Status: If you want my effort put to this then tell me and I will try to update more. 0.o

He Ain't a Crook Son, He's Just a Shook One

Secret on the Street

Laughter from my friends’ lips spouted more smoke into the already swirling air that we sat in. We were currently lounged about the room dedicated to me in my mom’s one story suburban house- and it was completely hot-boxed. Suddenly there was a whoosh of opaque air towards my opening door and a collective groan from my friends. We had just spent the last three hours collecting the smoke that was escaping into the great beyond of my house.

“awwww Michelle, why did you have to do that?” that was Leelee, the smallest and most annoying of all my friends, who was complaining- as usual. With a raised eyebrow at Leelee, my mom turned to me.

“Cam, you and your friends need to leave for the rest of the weekend ‘cause Dylan is coming over and I don’t want to have to put up with your shit.” Then she turned and tossed a twenty on my pillow before walking out of my door, slamming it behind her.

“ughhhh,” I groaned, “I was hoping to get some work done on my painting this weekend.” Whenever my mom kicked me out of the house (usually temporarily), it meant she didn’t want to ‘see my motherfucking face’ for the time allotted. She probably hadn’t told this Dylan fellow about her only child yet.

“You can head over to my place for tonight, as long as you bring the rest of your hash-stash.” James, aka Jesus, coughed. He had earned the name because of his ass-long hair that we all agreed made him look like the ancient religious symbol.

“Only if you swear that cold you picked up from your skanky girlfriend isn’t contagious.” I grinned. All of us enjoyed teasing anyone who picked up a significant other outside of our group, and it was poor James’ time.

“yeah yeah,” he rolled his eyes. “I gotta be getting though, so if you’re coming get your shit together and let’s go.”

LeeLee, Kevin, and Will all picked up their respective objects and headed out through my living room. Most of them called out some sort of antagonistic comment to my mom, before exiting the premise, which left James and I to pack two changes of clothes and the twenty from my mom in a bag before getting the hell out of dodge.

Someday I am going to make my mom regret every long weekend, every cold night, and every bitter drop of this life blood in my veins that I spent on the streets of a small-town in northern California.
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"a question that often drives me hazy: am I or the others crazy?" -Albert Einstein