Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

26. Knives and Pens.

[[Kat's POV]] (Who missed this? Haha.)

"Kat, love, you have to stop pacing. We'll find her, I promise." Damon said to me.

"But, but what if she's being tortured this very instant? What if Ashton did something and dragged her off into some psycho realm and he's torturing her every day like she's his slave or something and when he finally gets sick of her he'll kill her off and come after us..again!?!"

Damon sighed. "Love, he looked about as shocked as Alice did when everything happened. I'm sure wherever they are that Alice probably kicked his ass twice over already. She's our daughter, she can make it through anything. She made it through hell and back in the last month and a half so I'm sure she's fine. We'll find her."

"And what about Aster?" I said, completely oblivious to everything he just said to me. "He's been so depressed! I mean, I don't know the guy that well, but he got so depressed when Alice just..vanished and by the look on his face he clearly loves her so God only knows what he can do and I heard he's a Shaddix and I don't know the Shaddixes that well but I'm sure that it's their family that doesn't like it when--" Damon covered my mouth from my repeated talking.

"Breathe, love, breathe." Damon chuckled and removed his hand.

"But I'm serious! What if something terrible has happened?!"

"It's not like it hasn't before, Kat. But Alice has made it. Alice made it through Dylan and Andy's torture, ran god knows how long barefoot to Mystic Falls, and memory loss. She can make it through a vanishing act. We all just need to hope for the best and think of ways to find her."

I sighed and then an idea struck me, "Ashiee!"


"Ashiee's a witch! And Bonnie! Maybe they can--"


"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"Alright, what's your plan?"

"I was thinking that since Ashiee and Bonnie are both witches, that they could work together to maybe find Alice's aura. Just to give us some kind of clue where she is."

"And how exactly would they know her aura?"

"Her dance slippers." A new voice said by the door. I looked over to find Aster.

"What do you mean?" Damon said.

"Alice's blue dance slippers. She was practically inseparable from those things."

"But didn't they vanish with her?" I asked.

Aster shook his head. "Lucky should have them. I know she took them off right before she went running in to kick some ass."

I looked at Damon with my big, hopeful, puppy-dog eyes. He sighed.

[[Aster's POV]]

Not exactly what I had planned, but this works too. Because if I can find something of her, I know I can save her. And so help me I will.

"Well, Grams always told me that spells like this required an enormous amount of Power." Bonnie said.

"In one of my books it said that the full moon gives Power to those who need it at that time." Ashiee added.

"And the Shaddix family has much to spare, believe me." I said.

"Aster?" Kat asked. I looked up at her and she smiled. "I know you can save Alice. And I know you could probably do it better than any one of us put together." She said gently.

"Thanks, and believe me, I intend to."

"You know Aster, this is very dangerous. Ashton isn't one to be messed with." Stefan said.

"Yeah, Kat was lucky she finally killed him. He does not like to die." Laura added.

"And don't forget, I believe it was him that sent Katherine after us." Kai threw in.

"I know of the guy. And I know how to handle him. Believe me.." I shuddered at the old memories.

Aster Shaddix Quote I--

"In a world of despair and misery, how is she is the only light that manages to penetrate my dark soul and make me want to chase her...?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its shortt.
And I think for a bit I'm going to be throwing in some quotes the characters may have in their heads.
I decided to start with out beloved [and depressed] Aster Shaddix(:
Now we've got an idea of a plan.
Let's see how this goes...
Also, the chapter title,
No idea.
Just wanted to throw it up there(: