‹ Prequel: ***.
Status: On hold.


Man of the house.

Sam didn’t sneak out all the time, just when there was a party or his friends were hanging out somewhere. He never stayed all night though, he did need some sleep to stay alert the next day. Though Georgia was a light sleeper she had never mentioned him sneaking out, so she mustn’t have woken up on the off chance he was gone.
Tonight there was a party a few blocks away, his friend Dale told him a few people were going to go to the local park and drink alcohol. He had never tried the stuff, the worst he had done was smoke cigarettes. His father was an alcoholic, his mother a heroin junkie, he heard that term talking to his friends, he didn’t mention that he knew one. Drugs fucked up everything, but still, he heard drinking was fun.

He was on the bottom bunk so the bed didn’t rock when he got up, he was already clothed for the night out so not to delay leaving the rundown house. There was no moon that night, quiet and dark in the house as he crept down the carpeted hall, he always went out the backdoor because it didn’t squeak.

Once he was clear of the house he ran, he enjoyed the freedom as trees and houses whipped past him, his messy black hair blown back by how fast he was going. He closed his eyes as the cold wind washed over his face, he imagined a place where no one else existed, a place where he was free to do what he wanted. The thought ripped away as he stumbled over the kerb, eyes darting open so he didn’t fall. Shit, he thought, and he started laughing. He laughed hard until his lungs hurt, until he neared the park and he slowed down to catch his breath before he walked through the gates.

Hearing voices in the distance he knew where to go, one light on the road didn’t completely light up the park but he could make out faint figures nearby. He walked over and was greeted loudly by Dale and Andy, his friends from school, behind them he noticed a few more people he knew. Another boy in his year Nathan and three girls, Candice, Britney and Lilly, also his age.

“Hey c’mon, haaaave a drink,” Andy slurred, putting an arm around his shoulders and passing him a can. He took it and gulped it down without hesitation. Was he supposed to be drunk now? What did that even feel like? Oh well, that didn’t matter he was out to have some fun. Some time later, it wasn’t known how long by anyone, they started playing ‘truth or dare’ a game Sam had never played before.
“If it’s your turn to go you have to um, pick truth or dare then uhh,”Dale was interrupted by Candice who was getting impatient from the slow telling of the rules.
“Then someone gets to dare you to do something, or ask you a question which you have to answer,” she explained, sweeping her blonde hair behind her ears and taking a sip from her can. She licked her lips to trap any stray drops of booze.
He faded in and out of the game, this is what drunk is, answering his questions and doing his dares. ‘How far had you gone with a girl’, ‘I dare you to do a nude run’. Until a dare he was stumped on.
“Pick a girl, find somewhere and go as far as you can,” Dale sounded out, a childish giggle escaped his drunken mouth.

Next thing Sam remembered was walking away from the group, a silky hand in his as they walked to a group of trees. He looked at Candice as she led the way, her hair frizzy from the wind, her dark eyes finding a safe path. “What do you want to do to me Sam?” she asked, her lips pouted, eyes wide.
“Whatever,” He didn’t really care, this was Candice, one of the hottest girls in school. One that obviously didn’t see him as the disadvantaged scummy kid, but as someone. She let his hands wander all over, tongues fighting to reach the other , his first time with a girl and he was exploring. Apparently he was taking too much time, Candice rushed in, clothes came off fast and he was on his back. Leaves crunched as they rocked, Candice made no noise, poised on finishing quick. Sam kept his mouth shut and went along, this wasn’t how he had pictured it. She knew when he had finished and was quick to jump off, clothes on faster than he thought possible, maybe he was just too drunk.
“Wait, where are you going,” He managed, stumbling to get into his clothes. She had started to walk off.
She turned, “Look I just want you to know, it was fun, and now everyone is going to like you ok,” she turned and started walking. “I do that with everyone, you’re not special or anything.”
His eyes widened, his first time, he knew it should have been different, not with someone because he thought she was hot. He slipped the last of his clothes back on, and he walked in the opposite direction, then he ran. This time eyes wide open, wind stinging, making his eyes water. He ran until he tripped, hands out to catch himself and gravel entered his palms, a pain dulled by the alcohol in his veins. He lay there breathing deep watching the world spin until he passed out.