Status: Can't find inspiration...busy with all adds up to this story being done. :) Thanks to all who subscribed and commented!


She never left my mind. She starred in every dream I had since she arrived.

The sun started to go down when she woke up. Her eyes blinked awake, the sun making them gleam. Her confused face looked up at me.

“What time is it?” she asked groggily, sitting up while rubbing her head.

“About seven,” I told her, sad that she left my arms. She stood up, wobbling slightly, then went into the kitchen to open the fridge and bend down, looking at what we had for food. I watched her from the couch as she grabbed a Fuze, shook it up, then came back to the couch.
She took big gulps and I saw it was a refresh one. So soon she was back to her energetic self. Just the way I loved her.
She put the Fuze down with an ‘Ahhh’ before looking to me.

“So,” she faced me, sitting on her knees, “What do you want to do?”

“Well,” I said, “We could go to the movies.”

I looked over to her. She looked at me with a confused expression. “What about Peter?”

“Hm,” I had forgotten about him, “Good point.” I thought about it. I looked up at her, “We could just watch a movie here.”

A smile lit up her face. My heart skipped. Her legs carried her off the couch to grab a movie and put it in the Blu-Ray player. I smiled as she reached up to turn off the lights and joined me once again on the couch. I offered to make popcorn and went to the kitchen.

“Make it movie theater butter!” she called to me from the couch.

I smiled as I put the popcorn bag in the microwave and pressed the Popcorn button. The sound of the previews made its way from the speakers to the kitchen. The microwave beeped obnoxiously and I pulled out the popcorn quickly, trying not to wake Peter. It burnt my hands as I quickly poured it into a bowl. My legs rushed me back to the couch and I flopped back into my spot next to Mary Beth.
The popcorn was set on the coffee table just as the movie started. She leaned into me. My arm fell around her shoulders. Her face looked up at mine. Her eyes sparkled.

“Tell me this isn’t my imagination,” she whispered. “You like me, right?”

I swallowed. She never left my mind. She starred in every dream I had since she arrived. She made my heart skip a beat. I wouldn’t say I just liked her.
But I nodded my head, letting her know I wanted her to be mine. She had to be mine.

“So you wouldn’t freak if I said I liked you back?” she asked, worriedly bringing her eyebrows together.

My head shook from side to side. Was this a dream? I wished it wasn’t. I really wished it was real. Especially when she looked from my mouth to my eyes. And more than anything when she placed her lips against mine.

Mary Beth
I had no idea where the burst of confidence had come from. My mind was still dizzy from my nap. But some how, I was completely aware of what was happening. My voice had a mind of its own, letting my feelings be told to him.
The same went for my mouth, showing I had no control when my lips were against his. And get this: I kissed him! Confidence like that didn’t belong to me. It just didn’t. So you could say I was just a little confused when I kissed him.
But what really surprised me more than my sudden confidence burst, was the fact that he was kissing me back. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. The movie was totally ignored in this case. Along with the popcorn. Darn. I really wanted some popcorn.
Our lips parted. His tongue ran along my lower lip. I met it with my own. My hands tangled in his brown hair. I detached my right hand from his hair to move his hand to the small of my back. He followed and we lay there on the couch, my body on top his, his head on the arm rest and my legs bent up like a young teen girl talking about her crush on the phone with her friend. Because I was kissing my crush.
I knew it was wrong. My mind wandered to the thought of him not knowing we were siblings. Would he care? Would he think I was crazy for liking him when I knew? I pushed the thoughts from my mind and only thought about the here and now. Here—with Nathan. Now—kissing him after two long months of hiding my feelings.
My foot was rubbing against his. He was mine. A smile was mentally plastered on my face. Let me repeat that for ya:

He was mine

The only catch: he was my brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
10 subscribers! :D
I still only have 5 comments though. D':
My friends on Facebook really like this. But idk why.
Finally some incest! Muhaha!
"What is she doing after this?" you say? Well, that's what I wanna know too.
2nd chapter today. Comment or I will attack you.