Status: Finished {But Please Still Comment}


I Knew There Was A Reason I've Always Hated Beautiful People

The streetlight flickered a couple times before going out completely and I mentally cursed, right now was not the right time to be caught in the dark. I quickly sprinted onto the main road, relieved when I saw other people bustling around the brightly lit street. A large full moon shone brightly above me, and the sky was dotted with sparkling stars. I still did not find it beautiful though; ever since that night in the pool I had learnt that nothing in this grey washed world was beautiful. Beautiful was dangerous. Beautiful was deadly. Beautiful meant betrayal. I mean look at Gerard, as much as it pained me to admit it; he was indeed ‘beautiful’. He was beautiful and look what he had done to me. I had finally trusted him and he taught me the lesson that no one can be trusted; especially beautiful people.

It had been three months since I had stormed out of their house without thinking my decision through fully. I had forgotten that the entire content of my shitty one roomed apartment was sitting in a spare room at their place, and there was no way in hell I was going back there to ask them to put it back. I had simply scrawled a quick note- something along the lines of ‘thanks for the hospitality, don’t come looking for me or I’ll stake you, and tell Gerard to go fuck himself’- and then sprinted down the long drive and wandered the abandoned highway for days before I stumbled along a truck stop and hitch-hiked my way back to New York.

For the last three months I had been sleeping in a furniture-less apartment, only spending money on a sleeping bag, a new Swiss army knife and Chinese takeout food... the bare necessities. As soon as I arrived home I had (probably too) enthusiastically thrown myself back into hunting, struggling to keep my ‘three chances’ rule in place. Now whenever I came across a vampire I wanted with all my heart to shove my knife into their chests, for whenever I saw their faces all I could see was Gerard’s hazel eyes staring back at me, taunting me, telling me I wasn’t good enough; not good enough for him.

I angrily kicked a pebble that was lying on the sidewalk and curled my fist around the hunting knife that was lying safe in my pocket. It was one of the only things that could calm me down these days; the feel of the cool metal of the blade tucked safely into the palm of my hand.

Of course I was out hunting, prowling the streets looking for a vampire that had already used up all of its chances. I cut off of Main Street; away from the hustle bustle of the people, and walked slowly down a quieter side street. The sun had set about four hours ago, and the general public of New York were starting to head back to their homes. For the city that never sleeps, the citizens of New York sure seemed to turn in early on this Tuesday night.

I saw something move out of the corner of my eye; too fast to be a human or an animal. I felt a sinister smile creep onto my face and I took my knife out of my pocket and flicked it open, slowly walking forward. I did a quick recon of the area; no one on the roof, no one crouching at the mouth of the alleyway where I had seen the shadow dart too. I flicked a piece of stray hair out of my face and stalked into the alleyway, my five senses on overdrive.

The hairs on the back of my neck tingled, there was for sure a vampire lurking somewhere into these shadows.

“Come out come out where ever you are.” I taunted lowly, “Come on you filthy parasite, surely you can’t be afraid of a little girl with a knife?”

A low growl was admitted from the end of the alley way. Gotcha. I stepped forwards even more, getting ready to attack. I stopped dead however, when I saw his eyes. They were the exact same glowing hazel as Gerard’s. I let a small hiss escape my mouth and red hazed coloured my vision.






Without thinking I lunged forwards, sinking my knife into the vampire’s chest. He howled out in pain and shoved me backwards and I stumbled over an empty beer bottle. I felt my back hit the crumbling alley floor and I scuttled back, putting some distance between the vampire and myself.

“You stupid little bitch.” The vampire hissed, and stepped into the light. He was beautiful, and I automatically hated him for it. “You missed my heart by an inch.”

“Oh well.” I sighed, getting up and crouching into a fighting stance once again. “I won’t miss this time.” I lunged again and nicked his arm, but this vampire was fast. He was obviously not your run of the mill-average-cocky vampire. I took a deep breath, trying to clear the red haze from my sight, but it held strong. I knew this wasn’t Gerard, but I hated this bloodsucking leach with just as much passion.

“Oh dear.” The vampire sighed, and I detected a slight Scottish accent. “We can’t have you trying to kill me now can we?” He darted forwards with usual speed and threw me against the wall hard. I accidently let my knife slip out of my hand and my head slammed against the brick way to hard, drawing a small amount of blood.

Oh shit. I though hazily around the potential head trauma, I’m now weaponless in a deserted alleyway with a bleeding head with a vampire who is a lot stronger than I gave him credit for. I am so screwed.

I made a desperate attempt to run; knowing realistically that I stood no chance. The vampire pushed me against the wall again but then pinned my arms over my head and shoved his leg up against mine; I couldn’t move a fucking muscle. My chest was heaving up and down as his thumbs traced over the keyhole tattoos on my wrist; a painful reminder of Gerard.

“Hmmm.” The vampire hummed in my ear; his voice as smooth as silk, “Someone’s already had some fun with you, haven’t they?” I just started back at him dead eyed, refusing to let him get to me. I stiffened as he buried his head into my neck and breathed in deeply. “Someone....” I felt him grin into the crook of my neck, “Someone has already bitten you my dear. I can sense some of their venom pumping through your veins. It smells familiar...” His grip tightened on my wrists and I felt my feet leave the ground. “You absolutely reek of Gerard Way.” He hissed and I let a small growl reverberate through my parted lips. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with that soul-sucking beast.

“I,” The vampire’s voice was suddenly cocky, “Can change that however.” He kissed my neck gently and I felt his cold fangs scrape against my collarbone. This is the point where I really started to struggle, I squirmed and I twisted, but I could not budge. Panic was making me feel sick to my stomach; he was going to bite me. Either he would drain me dry or turn me; I knew there was no way he was going to leave me alive. My eyes burnt with tears but I held them back; there was no way I was going to cry, I would not let this man get the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

Look on the bright side, I thought to myself grimly, Maybe I’ll get to see mom again.

“Mmm.” The vampire hummed, “You smell so sweet once you get past the stench of Mr. Way. I know I’m supposed to bring you straight back, but a little taste won’t hurt.” I did not have the chance to process his words before he bit down on my neck and I gasped, my hands balling into tight fists. I could feel the vampire’s venom spread though out my bloodstream and I relaxed, my muscles uncoiling and my mouth letting out a small content sigh.

“That’s right baby.” The vampire purred, “You’re all mine. You want this, you want me.” I didn’t have the will power to tell this monster otherwise. His venom felt nothing like Gerard’s. When Gerard bit me it made my toes curl and made me want to scream out in pleasure. This vampire however, his venom felt like someone had injected novocaine into my blood. A warm, tingling sensation was sweeping over my body, making me happily sleepy. My limbs felt like nothing, I was convinced that I was so light that I would float away any second.

The vampire released my arms and draped them over his neck, then wrapped my legs around his waist. I couldn’t move, I was jelly in his arms. His hands roam my waist, and they grazed my ass once or twice. I didn’t want him doing that; I wanted him to stop. I opened my mouth to tell him that he better stop or I’d rip his pretty little face off but all that came out was a garbled moan; and I think he took that wrong.

“Yeah babe.” The vampire’s voice was slightly muffled by my neck, “Yeah I know you’re enjoying this.” His voice was a seductive growl.

No! I wanted to screech, No I do not want this you fucking asshole! But it was no use. The combination of his oddly numbing venom and my blood loss was suddenly becoming too much for my small body to handle. I felt myself start to drown in the blackness, reality was becoming a blur.

I was so fucking screwed.