Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

28. Open the Gate.

[[Aster's POV]]
[Six days later]

"Aster," Bonnie said cautiously. "since you bear the marks, this may hurt a little."

"Oh come on Bonnie," Ashiee corrected. "he's a big boy and a vampire. Aster, this is probably going to hurt a whole freakin' lot."

"I don't care." I said low, my eyes hiding behind my hair.

In the last six days, I had learned a few things. Alice is stuck in the Spirit Realm, she's pretty much being tortured, and she left me the marks of Spirit's Gate meaning I'm the only one who can actually enter the Spirit Realm or even open the Gate to bring her back.

"Uhm, guys," Elena said, worried. "You may want to check out the news."

"This just in, a young girl's body was found just outside of Danville, Virginia." The reporter said. "She looks to be around fourteen years of age, and the case is a homicide due to her horrifying marks all over her body."

My mouth gently fell open when the shot of the girl came on the TV. It was Alice...

"The young girl also appears to have just came from a dance class of some sort and is missing her shoes. It is unclear of how long she has been here or what exactly happened, but the case is an unsolved homicide. No further details are being told at this time. Back to you, Kathy."

My fists clenched themselves tightly. "Just because her body's been beaten doesn't mean she's gone. Her spirit is still trapped. We can save her." I said through my gritted teeth.

"Aster's right," Kat said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "at least we know her body was found. Now all we have to do is put her spirit into it."

"And how exactly are we supposed to do that?" Kai protested. "Just because her body was found, and not looking her best I may add, doesn't mean we can still save her. What if her spirit went with whatever is remaining of her body?"

"No," Laura interjected. "Kat and Aster are right. Her spirit is wandering somewhere. It's like when Buffy was killed in Buffy the--uhm, yeah, that show..But still, Willow and Buffy's friends brought her spirit back. So why can't we?"

"Because it's screwing with the laws of nature." Ashiee said. "But I love screwing with the laws of nature. I'm on Kat and Aster's team."

"Any idiot would know I'd do anything to get my daughter back." Damon said.

"Just because we have two witches and Aster has the marks of Spirit's Gate doesn't mean Alice's spirit is still there." Stefan added. "Aster could get himself trapped in there. It's too risky."

"It was too risky when Willow did it." Bonnie argued. "And Aster can handle himself. Him, Damon, and Kat want Alice back more than any of us here. I'm willing to try."

"Sorry Stefan, Kai, but I'm going to have to agree with them. It's risky, but we've got to try something. What if Alice's spirit is still there and we don't have much time to save her?"

Stefan and Kai nodded. "Alright," Kai said. "We'll wing it."

Just like the last time, we all gathered around the table, palms up.

"Aster shouldn't go alone." Damon said.

"I'm a big boy, remember?" I replied.

"Damon, he can handle it. We all know Aster can bring our baby girl home." Kat said, putting her hand gently on Damon's arm. I could tell Damon didn't like the idea, but he went with it.

"Aster has the marks of Spirit's Gate, he's the only one who can go." Bonnie said, being the voice of reason here. "Aster remember, once you reach the Gate, you put your palms to the lock and the Gate doors should open. Once you have Alice, make sure your hands are together and you say, 'I release!' and you both should come back home."

"But Alice's body is all the way in Danville, I'm sure if her dead, mutilated body starts moving and freaking out that she's bound to freak out some people." Kai said.

"So Kat, Stefan and I will go get her. We'll say it's our daughter, and neice, and we want to see her one last time." Damon said.

Ashiee and Bonnie nodded.

"Are you ready, Aster?" Ashiee asked me. I nodded.

Bonnie and Ashiee started saying words I definetly did not know and my palms began to sting again. After about another couple of minutes of the spell, my palms felt like they were on fire and I couldn't move them again.

This is it, Aster, I thought. You know what you have to do.

And one again, I found myself in the Spirit Realm. This time, in front of Spirit's Gate.

I took a breath, stepped up to the big, silver gates, put my palms on the lock, and just like Bonnie had said, they opened. I raced in, my eyes adjusting to find Alice's aura, and I found her on the ground of a forest and she smiled up at me.

"I'm getting you the hell out of here, Alice." I said, taking her hands in mine.

She mouthed thank you to me, and I yelled, "I release!" and was shot back into my body, falling over in my chair.

[[Unknown's POV]]

I shot up, a cold sweat rushing down my face. Where am I..? I thought.

I stood up and looked in a mirror. Wow, I'm pretty.

Randomly, an image flashed through my mind.

Welcome To, Mystic Falls. It read.

Mystic Falls? Maybe that's where I should be?

Kathralyn Sterling Quote I;;

"She's my daughter, I'd do anything to get her back. And I'll kick any ass that dares stand in my royally pissed off way."
♠ ♠ ♠
Did the spell work?
And who's the unknown person?
I wasn't expecting to write this until tomorrow,
but I got to today!
Who's wondering what now??