Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

34. The War is Won.

"It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie, the moment to live and the moment to die, the moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight."

[[Alice's POV]]

All the pain vanished from my fragile body and was instantly replaced with some new Power. I could feel it, burning inside of me. Not a painful burning, but a burning that was telling me to go kick some serious ass right now.

Aster and I looked at each other, both of our eyes warm and caring for the other, when Aster just pulled me into him and kissed me passionately.

“Go kick some ass, Alice.” Aster said, really smiling at me after.

“Believe me, I intend to.” I replied, fierceness and bravery in my voice as I stood up off the couch, walking to the door and cracking my knuckles.

Mama looked down at me, her eyes multicoloured. I looked up at her and nodded as Ashton used one final kick to the door.

“Real mature, Ashton.” I said, sarcasm dripping from every word.

“Yeah, kicking down a door…totally acting your age.” Mama added.

“Dhampir Kat and…what is this! Turned by a Shaddix Alice? This should be quite interesting. I must say, ice blue tinted eyes suit you, Alice.” Ashton toyed with us.

“Oh yes, this should be very fun.” Mama and I said.

“Ashton, why don’t you just freaking die already? Save us some energy?” Ashiee said, very irked.

“Because then I would not have the pleasure in pissing you off.”

“MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.” Ashiee and I nearly yelled, very ticked.

“Look, I’m not standing around all day here and neither is Alice or any of us. So would you care to make the first move or shall I?” Mama played.

There was silence, and I couldn’t take it anymore. Revenge was bubbling inside of me, I had to attack. And that’s just what I did.

I growled, baring my fangs (whoa, that’s new), and jumped for him just like I had the last time. Only this time, I actually got my claws into his throat causing him to choke on his own breaths.

“You are a sick, twisted, son of a bitch and for that you must die.” I growled in his face.

[[Kat’s POV]]

Ashton actually looked…scared… It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

“Don’t kill him yet, sweetie. Let me have a good claw at his face!” I yelled.

“That is definitely my fiancé.” I heard Damon say.

“And definitely my lil’ bro’s girlfriend.” Alex added.

[[Third Person’s POV]]

The fight ensued for around an hour. The girls refused for anyone else to help them because this was their fight.

Kat and Alice had the upper hand for most of the fight, Ashton gaining control once in a while, but Kat still knew all of his tricks from last time.

She dodged being thrown into a window and a wall again which distracted Ashton long enough for Alice to attack him from behind.

Something was definitely off with Ashton tonight, and everyone could sense it. He usually had his guard completely up and knew where anyone was about to attack from and could dodge anything.

But what was going on with him..?

Ashiee’s eyes lit up a bright gold colour and after a few minutes they dimmed back to her usual hazel-green irises and she shook her head.

“That’s it.” She said as though she had just figured something out.

“What’s it?” Bonnie asked her.

“Alice was in the Spirit Realm because of her connection with Annalissa; Ashton was in some kind of Hell Realm because of everything he’s caused. He was tortured like Alice was but ten fold.”

“Hell Realm?” Ashton asked her.

“It’s where Hell’s Gate is located. But only certain people can get in without getting torn to shreds and such.” Ashiee replied.

“So that’s why Ashton isn’t doing so well?” Elena asked this time.

Ashiee nodded. “It appears that way.”

Alice decked him good right in his jaw, and Kat high-fived her daughter upon hearing the crack of his breaking jaw.

There was a loud snap in the back round and Damon threw a leg of a chair to Kat as a make-shift stake.

“You got Andy with a chair leg, Ashton is mine.” Kat said, feeling victorious.

Alice nodded and clawed Ashton once more across his face before Kat delivered the final blow.

“This isn’t over, I promise you that Kathralyn Sterling…” Were Ashton’s dying words. Again..

Kat soon after faded back into her normal human state and Alice, even though turned, appeared to be back to her hybrid state.

“The war is won…” Kat and Alice said before passing out in their loves’ arms.

Bonnie Bennett Quote I;;

”I always try to never turn my back on those who need me. Though I never turn my back on my friends when they need me. No matter what.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ashton is dead!
Is he going to stay dead now?
Or was he telling the truth, is this not over..?
What's to come for the couples of Mystic Falls?
What's going with Alice...again?
Is it Alstice forever or what here?!
And who the hell is this Jared guy?!
More to come in my next update!