Things You Never Thought You Had

Welcome To Berkeley

Have you ever noticed those little things in life that make your day?
It could be anything, from your favourite song coming on the radio in the morning on the way to school, to the girl you’ve liked since the first day you saw her - who also happens to be one of your best friends - laying her head on your shoulder because she’s tired in the best lesson you have that day (double music -in other words double free lesson). But isn’t it these little things that get you through the day, if it wasn’t for these, wouldn’t life just be a little boring? Most of the time when these things do happen you don’t notice them, because most of the time your so used to the complete opposite. Like that song that’s been bugging you for the last week, was played the morning that you missed your bus, it was pissing down and some random huge dude that is on your stop (who is twice your size) decides to totally forget that you are standing there, goes running after the bus, trips over your back, goes flying into you and then your arm breaks under all the extra weight, but then again it’s not all bad. I could still learn the guitar and I could have hurt a lot more cause this guy was massive!

Every day is the same for me: get up, get dressed, school, home and then bed. I know -kind of sad. I’m not the hottest guy in the year which means I don’t have a girlfriend, kind of sad being 17 and no girlfriend, but then again life isn’t that bad to me, I could be absolutely ugly and have a face like a slapped areas. I guess ‘cause I’m one of the outcasts of my school, yeah you know the person that can play guitar, goes to night clubs to see bands that nobody’s heard of. But then again, why should it get me down? I’m the one that wants to be like this and no one will ever change that. I’m not the only outcast in school though, I have friends, and I mean friends.
There’s Rhys: - he’s one of my best friends and the drummer in my band, their ain’ anybody like him, he’s the next Buddy Rich, I mean it! Oh we call him Tater, don’t ask why we just do.
Adam: - the one and only Jesus, if you wanted to have a laugh just go to him. Just looking at him gives me the jiggles, foot! But yeah he’s the singer in the band and if it wasn’t for him nobody would know about us, everyone knows him you cant go any where with him without being thrown flat up against a wall by girls he’s either hooked up with or guys that want to be like him. It’s odd that he even hangs around with us anymore, but I guess that’s what makes him such a good friend, the fact that he could have been in any group of people and his choice was us. He’s sort of tall he has sort black hair that he always has spiked up in to a Mohawk.
Sparky: - believe it or not that’s her name ‘Sparky’, it was Sanity, but the second she turned 16 she went straight to the City Hall and changed her name. Well anyway, she’s the bassist in the band, and Jesus she’s good, no one has anything on her. She’d kick anybody’s ass at bass.
She has the prettiest eyes and the nicest purple hair I’ve ever seen. But it’s not only her good looks I’m attracted to, it’s everything about her. There isn’t one thing I’d fault about her. She’s the best but she can’t ever know that like her, for the fact that it’s me and I’ll just go and muck it all up like I always do.

Well then, there’s me. I’m not much, I guess, I’m the guitarist for the band, I’m okay I guess, but then again compared to the likes of Billie Joe Armstrong, Jimmy Page or even Robert Plant I don’t even know if I count as a guitarist.
But “hey, life goes on!” as they say, oh, together we call ourselves ‘Enough Rope’ named after an album that I was brought up with, by ‘The Clash’, my dad was a big fan. Well yeah anyway that’s us and this is where we start. The year is 1987, Berkeley, CA.

I live on Harrison St Berkeley, CA. I don’t have a Mom she died when I was like 10. I live with my Dad. He’s a truck driver for a export company (which means he’s never at home, and I have the house to my self) and I can have people over when ever I want which just kicks ass!

I go to the nearby high school. There isn’t much round here part from the 924 Gilman Street Project, but for short we just call it Gilman, its this night club, where new bands come and play, it doesn’t cost much, around $5 every Friday, its clean to there are four rules: -
• No drugs
• No alcohol
• No violence

It’s fun it’s all we have to do round here, there’s a few good bands, there’s one called Green Day, which are the number one thing round here. There ain’t no better at Gilman, there’s a few other good bands like Bad Religion and Dead Kennedy’s which are both good. We’ve played there twice now, Billie Joe the lead singer from Green Day wanted us to go jam with them after our first show at Gilman. But since our second we haven’t done a lot, it’s been four months since ‘Enough Rope’ played at Gilman.

Our school ain’t that pretty either it’s a public school so really all the trash come here, basically every ones split up in to groups. All the jocks and the cheerleaders keep the main part of the playground every break and then what’s left goes around different parts of the school the outcasts like myself stay on the grass next to the ground where we muck around most of the time just kicking the shit into each other.
Then in Berkeley there ain’t much, apart from a few skate parks and factories and it’s the same done the whole way to Oakland but down there’s the army base where people see who can jump the fence one end and see if they can get to the other, not many make it but hey its something to do.
That’s basically Oakland and Berkeley. But what can I say, its home.