Status: In progress.

Turn It Into Magic

Fudgy Cupcakes

"I'm so fucking bored" Pogo complained, speaking for all the people in the room. After all the excitement of their vacation had passed, all anyone wanted to do was lay around and do nothing, but of course, they couldn't handle very much of that before they all wound up in the living room, watching a movie that Twiggy had pulled out of the back closet.

"Tell me about it," John sighed, burying his head into Ginger's lap. The two of them had plopped down with a blanket in the middle of the floor after changing into their pajamas. Pogo was hogging the loveseat; laying on his stomach with his head resting on the arm of the chair and his legs hanging over the other end.

"I'm bored, but I don't want to do anything," Twiggy said, swinging his legs. Marilyn had sat on the armchair, therefore meaning that Twiggy sat on his lap. His statement earned murmurs of agreement from nearly everyone in the room, therefore proving the laziness of everyone.

"Where the hell did Elizabeth and Abi go, anyway?" Pogo asked, turning around so that he was no longer watching the terrible movie, but was looking at the rest of the people around him.

"Probably away from you," Ginger pointed out, giggling.

"Hm, that's true. Some people just can't handle these good looks," Pogo joked, stroking his face. "But seriously. Where'd they go?"

"They said they had to talk about something. Probably about how they're going to make the money to pay for food and the stuff we broke," Marilyn shrugged, wrapping his arms around Twiggy's waist.

"True." With that, Pogo turned back to the movie, not really watching it. Instead, he was trying to figure out how to divide by zero without using any sort of paper.

"I wanna do something interesting," John whined, looking up at Ginger. The drummer looked down at him with wary eyes, knowing full well what John's form of 'interesting' entailed.

"Go find Tim and bake some cookies," Ginger responded, turning his attention away from John.

"But I don't wanna bake cookies, Ginge!"

"Cake, then."

"Ginger!" John was now glaring up at his lover, becoming frustrated that he wouldn't comply with his demands.

"John!" the drummer echoed, perfectly matching the guitarist's tone of voice.

"You two are too cute," Pogo mused with a grin, his attention broken by their little argument.

"Shut up Pogo, you have no right to speak," John snapped before he broke out laughing.

"Wow," Marilyn sighed, shaking his head.

"But seriously Ginger, I-"

"I'm not going to, John."

"I was just going to tell you that we should all bake something, Jesus Christ!" John growled.

"You know, that's a good idea. It's not like there's anything better to do," Pogo shrugged. "Twiggy? Marilyn? You up for it?"

"Hell yeah!" Twiggy exclaimed, jumping up from Marilyn's lap and pulling the other less enthusiastic man with him.

"I thought you didn't want to bake," Ginger pointed out as John helped him up.

"I said I don't wanna bake cookies. But I'd be just fine baking something else," John said. The men bounded down the stairs to the large kitchen, making it sound as if a stampede were approaching. Of course, no one bothered to check what the noise was. It was largely assumed that whatever it was, they didn't want to know or get involved in it.

Once there, the debate began about what they were to bake. Pogo suggest cake, though Twiggy turned that down with the argument that cakes aren't fun and cupcakes are so much better. Marilyn offered pie, but Ginger rejected the idea, saying that pie is complicated. After the ideas were thrown around, it was finally accepted that cupcakes should be baked, for they're the easiest to make and it's much easier to split them up equally.

"Where's the cake mix?" Pogo asked, rifling through one of the many cupboards. John sighed and walked over to a different one on the other side of the room.

"They're right here, Pogo," he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. The rest of the men followed him over, looking in wonder at the large amounts of flavored mixes there was.

"What are we going to make?" Ginger wondered aloud.

"I say chocolate," Twiggy suggested. "No, nevermind. The double chocolate fudge!"

"I second that motion," John agreed.

"Well, I disagree. I like strawberry," Pogo said smugly, crossing his arms.

"I actually think I want what Twiggy said," Ginger said, pointing to the box Twiggy was holding out. Marilyn nodded in agreement.

"Aw, you guys are no fun!" Pogo exclaimed.

"Majority vote, Pogs. If you don't like it, you can make your own cupcakes," Twiggy shrugged. "It's not like it really makes a difference to me."

"But you'd be the one to clean it up," interjected Ginger. Several times before, he had been left to clean up after Pogo's baking adventures, and each time it had taken several hours.

"Fine," Pogo sighed dramatically. "I'll make your fucking fudgy cupcakes."


A few minutes later, everyone had dumped in the item they were told to by John. Currently, Pogo was carefully stirring the mixture under the scrutinizing gaze of the guitarist. He was trying his hardest not to make a mess, because John had already given him the warning that if he did, he would have to lick it up. And it was always up for debate what happen on those counters.

"Is it done yet?" Twiggy asked, peering over Pogo's shoulder. The keyboardist glared at the other man.

"Does it fucking look like I'm done?" Pogo questioned, pointing to the barely stirred mess that was piled in the bowl.

"I don't know. That's why I asked you," Twiggy said quietly, stepping back.

"No, Twiggy. It is not done yet," Pogo sighed heavily.

"Careful," John warned. The keyboardist hadn't been paying attention and nearly knocked the bowl over.

"Careful," Pogo mocked in a high-pitch voice, rolling his eyes. "You're so anal, John."

The guitarist glanced at Ginger and smirked. "I don't consider that a bad thing."

"What's going on?" Trent yawned, rubbing his eyes. After getting home, he and Tim went straight to their bedroom and, to everyone's great surprise, actually slept.

"We're making cupcakes!" Twiggy chirped. The singer looked at the other men like they were insane, although he should be used to this kind of thing after living with them for so long.

He shook his head and could only think of one thing to ask. "What kind are they?"

"Double chocolate fudge! We're making a whole bunch, because we figured everyone would want them," the bassist replied happily. Trent looked into the bowl and shrugged.


"It's done now, Pogo," John said, sliding off of the counter. "Did anyone put the little paper things in the tray?"

"I did," Marilyn said, pointing to the tray that was lined with metallic paper cups.

"Good. Ginge, you can pour the batter in, because I don't want to." The guitarist handed the bowl over to Ginger, who sighed unhappily but complied to John's instructions.

As he finished spooning the batter into the cups, John had slowly edged closer to the drummer as everyone slowly gravitated to the exit. The moment Ginger closed the oven, the guitarist grabbed his hand.

"You've got to clean up now, Trent! And make sure they don't burn!" John called as he dragged the drummer from the room, following the rest of the men.

"What the fuck?! That's not fair!" Trent called after them. The only response he got was louder giggles from Twiggy as he ran farther away with everyone else.

"Now what are we gonna do?" Pogo asked as they reached the living room. No one felt like going back to watching the movie. Silence fell over the group as they tried to think of something interesting to do.

"Honestly, I can't think of anything," Marilyn shrugged after several minutes. Murmurs of agreement followed the statement.


"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Abi asked Elizabeth hesitantly. The two girls had both changed into their pajamas and were discussing ideas for things that would keep everyone occupied.

"I'm bored," Pogo complained as he walked into the room without so much as knocking or announcing his presence. Abi sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

"Why does your boredom have to involve us?" she asked, glaring at the keyboardist.

"Because we're all bored," he said, pointing at the men who were filing into the room.

"There's board games in the closet across the hall. Or go bake some cookies or something," Elizabeth shrugged.

"We already baked cupcakes. Trent's down there making sure they turn out okay," Twiggy stated. "And besides, the only board game I want to play is Twister, but you guys got rid of it."

"Because the last time you played it, the game turned into a big orgy!" Abi cried, slamming down her cup of coffee. "There's no way in hell I want to have to explain that mess to the poor maid who would have to clean it up."

"Oh come on! If I weren't so lazy, I'd make my own Twister. Out of paper plates," Pogo announced, crossing his arms. He had sat down in a chair at the table with the two girls, looking at them intently.

"Why don't you guys work on that? It'd reduce the boredom," Elizabeth said. She watched as everyone took their seats, which were mainly on the floor.

Pogo scoffed. "Because we're all lazy. We want entertainment that we don't have to pay for, work for, or think about."

Abi turned and looked at Elizabeth. "I think your idea was a perfect one. We should call them up." It took a moment for Elizabeth to understand which idea she was referring to, but once it came, a grin slid over her face.

"Oh. That idea. Okay, well in that case, I completely agree," she said. Turning to the rest of the men with the smile still present she said, "You guys go watch a movie or something. I'll be calling your entertainment over shortly."

"Finally! Someone knows what they're talking about," Pogo exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. "Let's go find a movie, guys."

"Make sure it's a long one!" Abi called after them, taking into consideration how long it would take for their plan to be put into action.

"Long one, okay. Shouldn't be a problem," Pogo snickered as he stood up. Abi deadpanned.

"Just... go," she sighed, pointing to the door. "Find a movie over two hours. Or play some video games."

"Ooh, do you want me to pick a hard one?" Pogo laughed. Abi glared at him with the intent to kill, which only caused the keyboardist to laugh harder. "Okay, okay. We'll go entertain ourselves."

"With an orgy," Twiggy added before shrieking with laughter and running from the room. Everyone - including Ginger, who normally took no interest in arguments such as these - ran from the room, laughing.

"Sometimes I seriously worry about them. Most of the time, I'm just so... ugh!" Abi exclaimed. Elizabeth nodded, knowing exactly what she meant.

"Should we call them?" Elizabeth asked. Abi nodded, rubbing her eyes with one hand as she used the other to push her address book over to her friend. Elizabeth opened it and flipped through the pages until she reached the desired set of phone numbers. Then she picked up the phone, dialed it, and waited for the person on the other end to pick up.

"Hello there! Yes, this is... Look, we'd like you to come on down to the hospital- yes, our hospital just to see the guys again." As the person on the other line spoke, Elizabeth grinned and flashed a thumbs-up to Abi, who was watching her intently. "Yep, okay. I'll see you in a little while. It was nice talking to you, too, Mrs. Bier. Bye bye."

With that, Elizabeth hung up the phone and grinned even wider.

"One down, and who-knows-how-many more to go," she announced as Abi stood.

"You keep making the calls. I'll make us some coffee. It's gonna be a long day."
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for the filler-ish chapter. But trust me, it's just a gateway to more exciting things!