Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

16. Here We (Almost) Go Again..

[[Alice's POV]]

As I attempted sitting up, Damon helped me from my lack of strength.

"Are you okay?" He asked, actually concerned.

I nodded. "I'll be alright.." I sensed the others' presence and looked at Damon saying, "Can I talk to you?"

By my look, he understood and nodded, giving Stefan and Elena a look saying, 'Uhm, out.' Stefan rolled his eyes and everyone left, Elena shutting the door behind her.

"Did that used to happen a lot?" Damon asked me slowly, unsure if he should.

I shook my head. "Maybe once or twice. It only happens when people have a strong connection to my mama. Like you. You must have a really strong one if you could speak with her that long."

Damon's soulless eyes seemed to lighten up and care at the mention of my mama. "You remind me so much of her."

"You speak of her like she's dead. She's not."

"I know, but she's not doing well."

"I could have guessed. From when I left her, she was even thinner than me."

"Just curious, but how much do you weigh..?"

"87 pounds. About that." Damon's eyes slightly widened. "Last time I remember, my mama was about ten pounds less than that."

Even though he wasn't saying anything and his face was expressionless, I could tell something was wrong and put my hand to his cheek, sensing his red-orange and black aura of pure rage and darkness.

I removed my hand and looked him straight in the eye saying, "I know you're pissed too, but you can't go rushing in to fight Dylan and Andy. Andy may be a complete idiot and pretty much just following ring-leader Dylan who's a total psycho she-bitch, but they're both smarter than they appear. I was lucky I got away because usually wherever we move, they rig the house so we can't."

"I got a good glimpse at the house. It looks like a 19th centure manor."

"A manor this time?" I thought back to something my mama had told me and gasped. "They're not working alone anymore.."

"Alice..what the hell do you mean..?"

"You remember my mama's psycho ex-boyfriend who wasn't even really her boyfriend, right?"


"If I'm thinking right, I'm almost thinking he's the real ring leader and that's why my mama was kidnapped."

"But, Ashton's dead. Like, really dead. Kat pretty much beat his ass to death herself."

"Ah, but you forget, for some reason that she-bitch doesn't like to stay dead and he's a pain in our happy asses!"

"...Happy asses..?"

"Long story." My eye twitched and I felt something rushing in me.

"Alice? Alice what's wrong?"

[[Damon's POV]]

Alice's face suddenly fell blank and expressionless and she didn't blink nor move and I got worried. "Alice? Alice what's wrong?" I said, shaking her.

Her onyx eyes turned ice blue. The familiar ice blue eyes I remember from a pissy seventeen year old girl back nearly a four or five years ago.

She gasped slightly and smiled. "Damon," she barely said.

"Kat? Kat is that really you..?" I was stunned.

"Eh..sort of. Alice and I have a connection so I can speak through her sometimes. It takes a lot out of both of us, but it's worth it."

"It seems like everytime I get to talk to you now you always have to say goodbye in a matter of seconds."

"By doing this, I've got around ten minutes before Alice and I start losing focus and control. I can make it to fifteen, but Alice is still new at this so I'm not sure if she can."

"You've done this before?"

"Yes, when she would run errands for Dylan and Andy. And in her ballet classes Steph would take her to. She's a natural ballet dancer, you know."

"Alice said something about Ashton being alive still, do you know anything?"

She shook her head. "Not really. I've been managing to sense some kind of dark presence that gets close, hangs around for a while, then vanishes. It happens periodically and Dylan's been studying the Dark Arts. I think they're trying to do a resurrection spell."

"A resurrection spell?"

"If you're strong enough and have what you need, a resurrection spell can bring any dead person back to life." Ashiee said, standing in the doorway. "But of course, that's just coming from a witch's perspective and having her family's bloodline being from a long line of Black Bloods."

I looked at Kat who replied, "Black Bloods are people in a certain bloodline that are pure blood in whatever they are and the oldest bloodlines. Like Ashiee's family of witches, Kai's family of vampire hunters,"

"Speaking of freaking Kai, she's back. Ashiee and Laura left to Salem shortly after your kidnapping to arrange some things,"

"By that he means me studying magic and Laura controlling her power so we could help."

"And God knows where Kai went,"

"Training to help."

I rolled my eyes, "but she came back."

"With a bang."


"Blew off a door?" Kat asked.

We nodded. "How'd you know?" I asked.

"She's done it before. Twelve times before actually..Anyways, Ashiee's right. And if they do pull it off, than I can kiss my life goodbye after what I did to Ashton."

"I know, we're working on it. We've got a whole raid being planned out."


"How much time do we have?"

"I'd say around a few weeks."

"Than just before that few weeks is up. Do you think you can try this again when you think we're almost out of time?"

"I can try, but no promises. I can tell you the place is a 19th century manor. I managed to get a glimpse out the window, there's a bunch of vines on the sides of the house and it's white painted. Some of it's chipping. And I can probably snoop around to find out what Dylan's up to and how much long we've got if our suspicions are correct."

"Just hold in a little longer, love."

"Everyday I last because I think of you and Alice."

"I love you, Kat."

"I love you too, Damon." She smiled at me one last time before fading back into Alice and Alice passing out on her bed.

I tucked Alice in and went downstairs to tell the others what I had just found out.
♠ ♠ ♠
That bastard doesn't like to die.
But what's really going on..?
And will the raid be in time?
Or too late?
Or just in time?
What about Alice's recidal?
And Aster?
What's to come?!
Guess you'll just have to wait and see ;D
Comment my lovely and probably sorta ticked off at my cliffhangers readers(: