Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

24. Everything Ended...Now It's Began Once More.

[[The day of the dance recital!]]]

I fanned myself, Lucky holding my water bottle. "Are you sure you're okay? I mean, after everything,"

"I'm fine. I've caught up, I know the routine, I'm going to go out there and kick ass."

"That's my girl! And Mandy will no longer be here so no worries."

"'Kay. And what song are we doing again?"

"Meet me on the Equinox by Death Cab For Cutie."

"Wasn't that on the New Moon soundtrack?"

"Yupp, but it fits well with our routine."

"True, true. Alright, let's go! Wait, I need water. Haha." I took a sip, and went on stage as if I had remembered everything.

When the curtain went up, I was slightly in shock. No one was there. Not Daddy, not uncle Stefan, no one. Until I looked down a few more seats and saw Aster. Whom I haven't seen since the whole forest incident and he vanished completely after we got out.

I still haven't found out who was chasing us.

The music started and we all started to dance.

[[here's the song too just so you can listen as well:]]

Your solo is in the middle, Alice. I thought. The song started to slow down and I knew I was about to go on. The spotlight came on me alone and I began to dance my solo.

"The window...has opened to...the sun crossed...across your bedroom...the halo...awaiting moon...your last breaths...moving through everything, everything ends...

That's when it happened. Like lightning everything came back to me.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is your name Lucky?" I asked her. I mean, I know I'm named after Alice from Alice in Wonderland, but Lucky?

"Because I was born two months premature and had terrible breathing problems the first few weeks of my life that I'm lucky to be alive and sitting here and breathing on my own now." She smiled. My jaw dropped slightly. "Why is your name Alice?"

"Because my mom was obsessed with Alice in Wonderland..." I mumbled.


"Uh, because my mom liked the name." Yeah..that's it...


"Oh. You remind me a lot of Alice from Alice in Wonderland though, other than the fact you look like her polar opposite." She chuckled. "Oh! Aster! Meet Alice." She said when a black haired guy walked in.

He had black hair covering his eyes, his left barely peeping out, wearing black skinnies, converses, and a black buttoned down long sleeve with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

Jeeze, who died? I mean, I know I love wearing all black but he's like walking death where Lucky's like a big bowl of sunshine.

"Aster, this is Alice. Alice, Aster Shaddix." Lucky said, still smiling like the big bowl of sunshine she is.

"Hi." He said grimly. Uh, walking death much?

"Hi." I returned, my mom's Estonian accent seeping into my words yet again.


"Oh, hey Nikki." I said.

"Who's Nikki?" Alice asked.

"I'm her cousin. I came here from Danville." She said, putting emphasis on Danville. My eyes widened and she nodded.

Nikki...I gasped. Danville!

"What's the big deal about Danville?" Aster asked, still like he was walking death.

"Oh...we have a lot of family there. Like mine, my mom is there." She's in Danville, Alice.

Suddenly, I just stopped dancing. Lucky did too. Aster sat up straight in his seat.

Everything came flooding back to me; how I ran away from Dylan and Andy, meeting Damon and everyone, Nikki, finding out where my mom is, the dance...I gasped again, the raid!

I ran off stage, Lucky and Aster behind me, ran out the doors, and we ran down the street, Lucky and I yanking out our buns and readying for some seriously needed ass kicking.

"You remember?!" Lucky said happily.

"Everything!" I smiled, glad to have my life back.

"Welcome back to the land of the somewhat living, Alice!" Aster said.

"Oh please, you should talk! You're like walking death!" I joked.

It only took us about half an hour or so to reach Danville. I focused hard on my mama and Damon and found quickly where to go, leading my friends.

Once we reached the manor, Bonnie, Elena, and Laura were already outside with a few cuts and bruises.

"Alice!" Elena said, coming to hug me.

"I remember. I remembered everything during my solo. Where is everyone?"

"Damon, Stefan, Kai, and Ashiee are still inside fighting. They can't get past the second the floor. We already tried, too."

"Well I know I sure as hell can." I grinned, cracked my knuckles, and ran and jumped onto the roof of the manor, climbing my way to the top and walking to the attic.

"Alice! Be careful!" I heard called to me.

Silently as I could, I opened the attic window and slipped in. Only seeing one door, I figured that had to be what I've been looking for.

Not caring if anyone heard me anymore, I kicked the door in and found my mama, skinny as a stick, smiling and nearly crying at the sight of me.

"Alice!" She said as I ran to hug her.

"Mama! Oh mama I missed you!"

"Oh give it a break." A voice came from behind us. I stood protectfully in front of my mama to face Andy.

"Shut the fuck up, dude. I am in no mood for you what-so-ever."

"Shame." Andy grinned and jumped for me. I tackled him back with all my strength, hitting him as hard as I could. I heard a snap, and mama threw me a leg to a broken chair. I grinned and slammed the makeshift stake into Andy's heart.

"First rule, do not piss off anyone with the last name Sterling or Salvatore. I, oddly enough, have both." I turned back to my mama. "Come on, we have to get you out of here. And fast."

Mama nodded and I had her put an arm around my shoulders as I helped her out the attic window.

"Think you can handle if we jump?" I asked.

"Please, Alice, if I could make it through all of this, I can make it through a little jump."

"Whatever you say mama." I shrugged and jumped, both of us landing on our feet and the girls taking Kat.

"What happened up there?" Elena asked.

"Andy. But I took care of him." I replied. "Where's Dam--Daddy?" I smiled, remembering one more thing from my non-memory days.

Elena smiled at that and told me he was still inside and Aster had now joined the fight.

The door to the manor bursted open once more and Stefan and Aster were dragging out a very injured Damon.

My onyx eyes filled with rage as I screamed and charged into the manor. I ran right into the livingroom to find Dylan, finishing with a resurrection spell.

I stopped dead in my tracks and cursed.

Dylan turned around and grinned psycotically at me.

"YOU SICK, TWISTED BASTARD!" I yelled, charging at him and grabbing his throat with my nails. "I swear to fucking God, I will not let you or anyone pay for what the fuck you have done to my damn family!" I yelled in his face. I reached over at a broken coffee table, yanked off one of the legs, and jammed the make-shift stake into Dylan's heart as well.

But it was too late.

Just as I stood up, Ashton stood right behind me laughing his damn ass off.

"Alice Renee Sterling-Salvatore, you truely are your mother's child." He said.

I growled and turned to face him. "You are a sick bastard and for that you must die."

"I wish you luck with that, lovely Alice."

For the next twenty minutes, we were hitting and dodging, kicking and jumping, clawing and growling, until I had had enough.

Everyone burst in to help just as I had gotten my hands around his throat and---

[[Aster's POV]] (Who's happy to see this? Haha.)

I ran in, knowing what had happened. Dylan resurrected Ashton, of course, and Alice was about to kill his sorry ass and send him back to hell again.

But instead when I ran in with the others, I saw Alice grasp her hands around Ashton's throat and watched them both vanish into a white light.

Suddenly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to kick some ass, or find out what it felt like to cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
But Damon was hurt :(
I can tell you that he'll be okay.
But what the hell happened to Ashton and Alice?!
Third update for today,
and a long one I'd say just so I could get it to end there!
Comment if you love mee!