Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

o6. Messages and Missions.

"W-what do you mean my mom sent you?" I asked nervously.

"I met your mom about a year and a half or so ago. She made me swear on my life that I'd protect you with everything I've got. She also wanted me to contact Aiden and get his wolf ass over here."

"Aiden? My uncle?" What's he got to do with this?

"So Kat's told you about him?"

"A little."

"We both belong to an organization that protects members of certain families. We're both in the same squad too. Our squad--Aiden, myself, and two others of our friends: Anna-Bella and Erik--is formed to protect you and your mother mainly but also the Salvatores and such since they're close to Kat and yourself."

"Protect us from what?"

Nikki sighed. "Dylan and Andy for one, your mom took down her "ex" Ashton, your great-aunt, and her supposed dead sister Cassie around three or four years ago so they're off the list. There's others out there that want you guys because of your bloodlines."

"Our bloodlines?"

"Your mother's being a dhampir and you being a hybrid. You two are extremely rare and if you trace your histories back enough, you're from a royal bloodline."

"Royal...?" This was all too much for ten in the morning.

Nikki nodded. "I won't get into that now, but until at least Aiden gets here too, you're under my watch. Anything happens to you, I'm going to get my ass kicked."

" just what organization are you from?"

"The Organization of Shape-Shifters. In certain families, shape-shifting children are born to protect those with certain bloodlines. Kat's lucky to have her bro be one of them." I shuttered at my mom's name. Nikki put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry hun, we'll get your mom back."




I walked downstairs, Nikki as Nightmare following at my side.

"Where'd you get the cat?" Damon asked suspiciously.

"She's a stray. I named her Nightmare." I replied, getting myself a bowl of Coco Pebbles.

"Been a while, Nikki." You're kidding me, right?

Nightmare changed to Nikki with her arms crossed. "Damon Salvatore, I was hoping I could trick you this time."

"Violet eyes? Not happening."

"YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER?!" I'm so out of everything around here.

"Didn't I mention that?" Nikki said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Ha, no." I ate my cereal, hoping to tune them out.

"Long story I'll have to tell you later. Anyway, Alice," Damon said, sitting in front of me. "Guess where you'll get to go tomorrow."

Oh hell to the no. "Don't even say it."

"Mystic Falls High." I spit out my cereal, all over Damon's face, causing Nikki and the entering Stefan and Elena to laugh.

"Oops, reaction." I grinned.

Damon wiped the ceral off his face and I pouted. School? Not happening.

"It's not that bad, Alice." Elena comforted.

"I'm not going." I said, stubbornly.

"Hey, think of it like a mission." Nikki said.

"A mission?"

"Yeah, like how mine's to protect you and blah, blah, blah, think of it like a secret mission. You have to obtain information which could help us find your mom."

"And what if I have one of my Moments in class?"

"What do you mean?" Stefan questioned.

I sighed. "At random times, like if I was to fall asleep in class, I'd start crying and screaming from terrible, bloody visions I'm seeing. Wheather they're fake or past or future, doesn't matter. And if I'm not asleep, I'd probably space off into my mama and God can't even imagine what would happen then. I'd probably start talking like she would and fighting like a crazy person."

"That could pose a problem." Elena said low.

"So I'll morph myself into a teen and say I'm your sister and we have to be in the same classes because of problems you used to have as a kid." Nikki suggested.

"I don't know..."

"You never know, you may find out something that could be helpful towards finding your mom."

Mama... "Fine, I'll go."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh, Alice is going to school!
Wonder what's gonna happen...