Status: Writing and updating and publishing...OH MY! (:

The Price of Fame

All Morgan Parker wanted was to be famous.

To get her name in the papers, her face plastered on billboards, her songs blasted on the radio.

She might’ve been a singer, the proud owner of several Grammy awards.

Or maybe an actress, whose movies were known all over the world.

Maybe she’d be a writer, and have published over a million copies of her bestselling books.

But to be framed for a murder and on America’s Most Wanted List?

That was not part of the plan.
  1. Chapter 1
    I had an idea for this story, so here it is! I will not, repeat WILL NOT stop writing my 30 story, and btw, the update for hat will come out tomorrow. I might continue this if I get postive feedback. Rate, comment, subscribe??
  2. Chapter 2
    I posted this earlier than I planned to, but OH WELL! Hope you like it!
  3. Chapter 3
    I'm so sorry that I couldn't get it out earlier like I promised, but I hope the length makes up for it! Enjoy!(:
  4. Chapter 4
    Hope you like it!!!!!!!! Rate.Comment.Subscribe.Next chapter coming up soon! And if anyone is kind enough to make me a banner (I'm not asking for one, just a reminder), Megan Fox plays Morgan! Enjoy!
  5. Chapter 5
    I'm sorry this came out so late! Please readmy journal---it has important info that I'm too tired to type :ZZ Rate, comment, subscribe...ENJOY!!(:
  6. Chapter 6
    New chapter [:
  7. Chapter 7
    Some drama...well not a lot...what's the definition of dramma anyway? Check the characters, Mason is up.
  8. Chapter 8
    Almost near double digits! :D Comment, subscribe, banner (wink wink, nudge nudge) anyone?
  9. Chapter 8
    I appologize for the crapiness of this chapter =[