Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

35. Hun, He Turned You.

[[Alice’s POV]]

As my eyes opened slowly, I regained all feeling in my body. And I felt…different…

Where am I…? I thought, looking up at a bunch of band posters like Evanescence, Flyleaf, and Alesana.

I sat up and looked down at my blankets; black and red sheets and comforters. It appeared like mine and mama’s style, but I still didn’t know what was going on.

I glanced to my right and saw a full length mirror on what appeared to be a closet door. Unsteadily, I stood up and walked over, surprised at the sight I was seeing.

I was paler than usual, if that was even possible, my hair wasn’t its usual messy-all over the place type look, and it was near perfect. I was wearing black pajama bottoms with a broken 8 on the left hip and a tank top with ‘LITTLE DEVIL’ bejeweled on the chest. It was when I looked closely at my eyes that I knew something definitely happened last night.

My eyes were still onyx, yes, but I could see pure ice-blue right around my pupils. Just like Aster’s eyes… I thought. As I was pondering my eyes, I felt something sharp and pointy jab me on the inside of my bottom lip.

I gasped when I opened my mouth and found my incisors larger than my usual hybrid length.

What the hell happened last night?! I thought, scared and considering I had finally fallen off of my rocker.

For a moment, I stood in front of the mirror completely lost and unsure of what to do. As a natural instinct, I screamed bloody murder and Daddy and Aster ran in worried as hell.

“Alice!” Daddy said.

“What happened? What’s the matter?” Aster asked.

“WHAT IN HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!” I yelled, feeling tears coming to my onyx-ice blue eyes.

“You don’t remember..?” Daddy said, a bit taken back as Mama rushed up as well.

I shook my head as mama pushed through the boys and hugged me close. “Alice,” mama started. “maybe we should go downstairs and talk about this.”

“Okay, but one question,” I began, pulling away slightly to look at all of them. “Where the hell am I? Because this does so not look like the boarding house.”

Mama smiled. “You’re right, hun. This is where I moved to when my family moved to Mystic Falls.”

As we walked down stairs I looked closely as I could at all the pictures around us. There were ones of mama as a little kid, what looked like mama’s brother and sisters, everything.

The downstairs was gorgeous; a black and white themed living room and kitchen.

The living room was furnished with two black leather couches and a big black leather chair. The hardwood floors were absolutely gorgeous, not a sign of age or scratches anywhere, and there was a pure white rug under the dark wood coffee table just reaching the couch and chair.

I sat in the chair and hugged my knees close to my chest. Aster sat on the arm of the chair and put his arm protectively around my shoulders, causing my snow white cheeks to turn a hue of pink.

“Okay, Alice,” Daddy started, “what do you wanna know?”

“Well…what exactly happened last night causing this,” I pointed to my large incisors, “to happen?”

Daddy looked at Aster and gave his signature smirk. Aster returned it with his signature glare.

“Look, I don’t care who tells me, just..someone tell me!” I was growing impatient.

“Damon, be nice.” Mama said.

“Do you remember anything before last night?” Daddy asked me.

“The whole Anna thing? Yeah. The only thing I remember of last night is that I woke up in the middle of the night in searing pain. Then it all went blank.” I replied.

Before Daddy could reply, Aster spoke up. “My brother and his friend found you wandering in the middle of the forest..”

“Why was I in the forest…?” I grew worried.

Aster sighed heavily and when he spoke, his voice was pained. “You were covered in blood…your tears were bloody, you were cut up, and blood was dripping from your mouth. It took all of Damian and James’s strength just to keep you from killing any of us, too.”

My heart sank. “What do you mean, ‘too’…?”

“We’re not sure,” Daddy said. “but it appeared as though you went on a killing rampage.”

My eye slightly twitched.

“But good news,” Laura said, stepping into the living room from the kitchen. “both you and Kat took on Ashton and killed him.” Her warm smile made me feel a little better.

“Okay..but how did any of this happen if I was freaking out from probably bloodlust or whatever?”

“Because I was the only one who could calm you down enough and…” Aster started, not wanting to finish his sentence.

Ashiee’s head came up from napping at the island in the kitchen. “Hun, he turned you.” She said before dropping her head and falling back asleep.

“Thank you, Ashiee. Because that wasn’t blunt or anything!” I said, almost getting up to slap her. Aster gently pushed me back down and shook his head. “Alright…so now I’m what, like a full vampire?”

Daddy nodded. “Yup, all thanks to your little boyfriend there. By the way, you’re stuck with him for all eternity.”

“Damon!” Uncle Stefan, mama, and Elena scolded him. Daddy just shrugged.

I shook it all to the back of my mind for a minute, focusing on a few things. “Well, if I’m like..all vampire now, does that mean I’m gonna be fourteen forever?”

Aster shook his head. “No, we’re both still going to make it until about eighteen. Then that’s it.”

I still didn’t understand that, but I wasn’t going to press on that matter. “So, Ashton is really dead? Like, for good this time?”

There was silence, and Mama spoke up. “If we’re lucky…yes.”

“And if we’re not…?”

“We’re going to have to go through hell and all this shit all fucking over again.” Ashiee interjected once more.

Stefan Salvatore Quote I;;

”Elena is my everything. Alice is Aster’s everything. Kat is Damon’s everything. Take any of that away, and everything falls apart.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Nearly one week later and I'm back!
This chapter was supposed to be about Jared..but this idea seemed better at the moment.
The next one will be though.

P.s. If you love great vampire stories, I suggest you check out the following;;

Blood Brothers by whisperoftheheart;;

Animal I have become by Ashiee Ivashkov


Kidnapped By A Vampire... Now What? by ballerinasarahh

Wicked stories I lovee(: There are more, but those three for noww.
