Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

18. Lost Memories.

[[Damon's POV]]

"Where the hell is Alice?!" I said to the lady at the front desk.

"Damon!" I heard Lucky's voice behind me.

"Lucky what the hell is going on?!" I asked, worried and furious.

"We were in dance, Alice got the lead in the recital, Mandy was pissed beyond pissed, Alice told her off, I went to get my water, Alice was practicing, Mandy tripped or shoved her, she hit her head, and was rushed here. Elena and everyone is on their ways." Lucky said, catching her breath at the end.

"Oh my god..." I was shocked for a minute, than pissed. Very, very pissed. "Where the hell is this Mandy chick?" I growled.

"Police Station. Sheriff Forbes is questioning her and she's probably going to be locked up for a while or on trial if anything happens to Alice."

"Where is she now?"

"Being checked out by doctors. I don't know what room though. They rushed her in about twenty minutes ago and I haven't heard anything since."

I turned back to the lady at the desk and gave her my signature Damon eyes. "Can you please tell me where Alice Sterling-Salvatore is?"

"S-second floor." She said.

Good enough. "Let's go, Lucky." I said, heading to the elevator.


I paced back and forth in front of the room Alice was in. She was unconcious and I was freaking out like I have been for the last five minutes as Elena and Stefan came running up to us.

"Damon," Stefan said. "How's Alice?"

I shook my head. "They won't tell us anything. All we can do is watch for now and I hate it!" I balled my fist and hit the wall.

"Don't worry, Damon. I'm sure she'll be fine. She's been through much worse, remember." Lucky ensured me.

"Yeah...but still..."

"You care so much because she's your daughter. You can't help but worry. She's a part of you and Kat which makes you worry more." Elena said.

She was right.

She was a piece of me and Kat and the only thing I had to hold onto until I could find Kat and bring her home.

It was nearly an hour later when the doctor finally came out and I rushed up to him, resisting the urge to rip his throat out.

"Is she okay?" I asked, frantic.

"Are you her father?" He asked.

No shit, what do I look like, her grandfather? I thought. But nodded.

"She hit her head extremely hard and has a concussion. But she's just waking up. We still have to do a couple more tests before anyone can see her. And only one at a time so she doesn't stress out, please."

"How much longer before we can see her?" I asked.

"The tests shouldn't take long. Maybe--" Before he could finish, Alice started freaking out in her room and he rushed back in.

I never left that window to her room until they said I could go in around a half hour later.

"One at a time you may see her, but I have to tell you,"

"Tell us what?" I almost growled.

"She has slight memory loss."

My heart completely dropped. Or..whatever was there to be considered a heart..

"What's that supposed to mean..?"

"Alice has no recollection of her family or childhood or anything. And how did she get that mark on her wrist?"

"It's a long story.."

The doctor pulled me aside and said quietly, "Look, I know she's a hybrid. And I know you and your brother are near 500 year old vampires. She's Kat's daughter, isn't she?"

"You know Kat?"

"I was a family friend. Kat was like a neice to me for some time. I heard something happened and by that mark I could put it all together. It was Dylan and Andy, wasn't it?"

I nodded.

"They were always out for her. And none of her own family ever believed her. Those two were close with Ashton, too."

"What else do you know?"

"That's about it. I didn't really know she had a daughter until I saw the face and your eyes in her. She has no clue about vampires or anything, either."

"What does she remember..?"

The doctor shook his head, "Not much, I'm afraid. She barely guessed her name began with an A."

"Will she ever get her memory back..?"

"Slowly, it's a possibility. Just take things slow with her. Don't force things on her, memories will come to her piece by piece. Try telling her some things like her favourite coloures, cereals, stores, hobbies,"



"Alice absolutely loves ballet. And that's how she got into this. Because of Mandy Pritchard.." I growled.

"My name is Steven, Stevan Anderson. I can assure you Mandy will not go unpunished for this."

"Are you sure Alice will be okay?"

Steven shook his head. "If she's lucky, she'll get all her memories back in a few months. Like I said, just take it slow Mr. Salvatore. You can see her now, if you want. Let her know you're her dad. But don't give her nightmares about her mom quite yet. Just tell her what a great mom she has. Tell her she's on a business trip even."

I nodded and went into Alice's room, sitting on a chair next to her bed.

"Hey, Alice." I said gently.

She cocked her head to the right. She's just like Kat..

"Do I know you, mister?" That was even worse than a steak to my cold, unbeating heart.

"I'm Damon. I-I'm your dad."

Her onyx irises seemed to sparkle. "If you're my dad, than who's my mama?"

"Your mama is a great woman. Her name's Kat. But she's away on a buisness trip right now. She's so worried about you."

"Kat..." Alice pondered the name. "Where is she?"

"She's...she's She's always loved Salem. And her poetry took off pretty well so she's at a book signing."

"No she's not..."

"Do you remember something, sweetie?"

"I just know she's not in's a place that begins with a D..."

"It's okay, don't stress about it now. You'll remember when you remember."

She shook her head. "Something's wrong, though. I can feel it."

I stroked her hair and said, "Don't worry, Alice, just focus on getting better right now."

If it was almost anyone else, I probably wouldn't be crying right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no!!
Alice lost her memory!
The recital is in just under a weekish, and the raid too!
Will Alice get her memory back by then?!
Comment my lovely and probably ticked and upset readers(: