Sequel: Bullet and a Target

Code of Honor

Chapter 15


I remember when the war first broke out on our soil. Even before as a precaution. We practiced drills at school for several situations. One of which was in case of a bombing. At the time it seemed stupid and we all took it as a joke. The boys would scream and dive under tables making stupid noises. Sometimes even in slow motion. We all had a good laugh glad something had interrupted the boring lectures we’d been subjected to. These drills had never done me any good since I hadn’t been in school when the bombs dropped. Then again it didn’t help those inside the school’s either. I wondered if that would help us now.

The bombs had been dropping all night. Every time I started to think they’d stopped they’d start again. We sat in the darkness and listened the destruction of the city around us. Not knowing if we’d be the next to go down. We couldn’t have any light because it attracted attention. That also meant we couldn’t have a fire for warmth. It bothered me slightly since the night was so bitterly cold.

But again I would rather be cold than dead. My father, noting my shivering, pulled me closer into his arms and wrapped them around me. Jamison would have a fit if he was in the room. He said I wasn’t getting worse but he still wanted to keep us isolated. Whatever he was giving us seemed to help our bodies fight off the diseased cells off. It wouldn’t cure us he’d said but it would keep us alive and hopefully we would ride this out. That was our hope. That we could live long enough for our bodies to kill off the disease.

“What do you think there trying to kill?” I asked quietly.

It had been eerily silent for some time. I didn’t know if the bombs had stopped altogether for if they were just on their way. Ready to plunge the rest of the city into destruction.

“I don’t know,” He replied honestly “It all depends.”

He was right. It all depended on who was actually dropping the bombs. The day Dimitri and I had seen them it had been our own country. No one could go outside to see. Even if they did they most likely wouldn’t be able to see them in the dark. These planes could belong to anyone and be here for any reason. Though another country’s planes made more sense than our own.

“Why would our own country bomb us?” I asked and he sighed.

“Wish I knew,” He said running his hand through my hair. “They could be doing it to take out areas that cause them trouble to control. They could be taking out anything of use for when were invaded. They could even be taking out invaders themselves.”

“Do you think they’d try and take us out?”

He frowned down at me. I seen a flicker of fear in his eyes but he hid it quickly. He knew they would. “No, I don’t think they’d waste their resources on a small group like us.”

I knew he was lying to make me feel better. But I tried to believe him. I leant back and rested my head in his chest. Letting the dull thud of his heart beat calm me. I was on the verge of falling into sleep when the building started to rumble. Instinctively I pulled back to hide in my father’s chest knowing what was coming.

His strong arms tightened around me. It didn’t take long soon we could hear the explosions. They were further away than the last few. But still close enough to shake the ground beneath us. I buried my head into my father’s neck until it passed. I couldn’t help it. When he was around I turned into a little kid. Especially in situations like this. Slowly the world righted itself and everything went silent.

“It’s okay,” Dad whispered. It wasn’t until then I realized I was shaking.

“Everything okay in here.”

I looked up at the sound of Jamison’s whisper. He was in the doorway with a small torch in his hand. It was pointed directly down. Providing enough light to see where he was going but not enough to draw attention to our building in the night.

“We’re alright,” Dad replied.

Jamison glanced at us and frowned disapprovingly at me in his arms. He was only allowed to be with me if he kept his mouth and nose covered, we kept some distance and I didn’t breathe on him. At least his face was still covered I thought. Jamison didn’t say anything but walked over to check on Penny.

The disease had weakened her, topped with her pregnancy she was more often than not exhausted and weak. So she slept a lot. She was the only one who had been able to sleep through this. Even if it was an interrupted sleep. Jamison then walked over to us after he’d finishes checking on her and the baby. He gave dad a disapproving look but kneeled down in front of me without a word.

“How are you feeling?”

I shrugged “About the same,” I mumbled.

“Is you chest still hurting?”

I nodded.

“Okay. Did you want to play guinea pig for me?”

I frowned. So did my father.

“Nothing that can hurt you,” He cleared up. “I think it might help. What I gave Penny seems to have more of an effect then what I’ve been giving you. It gave me an idea so I want to try this out.”

“Yeah okay,” I mumbled as he pulled out the needle. I shuddered.

Dad pulled my closer into his chest and I closed my eyes. Jamison pulled my arm out gently and carefully inserted the needle into my skin.

“Relax Grace,” Jamison said gently. I hadn’t noticed I’d tensed up.

I let out a deep breath and tried to relax. Soon it was all over and he was pulling the needle from my arm. No matter how many times he did I couldn’t get over my fear.

“I’ll leave you alone for the night now,” He chuckled.

He checked on Penny one more time before he left the room. Giving dad one last look. I yawned and snuggled back into my dad’s chest. Using him as a pillow.

“Get some sleep,” Dad whispered and kissed my forehead.

“I don’t know if I can,” I replied.

“Don’t worry,” He mumbled in my ear tightening his arms around me. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew his words were empty. There wasn’t much he could do to protect me from bombs dropping from the sky. But the comfort of his words was there. It was enough for me to let my heavy eyelids drop.

It remained silent until morning. No more bombs dropped. I woke to the movement of my father beneath me as he shifted into a more comfortable position. I glanced back at him. It couldn’t be comfortable having someone sleeping on top of you all night. Very carefully I moved into a better position to take as much of my own weight of him as I could before settling back down. I closed my eyes again and tried to fall back asleep.

The events of the night before quickly came back to me and suddenly sleep seemed impossible. I glanced up towards the window. Our building looked intact from where I sat. So did the one beside it. Maybe we got lucky. I had no idea why they were bombing their own city. Permitting it was even out own government that had been bombing us last night. It could have been an enemy paving there way for an attack.

With a soft groan and a shake of my head I tried to push the thoughts from my head. I didn’t want to think about it. There was no point stressing myself over things I couldn’t control. I closed my eyes and tried to think of a distraction. One came to mind easily. It was plagued my mind for some time now. It was only lately that I’d been able to put some serious thought into it.

The father was Penny’s baby. It was hard one but I had my suspicions.

It was hard to say she was close to anyone because she was close to everyone. She was just a friendly person. Obviously a little too friendly. I thought about Oscar. He used to flirt with her all the time. Then again that was just his nature. I got feeling he flirted with anything that walked. My second thought was Jamison. But again he didn’t seem the type. The thought was almost laughable. Maybe it he wouldn’t so that. He promised me.

~ ~ ~

The next few days past slowly. I slept most of them away. We never found out who had been dropping those bombs that night but a few of us had been out to assess the damage. An entire block on the other side of the city had been leveled. It made me think dad was right. It was an area that was always heavy with fighting. Usually between another group like ours and the army. We tried to stay out of it.

The bombs had also taken out another few buildings. We had no idea what they’d held before or what significance they held but someone wanted them gone. Though the loss of one building was a huge blow to us and anyone like us. The hospital and been demolished until there was nothing left but the stench of death and rubble. Jamison and dad were already throwing ideas around on how to get around this. We needed medical supplies and we’d just lost our main supply.

“The mall out west is still standing,” Dad mentioned as Jamison looked over me. “There should be something there?”

Jamison shrugged. “It’s worth a try.” He smiled at me. “You’re on the mend Gracie.”

“It’s working?” Dad questioned.

“It’s helping,” Jamison said. He sounded as disbelieving as dad. “Don’t ask me how but something’s flicked. Are you feeling better?”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah. I don’t feel like I’m dying anymore.”

“Definitely an improvement,” he smiled. “Just don’t go running any marathons. Your lungs still need some time to recover.”

Dad snorted.

“Hey,” I retorted. “What’s that about?”

“Run a marathon,” He joked. “I don’t think I could ever see you doing that.”

“I could if I wanted to,” I replied.

“Really,” He bantered. “Last time I checked your interest consisted of television and boys.”

I blushed and looked away. Jamison laughed as he looked over Penny. She smiled over at us. I hadn’t noticed she was awake.

“What’s wrong with that. I participated in plenty of marathons. Movie ones,” I informed him and he laughed.

“Yes I know. You and Oliver disappearing into your room to watch ‘movies’. I’m not stupid Grace.”

I smiled and blushed as I remembered those days. Oliver and I had countless movie marathons. But we never really watched the movies. It was more of an excuse to fool around in the darkness of my room and be left alone. Since our parents believed we were innocently watching movies. How I longed for those days now.

“Leave the girl alone,” Penny chuckled. Her voice sounded rough.

Dad chuckled and changed the subject back to our need of medical supplies. I zoned out and thought about the days I had shared with Oliver. I missed him. I felt lonely without the feel of his arms around me. I missed waking to him pulling me into his chest. I even missed having to sneak around with him. Even if It was down the road in his car down the street or just around the back of the school gym during class.

But most of all I missed that loving adoration in his eyes when he looked at me. The same look that was now taking residence in the eyes of my father. Suddenly my thoughts were brought up short. I watched him. He had that look in his eyes and he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking at her. My chest tightened.

My dad wasn’t perfect. As much as I liked to think he was. He had his flaw. Regrettably he had one I didn’t think I’d ever be able to forgive him for. My dad was a very loving person. Unfortunately this love spread more than it should. Especially around women. I only really knew about one time he cheated of my mother. He been caught red handed and sworn black and blue it would never happen again.

It was a bad time for my family. My mother was heartbroken, Dad was living out of home. And my brother and I were struggling to help our grieving mother and deal with our own anger at our father. My brother wouldn’t even talk to him at that time. I loved my dad but it took me a long time to forgive him for what he did to our family. As did mum. She took him back. sometimes I wondered if it was only for the sake of us kids.

He swore it was the first and last time. But sometimes I doubted it. My brother did and dad knew it. Once a cheat always a cheat as far as Leigh was concerned. There was a second time I caught a suspicion he was doing it again but I kept my mouth shut. For the sake of my family and my mother. Also I didn’t want to go through that with him again.

Mum may have forgiven him, Leigh wouldn’t but I was the hardest battle to win back. He tried for a long time before I ever forgave and trusted him again. He promised me he would never do it again and I had believed him. A part of me just wanted to pretend it wasn’t happening than hate him again. But apparently I had good reason to.

I watched them look at each other. She was awake now and looking back at him. I felt like I was intruding on something. Then all the evidence I needed showed itself. The look in his eyes, in her eyes proved exactly what I was thinking. It was him.

He was that baby’s father.
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