Status: Can't find inspiration...busy with all adds up to this story being done. :) Thanks to all who subscribed and commented!


And so they meet...

I was led to a room. Obviously, it belonged to a girl or was meant for one. The walls were painted a warm peach color, with angled windows covered with white curtains. There was a shelf along the whole wall against the windows, and a big chair along with a matching footrest. In the middle of the room was a full sized bed that had white details on both the headboard and the foot of the bed. It was covered with peach sheets to match the walls.
I put my bags down next to the wooden dresser and let my legs carry me to the bed. I sat down and sank in while my birth mother, Angie, stood in the doorway with my birth father Mike, tears in her eyes. Her warm smile sent an excited chill through me.
“Our room is right down the hall, the bathroom is the second door on the right,” she said. Her footsteps were quiet on the wood floor as she came over to kiss me on the forehead, “Just holler if you need anything.” Her hazel eyes were warm and caring, just like a mom’s should be. A happy tear trickled its way down my face as I stood up and hugged her with all my might. She hugged me back just as hard with passion. I wondered why she gave me up.
We broke apart from our hug. Her smooth hand wiped a tear from my eye and I felt like I was home. She backed away slowly, smiling at me. I smiled back genuinely. The door closed quietly behind her.
My body flopped back on the soft bed as a smile crept on my face. I felt like I was home.

Dad stood at her door, watching some sort of sob fest going on. God, why wouldn’t they just leave her to herself?
The phone had rang about an hour ago and Mom answered it.


I looked up from the blocks I was using to help Peter to build a castle to see Mom’s eyes get wide with excitement.

“Oh good. We’ll be waiting,” and she hung up. “Nathan?” she called to me.

“Yeah Ma?”

“Go get dressed in something nice…We’re having a visitor,” she walked into the living room with me and Peter to clean up our already clean house, “And help Peter get dressed too.”

“Okay,” I said. “Come on Pete,” I held out my hand for him and we cleaned up the blocks. In a half hour, Peter was wearing his favorite dinosaur shirt, dress pants, and his socks while I was wearing a dress shirt with my clean jeans.

“We look
gooood,” Peter said, earning a laugh from me. I leaned down to give him a high five just as the doorbell rang. I could hear my mother’s voice say, “She’s here! She’s here!”
And in no time, after Mom called me to the door, I was face-to-face with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her hair was a dark brown that matched her eyes that reminded me of my dad’s. Her height was about that of my mother’s. Her flawless skin was completely smooth except for the few freckles spotting her nose. Mom introduced me as her son but instead of waving or sticking my hand out, all I could do was stand there.
My mom sent us to our rooms to show the girl to the room Mom had been preparing for the past six months.

So here I was, looking out into the hallway as my parents gave a very warm welcome to the girl. Finally, Mom walked out of the room and down to her own bedroom, leaving the girl by herself. My mother’s voice was soft and filled with happy sobs.
When I was sure she was completely resided in her room, I peeked my head out into the hallway. The door at the end of the hallway was cracked just enough to see the peach walls. I led my feet quietly across the hall to press my body against the wall next to her door.
I could hear her starting to unpack. I let my eyes steal a peek into the room; she had taken off her sweatshirt, or most likely her boyfriend’s sweatshirt seeing as it was too big for her, along with her flip flops. A plaid dress flowed down from her shoulders to her knees where it met a pair of blue jeans. My eyes grazed her feet where there was some sort of tattoo but from the angle I was in, I wasn’t able to see.
A door creaked behind me but I paid no attention. That was, until Peter asked, in a sleepy but loud enough to hear tone,

“Nathie? What are you doing?”

I looked over to him, holding his stuffed dog and rubbing his eyes then back to her room. She had heard Peter speak and she was heading over to her door. I panicked and quickly pushed Peter back in his room, telling him that I was “checking the squeaky door”.
His door closed and I could feel someone else’s presence behind me. I turned around to see her, standing there looking at me. I stared back, not knowing what to say.

“Um…” I stuck out my hand, “I’m Nathan.” My eyebrows met at the middle of my forehead, showing my confusion on what to do.

She took it and shook it gently, her soft skin just brushing mine. “Mary Beth.”

And so the two meet…
♠ ♠ ♠
Mary Beth's outfit.

Mary Beth's room. Directions to see her room: click on the link "Teen Girls" on the side and scroll down to 4.

I still haven't found a good picture of Peter and I have this story planned out more than when I posted the first chapter. :D
Couple more chapters before the incest. ;)