Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

15. I Know I Can Stop The Pain If I Will It All Away.

[[Alice's POV]]

Tears silently fell down my cheeks as I continued to stare out the window. I could sense something was going on downstairs, but I was too lost in my thoughts to see what it was.

"Alice, Alice open the door." Damon said at my door. When I didn't give him a response, I heard him sigh and he said, "If you don't open the door yourself than I'm coming in."

I continued to give him silence. "Fine then." Damon said.

I went back to my thoughts, and due to my lack of senses since they're being clouded by my thoughts, I didn't even notice when Damon appeared next to me.

"Well, aren't you rather depressed." He said. If I hadn't been so away in my mind, I would have jumped nearly ten feet in the air. "Damn, you're no fun."

I got another sigh and he stared out the window with me. "You know, I'm no good at this type of stuff. I only know it's something with that Aster guy. I knew he was trouble. So what'd he do?"

"He kissed me and regretted it leaving me behind at the dance so I ran away crying in front of everybody." I said monotone, no feeling or nothing, not even blinking either.

Damon's eye twitched slightly. "See? Guys are no good. They're just..stupid."

I gave him a side glance.

"Well, human guys anyways. They're total dicks. Hell, even a lot of vamp guys are that way too. They're just pathetic. Truely pathetic."

"And how is Aster pathetic? He'd fall under the catagory of Pathetic Vamp Guy, Dad." I spat the Dad part.

"I know what he is. And I know what Lucky is. You forget, I've been around the block a few times."

"That's because you're either too drunk on whisky or human blood to find your damn way home."

"Look, Alice, I'm just trying to help. I told you I'm no good at this."


Damon cut his eyes at me and I replied, "I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away..if I will it all away..." My voice grew fainter and fainter and I felt more tears coming to my eyes.

"You can, actually." I raised an eyebrow. "When you're a vampire, there's like an off button for guilt and such. But that usually turns you into a soulless bitch or bastard. Not a pretty sight."

"I know.." I said quietly.

"Right.." A tear fell from my eye, but the tear was like a clear kind of red. Like clear blood falling from my eye. "Uhm, Alice, you just cried blood, that would freak most people out.."

"I can stop the pain..if I will it all away..if I will it all away.." I lost all control of my senses.

[[Damon's POV]]

"I can stop the pain..if I will it all away..if I will it all away.." She was slipping, something was definetly wrong.

"Stefan!" I called. Rarely, would I call for my little brother's help, but for the first time in a long time, I was freaking out.

Stefan and Elena were up here instantly, and I unlocked the door, running back to Alice as she fell back.

"Oh my God.." Elena barely said.

"Damon, what happened?" Stefan asked as he looked at the bloody tears falling from Alice's onyx eyes.

"I don't know! I was talking to her and her normal tears turned bloody and she kept saying 'I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away'."

"That's in 'Whisper' by Evanescence." Ashiee said, entering the room.

"Why would she say that?" Elena asked.

"How the hell should I know? Everything was some version of okay and now this!" I'm not loosing her like I almost did with Kat several times..

I touched Alice's cheek, and saw something unimaginable...

Damon..? Kat's voice rang in my head as a vision came into my mind. Oh Damon, it is you! Oh my god, what's wrong with Alice?!

Uhm...long story. Are you okay? Where are you?

I wish I could tell you..I'm barely alive. If I wasn't a dhampir and didn't have the stamina and strength, I'd probably be dead by now.

I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you in time...but I promise you, I'll keep Alice safe and we'll rescue you. And how did you know Alice was here..?

Thank you, Damon. And she's my daughter, we have a special bond. It's a long story that I'll tell you some other time. And I know Alice has some special affinities and Powers too, I can sense them. I already know she can see into other peoples' thoughts with a touch. Much like Renesmee Cullen in Breaking Dawn. is it we're talking now?

Through Alice. She's like the mediator. Her Spirit Energy is in the middle allowing us to talk. You must have touched her cheek.

I did, and you're not looking so well. And Alice keeps having these terrible nightmares about--

About me, I know. I know a couple of them are me disapointed with her, tell her I'd never be. I'll always love her. And I'll always love you, Damon.

Why does that sound like a goodbye?

Because I have to go before Dylan and Andy find out.

I love you, Kathralyn Sterling.

And I love you, Damon Salvatore.

I was sent back to everything and everyone freaking out. "What happened..?" I said, putting a hand to my head.

"Both of you completely blacked out. We got worried." Elena said.

Within seconds, Alice's onyx eyes fluttered open and I smiled down at her. "Your mom loves you, and she always will." Alice smiled, knowing what I meant.
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys better comment this and Written in Poison more if you like them or I may not update anymore!
Haha, jk. I'll still update, just not as often. Maybe..once every few weeks or so...
*sigh* hahaa.
Alice has powers..ooh. hahaa. But why did she keep saying those lines from Whisper..?
What's to come?
And what the hell is Aster's problem? Hahaa.
More to come in my next update if you guys comment ;D