Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

12. The Diary of Alice Renee Sterling-Salvatore #1.

Dear diary,

Dance has been going pretty good for the last week..ish. Haha. It's only been about six days and Miss Jo-Anna says I'm already more advanced than three-quarters of the class.

Elena and Bonnie love watching me dance. They even got you for me. I'm so happy(:

Stefan and Damon are always asking me questions about how Dylan and Andy set up traps and stuff and when I remember, I remember how lazy they were to set them up.

It shouldn't be long before I get my mama back. I promised her I wouldn't let her down, and I always keep my promises.

The recidal is in a about a month or two, I can't remember, and a few of the preppy girls there give me these bitchy looks because I'm more advanced than them.

I want to high-kick all three of them in their ugly, faux blonde, pug faces.

I've even been tutoring Lucky with some of the dance steps. Everyone's so proud of me. I bet if mama was here she would be too.

I'm doing really well in school. There's even a dance coming up soon. Everyone's calling it Semi-Formal I think? I don't know if I'm gonna go. One of the boys in our homeroom, Damien, already asked Lucky, so she's going. I don't know if I will though.

Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie keep insisting that I go and they're going to make me get a dress and go anyway. They say it'll be good for me. Caroline's going to match my shoes with my dress (damn the heels), Bonnie's going to pick out a dress, and Elena's going to do my hair. Lucky's going to help with my make-up and getting me a guy. I really don't see a point.

The dance is in two weeks and it's in the gym. Stupid Lucky even got me a ticket too. She's making Aster go though too, so that should make it interesting. I wonder what she did to him to make him go though..

Maybe I will go. Well..if Aster goes I guess..

♠ ♠ ♠
I don't feel like ending it there so I think I'll post another just because of the dance.
You'll see ;D