Status: Finished {But Please Still Comment}



Nausea swept over my system and the ground disappeared from beneath me, but as fast as it disappeared it reappeared again; only this time it was not the familiar polished wood of my living room, it was dirty asphalt, littered with cigarette butts.

Mikey released my arm, catching me before I fell to the ground. Teleporting had always hit me harder than it should have. Suddenly Bob, Ray, and Frank popped up beside us, Frank holding up an extremely pale looking Beck. I noticed that Frank kept his arms around Beck a second too long.

“Next time.” She muttered, taking a few unsteady steps forward. “I’m driving.”

I cast my eyes around, a grim smile of satisfaction stretching onto my lips as I spotted the chipped and worn sign for Marge’s Tailor & Co. The bright blue wooden sign hung precariously from a metal pole above the door, a crude looking needle and thread carved into the top of the sign.

Opposite from the old tailors shop was an old, four story Victorian house. Ivy dripped off every surface, and the paint- which I assumed used to be white- was now yellowed and peeling, several pieces flaking of and dancing in the air as a cold breath of wind rush past my head.

“There.” Beck pointed to a small window located about ten feet off the ground. “Gerard must be in there, see, its right across from that god awful sign.”

“He knows we’re here, the vampire who took him knows.” Ray said grimily, “He’s excited.”

“What?” I exclaimed, “How can you tell?”

“It’s his... aura.” Ray scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “It’s so strong I can sense it from here. He’s ready for this. He’s waiting.”

“His aura?” I asked sceptically, placing my hand on my hip. “Right.”

“Yours is scared.” Ray said a-matter-of-factly. “It’s radiating a sickly green colour. You’re worried about Gee. Whether or not he’s okay. You’re scared that you’re going to be too late. You’re scared of the man that took him. Now you’re pissed at me. You’re aura’s tinting a dark purple.” He shot me a smug grin.

“Yeah yeah I get it.” I rolled my eyes, smacking the back of his head, “You can read ‘auras’ or whatever.”

“Okay guys.” Mikey said grimily. “We all know there’s no chance in going in undetected.”

“No chance?” Scoffed Beck, fingering the sharp blade of her hunting knife fondly. “Have you ever seen Tess hunt? She’s like a fucking ghost dude. By the time you see her it’s too late.”

“Yeah we know.” Frank muttered cynically. “Gerard made us stalk her for like, months before we took her.”

“Took her?” Beck asked. “What?” I guess no one had told her how Gerard and I met.

“Story for another time.” I told her quickly. She nodded curtly. “All right guys I want to make myself very clear, all right?”

“Sure.” They all sounded back.

“We are going to go in, get Gee, and get out. Got it? We can come back for the bastard later.”

“What?” Growled Frank. “No fucking way. I’m going to rip that little bitch to pieces-”

“Frank.” I hissed. “Get in. Get Gee. Get out. Got it?”

“Jesus Christ.” He muttered, “Fine.”

“Now we’re going to need a distraction.” I said. “It’s going to take all five of you, okay? I’ll go in after and grab Gee.”

“No.” Snapped Beck, shaking her head.

“I agree.” Hissed Mikey. “I’m coming with you.”

“No you’re not.” I argued back, balling my hands into fists. “Look, the longer we’re in here arguing, the longer Gerard’s in there with him. Got it? This is not up for discussion.”

“She’s right.” Bob amended quietly. “We’re wasting time. When you hear a crash Tessy, it’s safe to go in. Come on guys.” With that Bob dragged them way towards the front door of the house. I shrunk back in the shadows, watching as Frank kicked in the big door. They all crowded in, not aiming for subtlety.

Thirty second later a loud crash vibrated through the damp evening air and I took this as my signal. I quickly rushed over to the side of the house, keeping low and ducking into dark shadows.

I jumped when I reached the small window, my fingers just barley skimming the slick white window sill. I swiftly pulled myself up and shoved my shoulders through the small window frame, slipping soundlessly to the ground. I straightened up, grabbing my knife from my pocket and searching the room frantically for Gerard.

He was slouched in the corner, his head slumped over; raven hair matted with blood sticking to his face. The entire room was almost pitch black, the only source of light came from the window I had just climbed in. Ugly brown light flirted in, casting bleak shadows in the wall. The four walls, and the ceiling and the floor, looked to be industrial strength concrete. Dark red streaks covered almost every surface, and I felt sick as I realized that it was blood. Gerard’s blood.

I took a hesitant step forwards, my hand reaching out involuntarily reaching out towards Gerard. I stumbled forwards the last couple steps, collapsing beside him. His lips were extremely pale and parted slightly, cool breath trickling out of them slowly. His eyes were closed, but every couple seconds they would flutter slightly, not quite opening.

“Gee.” I whispered, shaking his arm slightly. “Gee love, wake up.”

He didn’t even stir. I tried again, unsuccessful. I gave up, slipping his arms over my shoulder, and hoisted us both up, my knees almost buckling under all the dead weight. I dragged him over the small window, extremely thankful that the sun had finally sunk beneath the horizon.

Suddenly a cool chill swept over the room, my breath coming out in clouds.

“Annabelle.” A smooth voice sounded from the doorway. Abruptly I dropped Gerard and spun around, coming face to face with the man who ruined my life.

“I seem to be at a disadvantage.” I said, taking out my knife from my deep pocket. I hoped to god my voice didn’t betray my fear. “You know everything about me, but I only know that you’re a spineless bastard who enjoys killing innocents for the sheer fun of it.”

“You always have been bitter Annabelle.” He took a step closer, stepping out of the shadows finally. He was everything I had expected and then some. His head brushed the ceiling, black ringlets spiralling out of his scalp. Plump lips smirked back at me, large black eyes not looking away.

“I wonder why?” I hissed, “My entire family was slaughtered, and then when I finally find some ounce of happiness, you decide to ruin that too!”

“Happiness?” He cocked an eyebrow. “You found happiness in that? You found happiness in those pathetic little vampires he keeps around? In that girl with the blue eyes? You found happiness in them?”

“Where are they?” Panic built up in my stomach, threatening to choke me as it crawled up my throat.

“Oh calm down.” He said, rolling his eyes and slouching back against the far wall. His eyes danced over my entire body, lingering a little too long on all my curves. “They’re fine. For now.”

I heard a faint groan from behind me and I quickly turned around. A brilliant grin lit up my face as I saw Gerard’s eyes open. I didn’t care that they were a bright red, I only cared that they were open.

“Tess?” He muttered, his eyes struggling to focus. “Tessy, what are you doing here?”

“Shh.” I muttered, bending down and pressing a light kiss to his lips. “We’re getting out of here. I promise.”

“No.” Gerard shook his head groggily, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me away. “No Tess, you have to run.”

“What?” I growled, “What are you talking about love?”

“He wants you to run.” The vampire said from the corner of the room, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah no shit.” I scoffed, straightening up. “I figured that much out. My concern is why?”

“Because.” Suddenly the vampire was behind me, a dangerous looking knife at my throat. The cold steel bit into my throat, cutting off my breathing. “He’s going to kill you.”

“No.” I wheezed, “Your crazy.”

“Crazy? Probably.” He chuckled, pressing the knife a little deeper, “But I’m not crazy about this. You see Annabelle, Gerard hasn’t fed in about a month. He’s extremely hungry darling-”

“Don’t call me that.” I growled. Least to say, I was ignored.

“And when a vampire gets hungry, they spiral out of control. As soon as I draw a little blood-” The knife was pressed harder against the tender skin of my throat. If I even moved an inch it would slit my throat and blood would spill everywhere, “Your little husband won’t be the same person anymore. The thirst will consume him, and he will gladly suck you dry.”

“You’re lying.” I whispered, my eyes searching frantically for a way out.

“Wish I was darling.” He chuckled darkly, “But I’ve been planning this moment for years. Be sure to save me some Gerard.”

I glanced over to Gerard, who was shaking, his hand balled into tight fists. Tears were running down his cheeks, and his desperate eyes locked with mine, a million apologies in them.

“Well, we best not dawdle.” Suddenly the cold metal of the knife slashed across my cheek, warm blood dripping down it slowly. I was released, and the vampire strode out of the room, locking the door behind him.

“Gee.” I whispered, “Gee, please. Listen to me love.”

He shakily stood to his feet, a cold, calculating smile adorning his lips. His fangs poked out from between his parted lips and he licked them hungrily, stepping towards me. An animalistic growl ripped through his chest. I scrambled backwards, my back hitting the concrete wall roughly.

“Don’t cry.” Gerard’s face was suddenly about an inch from mine, his eyes boring into mine. I didn’t recognize this man before me. It wasn’t my Gerard. This... this thing, this was a monster. Pure evil. “I’ll make sure you don’t hurt. Don’t you trust me Tessy?” His words were cold. ‘Don’t you trust me?’ No. Not here. Not now.

“Please.” I pleaded, my heart beating wildly in my chest. “Please don’t.”

Gerard just smirked, and pressed his lips to mine roughly, then trailed cold kissed down my jaw until he reached my collarbone. I was paralyzed in fear. Suddenly he bit down harshly and I screamed out in pain before going quiet. The familiar buzz of pleasure flooded through my veins and I relaxed into Gerard’s arms, moaning quietly as I started to get dizzy.

My eyes closed and I began to feel very lightheaded and weak. I could barley twitch my fingers. The only sound in the room was Gerard hungrily sucking the blood from my body, but soon that faded too and I was left in silence.

Complete silence.

And then I knew.

It was over.

And I was dead.