's not too close to the recidal and they work extra hard."

"How far away is the recidal?"

"About a few months I think. Would you be willing to stay later an work a lot harder than anyone in the class?"

"HELL TO THE YES!" I nearly screamed.

"Alright, than let's go!" She took my arm and turned the corner running to the dance studio.

Not long after we arrived at a nice sized studio with maybe ten or fifteen other girls there getting ready for ballet.

"Miss Jo-Anna!" Lucky said, running up to her instructor. "Miss Jo-Anna, this is Alice. She's kind of new in town and loves ballet and is willing to work really really hard so won't you please let her in?"

Miss Jo-Anna let out a small laugh. "Of course, Lucky." She said. "Any girl is welcome to take ballet. All she needs is a hair tie and an outfit."

"Perfect! Thank you so much Miss Jo-Anna!"

"Yeah, thank you so much! This means a lot to me." I said.

"Your welcome Alice, anyone is welcome to join my class as long as they work hard."

"I'll work really hard, I promise. I've loved ballet since I can remember."

"Alright, get going. You have to be ready in ten minutes. Lucky, you know what to do."

"Right. Thanks miss J!" Lucky pulled me into a back store-room and started sifting through boxes and racks.

"What exactly are you looking for?"

"I have a hair tie I can lend you, I just need to find you a ballet outfit. What size are you?"

"Very, very small."

"Do you look good in blue?"

"I guess..why?"

She held up this gorgeous blue ballet leatard and skirt and I fell in love. Especially with the matching shoes.

"They're kind of ancient but the smallest stuff in here."

"I'll work with it!" It took me only three minutes to slip everything on and while I laced up my slippers, Lucky did my hair. "How do I look?"

"Gorgeous, hun. Now let's go! Class starts in...two minutes!"

My life is getting so much better. Now all I have to do is find mama....
♠ ♠ ♠
Alice starts ballet!
Something BIG is gonna happen here.
I guess you'll find out soon ;D
Comment my loves(: