Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

19. The Fever.

[[Damon's POV]]

It broke my heart to watch Alice not remember anything. She had no idea who Lucky was, or Stefan, or Elena, no one. And it would probably hurt more when we get to bring her home tomorrow..

Ashiee shook her head. "I'm not using magic on a memory lossed, concussion surviving, hybrid, minor. No."

"Couldn't you try?" Lucky and I nearly begged.

"No." Ashiee was solid in her decision.

"If you can't give her her memory back, can you at least see how much longer it's going to last?" Lucky asked.

"I read tarot cards, hun. I ain't no psychic. Just a card reader."

"But what about the recital?" Lucky gasped, "And the show!"

"Show?" Ashiee asked.

"Yeah, just before vacation or something Alice is supposed to perform a few songs for the school."

"Which vacation?"

"I'm thinking before school gets out. Yeah, 'cause that's the only one left."

"When does school get out?"

"June..." She paused to think, "16th. Alice would have to sing around nine-ish on the 16th."

"That leaves her a month." Elena piped in.

"And barely over a week before the recital."

"She'll come back." I tried to convince myself. "She'll be herself in no time..."

[[Alice's POV]]

{{Next Day}}

Everyone was silent as I stepped through the doorway of the boarding house. I looked all around, but nothing came to me.

"Alice, if you like you can go upstairs and lay down." Stefan, I think, said.

"N-no...I'm okay...I think..." I said as I explored the house.

Upstairs, I felt some kind of pull towards the third door to my right. Slowly, I opened the door, and sensed it was my room by the teenage girl things in it. I went over to 'my' nightstand and picked up a picture frame as I sat on 'my' bed when Damon...or my dad...or whoever he is came in.

"Is this my mama?" I asked him, showing him the picture.

He nodded, a sad smiled on his face, and he sat next to me. "Sure is, Alice. Me and your mom."

"She's so pretty...and she looks so happy. When was this taken?"

"A while ago...where's your necklace?"

"Necklace? What necklace?"

"Your mom's ring on a little silver chain."

"I didn't have it when I woke up at the hospital."

"She took it off for dance. It was in my bag." Lucky said, passing by quickly and tossing Damon 'my' necklace.

"Here, hun." Damon said, clasping the necklace on behind me.

"It's so pretty..did you give my mama this ring?" I asked as I inspected the ring.

He nodded. "The day I proposed to her."

"I'm sorry."

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong."

"For not remembering. I'm trying, I really am, but I just don't remember it's just...poof. Gone..."

Damon held me close and shushed me. "Alice, hun, it's not your fault. It's that stupid Mandy's... or whatever her name is. You'll remember soon enough, love. Why don't you just lay down for a while?"

I nodded and Damon tucked me in. "One more question though?"

"What is it?"

"Is it okay if I call you Daddy instead of....?"

"Damon. And yeah, it's alright." He turned out the light and walked out with a smile.


"Alice..." A strange voice whispered to me.

"She can hear us now!" Another said.

"She's weak...a pathetic excuse for a vampire." One hissed.

I shot up in my bed, very freaked out with moonlight shining on my face and said, "W-who's there? How do you know who I am? I don't even know!" shaking my head furiously.

"Memory loss..such a shame for something like you my dear..."

"Who are you?! What do you want with me?!" I yelled, feeling very hot all of a sudden.

"You can stop the pain, if you will it all away..."

My hands flew to my aching head, "Stop it! Stop it! Leave me alone! Please!" I cried, falling out of my bed with tears running down my face.

"Don't turn away..."

"Don't try to hide..."

"Don't close your eyes..."

"Don't turn out the lights..."

"What do you want from me?!"

"Servatis à periculum...."

"Servatis à maleficum..."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed and Daddy and Stefan came running in, helping me up.

"Stefan, she's on fire." Daddy said.

"I can see that, Alice? Alice what happened?" Stefan asked me.

"Make the voices stop! And turn off the heat!" I shrieked.

"You can stop the pain..."

"If you will it all away..."

"Make them stop!"

"Make who stop, Alice?" Daddy asked, holding me close and sounding scared.

"The voices! I don't know who they are! Just make them stop! And make it cold!" I screamed again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no!
What's happening to Alice now?!
A fever..hearing voices...
but what voices?
And why the fever?
and why now?
Guess you'll just have to comment to find out ;D