Status: workin on it

I've Loved My Best Friend's Brother Since We Were Kids!

Psycho Ex

Chapter 12

Blake’s POV

‘Okay, so that wasn’t a complete lie’ I thought to myself. I am going to Paul’s house, but first I have to stop by Belle’s house. I can’t- and don’t want- two girlfriends. I only want Amy, so Belle’s gotta go. I don’t really know what I ever saw in her. I mean Belle and I have been together for only four months. But I’ve known and liked Amy more. I turned down Belle’s street and parked my car in front of her house. I called her this morning and told her I would be coming over soon, so she was waiting on her front porch. When she saw me get out of the car, her face lit with a smile. She got up and launched herself into my arms. She does this ever time, and honestly, it’s just annoying.

“Hey babe” Belle said

“Hi Belle” I said nervously.

She put her arms around me and tried to kiss me. I shifted and maneuvered out of her embrace. Belle’s expression went from confused to angry. Wow, never seen that before.

“What’s wrong Blake? Why don’t you wanna kiss me?” She asked angrily.

“There’s nothing wrong. I just want to talk about something,” I answered cautiously.

“Okay, so talk.” She said still angry

“Well…these past four months have been amazing, and I was thinking…” I trailed off, because all of a sudden her expression turned from angry to happy. Man, someone is having some serious mood swings.

“Yes Blake?” She asked sweetly. Fake.

“I think we should see other people,” I said quickly.

“What?” She said in a quiet voice

“I think we should see other people,” I repeated slowly.


I was now absolutely terrified of ‘this’ Belle. She has never been like this before.

“Belle, calm down. I don’t want to be in this relationship anymore, so I’m gonna see other people. That big outburst of yours was soo overrated and I’m definitely not gonna be with a girl like you” I stated calmly

“No one else can have you and whatever bitch you decide to date wont be around for long” She said dangerously. I took one step towards her really fast.

“Touch her and you wont be around for long,” I said venomously.

She looked taken aback by my threat, which had full meaning in it. I don’t care, NOBODY, threatens or hurts Amy.

“Yea, will see,” She said.

I just turned around and got into my car. I don’t wanna end up being arrested for assaulting a bitch.