Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

o2. Surprise, Damon.

"Sterling-Salvatore?" Elena asked, nervously.

I nodded.

"Who are your parents?" The guy, Stefan, said.

"Kat Sterling I know is my mama. She gave me this," I pulled out the picture my mama had given me, "and said I need to find him because he's my dad."

Stefan took the picture and both of them eyed it carefully.

"She says I have his eyes." Who the hell else has black eyes?

"Come on, we need to talk." Stefan said. I nodded and they led me to where Stefan and Damon lived--the old boarding house.


I sat on the couch with Stefan and Elena sitting in front of me in chairs. Elena looked kind of freaked out and Stefan looked unsure and confused.

"How old are you?" Stefan asked.

"Fourteen. But technically three--you could say I'm like Renesmee Cullen in the Twilight saga. I'll eventually stop by time I'm physically 17 or 18."

"What happened to Kat?" Elena asked this time.

"She was kidnapped by her cousins. For the last three and half years she's been tortured for information. On what, I don't know. Since I was about three physically I've been the maid you could said. I did the cooking, cleaning, everything. And if I didn't do it in the time they gave me," I rolled up my sweatshirt sleeve and showed them the scar from when Dylan shoved a knive in my wrist.

"Oh my god!" Elena gasped.

"It looks worse than it felt. Being a hybrid and beaten up daily you learn to get used it and cry when you can't be heard."

"Why did Kat send you here?" Stefan asked.

"To save me. She wanted me to go on and find Damon. She doesn't care if she dies, it matters to her if I live. She once said she could die happily knowing I got away instead of her dying and knowing I'm still there being tortured for the rest of my life."

"Do you know who kidnapped your mom?"

I nodded. "Her cousins Dylan and Andy. I'd tell you where they are, but they move each week so no one can find them. But no matter where we were, my mama was always locked in the attic and me in the cellar with two blankets and a pillow."

"Is your mom still alive?"

"Barely. She holds on for my sake. I know I look skinny because I am. I only weigh about 87 pounds. We hardly ate. We couldn't. I was lucky to get scraps."

They both looked horrified. I looked down at my bare feet.

"I'm home." My head shot up and instantly I knew it had to be Damon. "Who's this?" He asked, coming over to us.

"Damon, this is Alice. Your daughter." Stefan replied for me.
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Chapter two!