

The Palm Woods pool had to be the most relaxing place Kennedy Brooks had ever been. Despite only being at the hotel for two weeks, she'd fallen in love with it. Of course, she tried to avoid it when it was crowded. Her typical morning consisted of her making a mug of tea, then heading down to the pool to read for a while.

After that, she'd head off to the studio. Her and her acoustic guitar were finally getting noticed, and Rocque Records wanted her to record a demo. Sure, there was the chance that her demo wouldn’t sell, and she'd be dropped. But she was trying to pursue her dream, that was all that matter.

It was a warm and sunny day when Gustavo decided she deserved a break. Well, it was more or less that he needed a break, after a long morning with one of his other bands. Kennedy didn’t know who they were, but they went by the name of Big Time Rush and were also staying at the Palm Woods.

With nothing better to do, Kennedy headed back to her hotel, changing into a bikini with shorts and a tank top over it. She then grabbed her favorite book, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, shoving it in her bag, before heading down to the pool. Her silver flip-flop slapped loudly against the pavement.

She quickly settled down on a comfortable pool chair, pushing her sunglasses higher up on the bridge of her nose, before digging through her bag for her book.

Kennedy read exactly twenty-one pages before she felt someone's eyes on her. She tried to ignore it, but just knowing that she was being watched was ruining her focus. She ended up reading the same sentence three times by accident, before giving up. She looked up from the book and blinked a few times, trying to find the person that was watching her.

Kennedy's green eyes fell upon a boy with messy blonde hair, who looked about sixteen years old. When he saw that she'd noticed him, he looked away quickly, his cheeks turning pink. Kennedy shrugged, going back to her book. A few moments later, a shadow fell upon her, and she glanced up. It was the boy from before, the one that had been watching her.

"Um, hi?" She said slowly and awkwardly, not sure why this attractive guy was even giving her a second glance. Kennedy had never been a confident person. She felt that her eyes were too murky, and her wavy blonde hair never did what it was supposed to. She wasn’t tan, but she wasn’t pale. Her face had too many freckles. She was too scrawny and awkward for anyone to like.

"Hi, I'm Kendall. I uh, I just didn’t want you to think I was a creep or anything, for staring earlier. It's just, I've never seen you before, and I um, I just wanted to say hi," Kendall rambled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He should have planned what to say. Instead, he was looking like a fool.

But planning probably wouldn’t have helped anyway. He was sure he would have forgotten every word he thought up as soon as he went over to her. She was gorgeous, and not in the typical LA girl way. She wasn’t tanned to a crisp. Her blonde hair was dark and wavy, not bleached and straightened to death. Up close he noticed the freckles that were sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. As far as he could tell, she was flawless.

"Oh. Well, hi Kendall. I'm Kennedy," she stuck her hand out to shake his, realizing how stupid she must seem. But he took her hand in his anyway. "I just moved here about two weeks ago, so it's not surprising you haven’t seen me around. I've been really busy."

"So, what are you?" Kendall asked, releasing her hand. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Actress? Singer?"

She blushed, feeling stupid for not realizing that was what he meant. "Oh, I'm a singer. Me and my guitar are here to record a demo. What about you?"

"Me and my friends are in a band. Big Time Rush. Have you heard of us?"

Kennedy recognized the name instantly, and starting laughing loudly. Kendall stared at her, a look of hurt crossing his face. She didn’t like his band? When she noticed this, she cleared her throat, trying to stop laughing. "I've never actually listened to your band," she said quietly. "But Gustavo has told me all about you. And how all four of you are out to kill him. You're his 'dogs', right?"

Kendall grinned. "That would be us." A silence fell upon the two, and Kendall shifted back and forth on his feet. He didn’t like the silence. He wanted to keep listening to her gentle voice. "So, you play guitar, huh?"

She blushed again, and Kendall couldn’t help but notice how cute it was when she did. "Yeah, I've been playing since I was nine. Seven years later, I'm finally getting somewhere with it."

"That's pretty impressive," he smiled. She nodded, taking her sunglasses off her nose and resting them on the top of her head. Kendall noticed how amazing her eyes were. The dark green iris that wrapped around her pupils seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. He wanted to say so much more to her, but he didn’t get the chance.

"KENDaLL!" Three voices yelled, before Kendall was being tackled to the ground. Kennedy raised an eyebrow at the three boys who had attacked her new friend.

"Dude, we've been looking all over for you!" The one with cool hair said.

"Yeah, what have you been doing this whole time?" the one wearing a helmet asked.

Kennedy cleared her throat lightly, making her presence known to the other boys. "I'm Kennedy. Sorry, I've been talking to Kendall for a while. I didn’t know you guys needed him."

"I uh, we... we didn’t need him. We just um, wanted to find him..." the third boy stuttered out, staring at the beautiful girl in front of him. "I'm Logan."

The one in the helmet pushed him over. "I'm Carlos."

The one with the cool hair pushed Carlos out of the way. "My name is James."

Kendall stood behind them all, sighing and rolling his eyes. Kennedy giggled. "Hiya," she said to all of them.

Kendall pushed all of his friends out of the way. "Well, now that you all know her, I was just about to take Kennedy out to lunch." She raised an eyebrow, giving him a questioning glance. "So we should be going, right Kennedy?" There was something in his tone that showed how desperate he was to escape his friends.

She blinked a couple times. "Right, of course. It was nice meeting you all," Kennedy said, throwing her things back in her bag. Kendall held out his hand, helping her up out of the chair. But he didn’t let go once she was up. Instead, he held on, sliding his fingers in-between her's. This caused Kennedy to blush for what felt like the billionth time that day.

"Bye Kennedy!" The three guys said, trying to shove each other out of the way to wave to her.

Kendall held tightly to her hand, leading her into the building. "So, I guess now I owe you lunch?" He smirked, brushing his hair out of his eyes with his free hand.

"Hm, I guess you do," Kennedy grinned. "But I need to change. And I'm guessing you might want to as well," she added, eyeing his bathing suit.

He glanced down at what he was wearing and nodded. "What room are you in? I'll meet you there in.... ten minutes?"

Kennedy nodded. "5G. I'll see you then," she smiled, then headed off to the elevator. Kendell just stared after her, still amazed that he had managed to get a date with her. Now he just had to make sure he doesn’t ruin it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Big Time Rush. My friends make fun of me for it all the time but I'm always like "I LISTEN TO BIG TIME RUSH WITH PRIDE!"
True story, bro.

For some reason, the way I picture Kennedy is Ke$ha (another guilty pleasure). So basically, like this, but not so... party girl-ish.. But that's how I picture her hair and her face and all.

Second part should be up soon.
So, yeah. Feedback is great.