Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

31. Together Again.

[[Alice's POV]] (She returns!)

I was happy, confused, and...something else I couldn't figure out. I felt...different. A lot different. But I had Aster and my body back, so I guess that's what counts for this moment in time.

"What happened to you?" Aster asked, stroking my cheek gently.

"I don't know exactly...All I remember is you releasing me and on my way through the Gates some other freak chick intercepted me but we both got into the Mortal Realm, her just getting to my body and sealing me in the reflection.'d you know I was still there?"

"I technically didn't...I just knew something was wrong. It was your body...pinkified--which made me want to throw up, honestly and--"

I stepped back a bit and gave him my, 'Are you freaking kidding me?' look. "Pink? Seriously?"

Aster nodded.

"Then I must go take a scolding hot shower." Aster and I laughed.

"You're probably right. I should get you back home. Damon and Kat will be overjoyed to see you alive and well."

Alive..mostly. Well..I'll get back to you.

Then it struck me. "Oh my god, mama and daddy, did Anna ever get to them? What about Lucky? And--"

"No, she never did. Why?"

"Because she'd talk about how she'd compel them into forgetting about me and only caring about her. She always talked about how she'd get you too.." I looked down at the last part.

Aster pulled my face towards him and said, "Do you think I'd let that loony pink freak get me? Compulsion of a psycho against compulsion of a Shaddix?"

I smiled, feeling kind of stupid. "Hah, you're right. But I still don't get what happened...and how did you know that, well, biting me body in this case..would give me my body back?"

"I didn't. I wung it. I was thinking that since she was some form of a human that since you're a vampire hybrid if I was to attempt to turn you it'd awaken your hybrid half and bring you back."

"Well it looks like you were right." I think.

"Now let's get you home."

I smiled and nodded as Aster held me up and walked me home.


The door creeked open slowly and the house was near silent besides quiet sobbing and hushing. Hand in hand, Aster led me into the livingroom where sat mama sobbing, daddy comforting her, Lucky and what I think could be her sister Pheobie on the brink of tears, and Ashiee and Bonnie looking depressed.

Aster looked at me and nodded as if telling me to say something.

"M-mama? Daddy?" I said, feeling tears coming into my eyes.

Lucky and Pheobie looked at me and smiled, relieved. As did Bonnie and Ashiee. Uncle Stefan and Elena came in and relief crossed their faces as well.

"Mama, daddy, I'm home. I'm really here." I said, choking back tears.

Mama and Daddy looked up at me and mama looked as though she was about to cry again. Daddy's onyx irises lit up with pure love. I smiled as mama ran to me hugged me tight.

"Oh, my baby girl! I'm so glad you're back!" She said, crying into my hair.

"I missed you too, mama, but I...can't...breathe!" Mama released her grip and Daddy came and hugged me. When daddy let go, he gave Aster a 'thank you' type look and we all sat back down.

"Oh Alice, you're really back. Aren't you?" Lucky said. "You're not Anna, are you?"

"Do I look like a loony pink beast?"

"Oh, hun, we're just glad you're back safe and sound!" Mama said, hugging me again.

"Yeah, welcome back to the land of the mostly living, kid."

Thanks for missing me, Annalissa.

"So what happened? Where's Ashton?" Ashiee asked.

I shook my head. "No idea. After I had gotten hold of him I was shot into the Spirit Realm--probably because of my connection with Annalissa--and him...God knows where."

"What exactly happened to you in the Spirit Realm?" Daddy asked.

"No idea either, some people--or spirits or whatever they were--started chasing me and saying stuff I couldn't even understand in another language and it was like they were either trying to capture me or kill me."

"Alice has had a long last few weeks, maybe she should get some sleep?" Aster suggested. I mouthed 'thank you' to him. Mama and Daddy agreed with his idea and sent me up to bed.

Unfortunatly, something was definetly wrong with me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh-oh, what's wrong with Alice?!
But who's glad she's back?
What's gonna happen between Aster&&Alice?
Hell, what's gonna happen to Alice?
And what happened to Ashton?
This cannot be good.
Stay tuned for my next update!
Wow, I feel like a stupid TV show.

P.s. Thank you Ashiee Ivashkov for commenting with nearly each update of mine(: Check out her stories! Especially 'Memoirs of a Dhampir' && 'Animal I have become'. They're my favourites(: