Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

22. Would Someone Please Explain?


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" We both yelled at each other.


Clearly this was getting us no where so I got up off of him.

"Alice, what in hell are you doing way out here?" Aster asked.

"Don't you think I'd love to know? One second I'm walking to school, a place I don't even fucking remember, and the next some psycho is chasing me trying to turn me into Swiss Cheese ala Alice!"

"What do you mean you don't remember?"

"He doesn't know what happened." Annalissa said in my head.

What do you mean he doesn't know?

"You two kind of got into a fight before the incident so you haven't spoken for around a couple of weeks."

I looked down at my feet. "You didn't hear..?"

"No, I didn't. What happened?"

"Ballet class. I don't even know. I didn't even know I could dance..."

"Do you remember anything?"

"While I was running I vaguely remembered you and Lucky."

"What do you mean vaguely?"

"I only know your names and faces. Barely."

Aster's cold ice blue eyes seemed sorrowed and troubled. "Oh..I'm sorry..."

"Yeah..but who was chasing me? I could sense the aura and--"

"You could sense the aura?"

"Yeah, long story. But the aura was black and crimson. The signature to the--"

"To the Shaddix family. I know. But how do you?"

"Not now."

"Really long story. But who was chasing me? And why are you out here? And where the hell is here?"

"Long story." He used my excuse. I narrowed my onyx irises. "Come on, we should hide somewhere."

"I want answers."

"I'll give you my answers when you give me yours. Now let's go, Alice."

"Alright, Jesus Christ..."

Aster took my hand and walked me to this huge oak tree and we hid inside.

"So what exactly do you remember?"

"Nothing, really. Just things I've been told, but I don't remember any of it."

" did you know about the auras and junk?"

"Have you heard of the Voice of the Dead?"

"You're going to tell a Shaddix? Are you mad woman?!"

I don't know why...but I feel like I can trust him...

Aster nodded slowly.

"Well, I woke up a few nights ago screaming at voices with a terrible fever and turns out I was in this freaky Spirit Realm where I met Annalissa."

"Annalissa Skyes?"

Uhm, Annalissa? You wanna take this one?

"Why not? We both need some answers, here." So without warning, Annalissa kicked me out of my own body and put herself in.

"How do you know me?" I asked the boy.

"Lady Annalissa of the North, it's a pleasure." The boy replied.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "How. Do. You. Know. Me?"

"Everybody in my family has heard of the legendary Annalissa Skyes. The first dhampir to have a happy family with a vampire husband a hybrid daughter. Well, until you were killed and Kathralyn came into position of course."

HOW DOES HE KNOW MY MOM AND I DON'T?! I yelled in our head.

"Leave Kat out of this. Alice is still here, you know. My spirit is just occupying her body at the moment. Alice has no memories of her mother or anything so leave her out of it."

"Whatever you say. But still,"

"No. Who in your demon family is hunting down Alice and why?"

"How the hell should I know? I can't stand my family."

"That's a surprise. The Shaddixes usually stick together."

"Yeah, until my stupid parents kicked me out of the house."

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Because I--Wait, Alice can still hear, can't she?"

No fucking duhh, dude. I said.

"Yes, she can. Why? Is that a problem?"

"Kind of...I was planning on telling her later and now is definetly not a good time. So for all I know, it could be anyone if it's because of why I'm living with my brother who also got kicked out for the same reason I did."

"Who's your brother?"

"Alex. Alex Shaddix."

"Ah, I know of Alex. And now I know why you're living with him. Am I correct?"

Aster nodded.

Will someone please explain to the little black haired girl who has no idea who any of these people are anyways?!

"Hush, Alice. You will know in due time."
♠ ♠ ♠
Why is Aster living with his bro?
Why are him&&his bro kicked out&&technically prob disowned?
More questions to be revealed with the coming of comments(: