Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

32. Malevolent.

[[Alice's POV]]

All night I tossed and turned feeling something burning inside of me. The pain was so immense that I was probably tearing apart my blankets with my nails which felt like they were growing into claws.

As the pain grew stronger, it got harder to breathe. I broke out into a cold sweat, but felt like I was on fire. What the hell was going on..?

[[Kat's POV]]

Something was wrong. I could sense it.

I shot up in bed and Damon did worried for what was wrong with me.

"Something's wrong..." I said to him.


"I..I don't know..I just feel like something's wrong with Alice...Something really bad."

Damon's tired expression turned concerned as we jumped out of bed and ran into Alice's room.

Damon cracked open the door and we peered inside, hoping to see Alice fast asleep in her bed. If I had found my voice, I would have screamed at the sight I saw.

[[Damon's POV]]

As I cracked open Alice's door, I could smell it. The scent of blood near everywhere. By the look on Kat's face when I flipped on the light, I could tell she wanted to scream and cry.

Stefan rushed up worried as well and quickly put a hand to his nose and looked at me.

"What the hell happened?" Stefan said.

I shook my head, not sure what I wanted to do. "Kat thought something was wrong with Alice so we came to check and found this." I wasn't sure if I wanted to hit something or someone or what...

Butwe I had to find Alice before something really bad happened..

[[Aster's POV]]

I sat up in my bed, a strange feeling running through all of me. Alice, I thought. Something was definetly wrong and something told me it was Alice.

"Aster!" Alex called for me. Instantly, I jumped out of bed and sprinted into the living room. I was mortified at what I saw. "What the hell did you do to your girlfriend?"

I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't do anything but watch Alex and his friend James attempt to restrain a very bloody Alice.

"Alex," James started. "I'm gonna guess that by that look, Aster has no clue either."

Alice's irises were no longer onyx, but a bloody red. Blood was splattered all over her pajamas, dripping down her mouth, looking like tears from her eyes, and dripping from several cuts all over her.

Alex and James had a difficult time restraining a fighting and very ticked off Alice. But that definetly was no longer my Alice. She was...angered, blood crazy, and absolutely malevolent... But there was no way I could have done all of this...Is there..?

[[Unknown POV]]

As I walked the streets of Mystic Falls, a pain shot through my chest causing me to actually drop to my knees. Could it be...? I thought as I managed to pull myself up.

I quickened my pace best as I could to hopefully find whom I thought to be dead or something--my very endangered cousin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh-oh, what's going on in Mystic Falls?!
What's happened to poor Alice, NOW?!
And who's this new mysterious person..?
Comment and I'll updatee(:

P.s. I would have updated yesterday but I was on a field trip just about all day yesterday. I didn't get home till dinner time and me&&my fam went out to dinner ^.^
I'll update hopefully tomorrow though(:
Though next friday (the 11th) I may not because I'm going on another all-day type field trip.

Also, sorry I haven't putting up the quotes if you liked those. I've been very forgetful lately. Hopefully I will start again soon if you guys want me to.

One last thing;; I decided on doing a few short POVs so you could get a view of how almost everyone if looking at what's going on but I'm sorry if you didn't like or and it was probably a bit short but it'll be better on my next update.
