Status: Completed! Sequal;; Hold Tight to Your Vampire. (:

Dance in the Dark.

o7. Welcome To Mystic Falls High, Alice.

The day went by rather quickly to my demise. Waking up at 6:30 and classes starting an hour later, who came up with that? It's pure torture!

"Nikki, surely you know what pure imbisile made classes begin at 7:30 in the God foresaken morning!" I nearly shouted, sitting upright in my bed.

Nikki (in Nightmare form) lifted her head from her little cat bed. "Look, I may be old, but I ain't that old. It's 11:37, GO TO BED, ALICE!"

I guess someone's a bit grumpy.

I slumped back down in my blankets and muttered to myself. "Outrageous...who in their right mind would follow such a rule?"

"Look, Alice, I have to get up with you. If you don't SHUT UP and GO TO SLEEP I swear I WILL KICK YOUR SCRAWNY CHIPMUNK ASS." Scrawny? Chipmunk?

"Excuse you?"


It took me two and a half hours to fall asleep. No way I'd be getting up tomorrow without a fight. And one hell of a fight too.


BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. I shifted in my cozy bed, taking my alarm clock in my hand, and throwing it aginst a wall which, thankfully, caused the beeping to stop.

I rolled over onto my right, hoping to get comfortable again, when..THUD. "GOD DAMN FLOORS!"

"Ah, good to see you're up. Now I don't have to yank you out of bed." Damon said in the doorway of my room.

I glared up at him and wrapped myself into my covers, curling into a ball on the floor, and refused to move.

Damon groaned. "Not gonna get up?"

"HELL TO THE NO!" I replied from inside my warm blankets.

"Okay, than we'll do it my way." Wait, what? Oh shit.

Just as the "oh shit" look came onto my face, I felt Damon pulling my blankets--complete with me in them still--and pulled me down the stairs.




THUMP. I went on the annoying staircase. With a matching SMACK to complete it on the hardwood floor. What a great day I can see this being.

Fucking joy.

"What the hell was that for?!" I yelled, jumping up from out of my blankets to yell at Damon.

"It's not like you were going to get up, I had to get you up somehow."

"Most dad's would throw a bucket of cold water on their kids! But NOO, YOU have to be the one to DRAG HIS DAUGHTER DOWN THE STAIRS!!"

"You've got vamp blood in you, don't 'ya?"

"No shit sherlock."

"Than I'd of course have to be the one to drag my daughter down the stairs. If you weren't any piece vampire, of course I'd be more than happy to wake you up with a big bucket of ice water."

"And give me hypothermia my first day, thanks dad." I walked passed him and got myself a bowl of Cinamon Toast Crunch.

"Oh, here." Damon said, taking something out of his jacket pocket and tossing it to me. I cocked my head to the right seeing the black iPod in my hands.

"What's this?" I asked curiously.

"Your mom's. She loved her music. And always had one headphone in her right ear during almost every class with her hair covering it so the teachers couldn't bitch at her."

"Why are you giving this to me?"

"Because you appear to hate school as much as she hated it and Mystic Falls so I'm giving you an escape. Music was always Kat's escape so if you want to tune out your teachers and doodle in your notebooks, go ahead."

"You wouldn't be mad if I failed or got a detention?" This was too good to be true.

"If you're mine and Kat's daughter, it wouldn't surprise me if you did." And he walked out of the room without another word.

Well, this should be a fairly interesting day.


In my black ripped up skinnies, black v-neck with red splatters on it, black flats, sunglasses, my necklace, and black sweater with faux fur on the rim of the hood, I walked out and into Damon's Ferrari.

"Isn't it illegal to have tinted windows?" I asked, buckling my seat belt.

"Not if you know how to use compulsion right." He said, speeding out of the driveway.


I walked up the steps of the school, one headphone in my right ear playing Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides, when all eyes came on me.

Ugh, here we go, Alice, I thought to myself. Okay, Damon got you in, just go to your homeroom--History.

As I entered the class, there were maybe five or six other people in there so I sat next to a blonde girl in the third row, taking off my glasses and putting them in my black and red splattered canvas bag Stefan and Elena (mostly Elena) got me.

"Uhm, hi." The girl said.

I smiled. "Hi."

"I'm Lucky, you must be the new girl everyone keeps talking about."

"Yeah, I'm Alice. Nice to meet you, Lucky."

Maybe this won't be so bad afterall...We'll see.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who wants to be woken up that way?
Alice meets Lucky on day one(:
But who is this Lucky...and why is her name Lucky?
You'll find out soon enough loves(:
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