Status: I will try to give you a chapter once on a week but be patient with me...

Dance, Dance


Dance Dance

I wait in the wings for the music to start. I watch as the others finish there group dance. I watch as they work on their flips, kicks, and turns. I can see that they are working hard but not performing to their best abilities.

I sigh, knowing that I can do better. I watch as they come together for a group finale. I felt my shoulders shudder as I saw that three of the performers fell. They couldn't even get their ending correctly.

I scoffed as the leader, walked past me and tried shoving me against the wall. It didn't work, I just pushed her into the wall. I watched as the lights dimmed down. I waited for the music of 'Hearing Damage' by Thom Yorke.

As the beats started, I closed my eyes and skipped onto the stage. I waited to feel the mist of confetti and streamers being let out. Once I felt the confetti, I started. I did a roundoff with a basic Latin Tango move.

The audience couldn't take their eyes off me. I smiled to myself as I knew that I had the other dancers beat.

I was in the middle of my tap/ballet combo steps when suddenly the lights went out. It was dark. I stopped my movements and looked around. I heard the audience screams as they realized that the lights had gone out.

What was going on? This was supposed to be my show. Suddenly a spotlight came on and it was point to the top right corner of the stage. I looked to see someone in a dark cape and a dark mask. It was concealing the face.

Suddenly, the voice spoke out. "You, Nicolette Ebony, will die." The eyes of the masked person were staring straight at me as they spoke.
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This is my first chapter and I hope that you like it! I'm sorry if I get any of the dancing wrong, I'm not a dancer but I will do my best at getting the steps correct...