Sequel: Bullet and a Target

Code of Honor

Chapter 37

~ Riley ~

Leaving her behind was never easy. But leaving her behind injured and hurting the way she was, was hell. I took all my self-control not to turn back around and go to her. I had done all I could do to keep her hidden for the time being. Until I found her group and her father. They’d be able to hide her much better than I could. My home was inconspicuous and out of the way, but not entirely hidden. I’d worked with them long enough they wouldn’t go out that far, not yet. I had a few days grace first. They would search for us in the city before they tried anywhere else.

I knew it was dangerous for me to be out here at all right now. I was a dead man walking. We’d been caught together and the second they found out she was gone, they would have searched for me and found me gone. It wouldn’t be hard for them to figure it out or find the hole I’d cut in the fence line. There was no doubt in my mind I would be killed on sight, executed under the same treason laws they held Grace over.

I had already been threatened with this. The second they found us together, and me hiding her, I had been arrested just as quickly as she had been. The only reason I had not been dragged into the prison and killed was because I offered information, information I had no intention of actually giving up. The second we had been caught and I’d watched them arrest her I resided myself to the fact I would get her out as soon as I possibly could.

As I reached the edge of the city I pushed the thoughts from my head and concentrated on the task at hand. I could get killed out here, I couldn’t think about her right now. As much as I wanted to. The smallest distraction, and she was a good one, could get me killed. I’d learnt that much out here.

I made sure my handgun was holstered close at my side, easily reached if I needed it and made my first steps into dangerous territory. I had a basic idea of the bearings around the city, so I knew which direction Grace had guided me in. but getting there without being seen was going to be a challenge. Most the way there from where I currently stood was an army patrol route and they’d all have the order to kill me. Instead I decided to move across the centre of the city and work by way across slowly. That way I could remain safe and cover more ground. I wasn’t even entirely sure Grace’s directions were accurate. Not in the state she was in.

I could only imagine that they had done to her in there. I’d heard the rumors. We all had. I just wished half of them weren’t true. It was a hard truth to ignore though when one looked at her bruised and battered body proved most the rumors right. It was obvious she had been beaten, the black swollen eyes proved that. I could tell she’d been deprived of food and water, not only that but the stress had caused her to lose more weight and look even sicker than she was. I’d heard countless torture methods and she showed signs of all them.

I pushed her pain from my mind and pushed forward. The best thing I could do for her was find her dad. Though it was a task that seemed impossible. Their group had a reputation for being one of the best hidden in the area. Only once, thanks to a tip, we’re they able to catch them and they’d managed to escape that. The rest of the groups had always slipped up somewhere. Someone got cocky and exposed there hideout, then the army would move in and take them out. Grace’s group had never been so stupid, they had good leaders. It was obvious even from the outside. No group had lasted as long as they had.

“Oi, dude.”

I stopped dead at the sound of a male voice.

“Wait up!”

I stepped in the closest alleyway, hiding in the dark shadows provided by a dustbin. I didn’t recognize the voices, but again I didn’t know everyone on base. They could have been soldiers on the lookout for us.

I could hear their footsteps echoing down the street towards me. I let out a breath and reached for my gun. I hated shooting it but I was lacking in choices. I knew for her, I wouldn’t hesitate and I was all she had right now. As the two sets of footsteps traveled closer I readied myself for the fight. The adrenaline was already pumping in my veins. I’d stay hidden if possible, but I had to be ready for anything. I could hear one man’s light laughter, closer than the second mans call.

“You’re an ass!”

I tightened my hand around the butt of my gun.

“You’re just slow! Might wanna keep up or I’m taking your Poker title.”

“You can’t do that!”

I frowned into the darkness. They sounded like a pair of kids. Still I could not risk being seen by them. I ducked down as they reached the mouth of the alleyway. The first was a boy older than me and a small rifle on his back. He wasn’t wearing and uniform or symbol I could see. Still he could be dangerous. He was watching over his shoulder with a grin. He didn’t even glance in my direction.

One down and I was still undetected. I took this as a good sign. I sat still and waited for the second boy to pass. He was only a minute behind the other one. He looked to be about my age with dirty blonde hair that sparked recognition in me. My eyebrows furrowed as I struggled to remember him. I watched him walk past, a small swagger in his step, a red band around the top of his arm. My heart almost stopped in my chest.

It took a moment for the luck of the situation to actually sink in and by the time I’d jumped to my feet they’d already passed me. Knowing who they were suddenly helped me remember where I had seen the blonde boy before. He had been with Grace one day. I could not remember his name, my attention had been for her. But they had been friends. I turned the corner to see them only ten feet ahead of me. I glanced around to make sure we were alone before I called out.


They both flung around, their joke forgotten for the moment. Their eyes found me in a second. I could only assume from their reactions it was my uniform they seen first, and not me. I wondered if the blonde haired boy would even remember me from our single fleeting meeting.

They started moving backwards slowly. Moving away from me without turning their backs on me. I stepped forward trying to portray I was not a danger here. But still they moved to run away from me.

“Wait!” I called but they weren’t listening. They turned to run. “Grace! I have Grace.”

The older one skidded to a halt. Looking back at me with wide eyes. The other, the blonde boy, stopped also but not as gracefully as the first. They still looked hesitant to approach me but didn’t run away from me as I moved closer. I could see the nervousness in the older boy’s eyes. The blonde boy was studying me with narrowed eyes.

“I’m not army,” I told them once they were in earshot.

“Who are you?” the older one asked. His hand twitched towards his gun.

“I know you,” the blonde boy said. Frowning at me.

“We met once,” I told him.


I nodded.

“What do you mean you have Grace?” The older one asked suddenly.

“I’ve got her,” I replied quickly. “On the other side of the city, hidden. I’ve been looking for you guys.”

“Where did she go?”

I heard the condemnation in his voice. It made sense I would be a suspect in her disappearance.

“They got her,” I replied carefully. They knew who ‘they’ were. “I got her out.”

Their eyebrows raised in surprise. I didn’t have time for it. I walked closer to them.

“She needs help, I can’t keep her hidden forever….”

“Say no more,” The older one said. “Let’s go get her.”

They followed me back they way they’d come, towards the outskirts of the city. We moved quickly, much more quickly than I had made it in. I could tell they were both desperate to get to her. Introductions were done on the run, ducking occasionally as we came into contact with an army patrol.

“How did you even get her out?” Billy asked. Impressed.

I shrugged. “I had a few friends cause a distraction on the other side of the base and took her under the fence of the other side. Their too complacent, they didn’t expected someone to attack them from the inside.”

“But you’re a dead man if they catch you?” He asked. I nodded. “We better not let them catch you then.”

We ran the last few blocks in silence. Conserving our oxygen and energy. They said we had to get back soon. Cameron, Grace’s father, had put restrictions down.

“We’re not even meant to be out,” Billy told me as we reached the suburbs. “But we were desperate for some water so he let us go. But if we’re not back soon he’ll come looking for us and in that state his in, we don’t want that.”

“State?” I questioned.

His mouth turned to a thin line. “He woke up to find his daughter gone, his been a mess. Searched the city for her for a few days before he finally gave in. He hadn’t held out much hope for her. None of us wanted her to be, but we all assumed she was dead.”

“Army caught us. She’s in a bad way,” I informed them as we reached the house. I figured they needed the warning to prepare themselves.

Dimitri stopped on the doorstep. “How bad?”

“She’s sick, and her leg might be broken. We’re going to have to carry her.”

“What did they do to her?” Billy asked carefully.

I shook my head. “I try not to think about it.”

They followed me to through the desolate house, that had once been my home, and to the back room. She was still asleep in the back corner. Amongst the mess of blankets I had set up for her. I had expected no less. She had been in no state do to mush else when I had left. Knowing how fragile and scared she was I walked over slowly so not to startle her and kneeled down beside her. I had avoided waking her until this point. I was terrified of scaring her.

“Grace,” I whispered. Gently putting my hands on her. “Gracie.”

Her eyes fluttered slowly, revealing her pretty blue eyes. At first they were filled with sleep and fear born of nightmares. At first that fear took over and she tried to fight me off. But I held strong until she realized it was my hands she was in. She frowned at me through her bruised eyes. The other two hovered in the background, eventually her eyes found them. I had expected her to be scared at the presence of another two males, but she recognized them in an instant. Her lips twitched but she didn’t say a word.

“We better get her back to Jamison, pronto,” Billy said.

I moved to lift her into my arms but Dimitri stopped me from doing so.

“I’ve got her,” He said scooping her up before I could. A small, very male, part of me didn’t like his interference. But I kept my mouth shut, thought it most likely showed on my face.

“You’ve done enough for her, Let us help.”

I wanted to argue with him about it, though my arms were aching already. Before I could even try they were moving on. This time I followed without hesitation. Feeling a smug satisfaction when her eyes glanced around until they found me behind her, only then did she let them fall closed again.

“How far back is it?” I asked as we hit the streets again.

“Other side of the city,” Billy replied, with a grimace, glancing at Grace.

I caught up with Billy as Dimitri started to lag behind with Grace’s weight. We considered this a good guardian formation. Billy and I would spot any danger and Dimitri could get her away quickly. It became clear quickly that I was not the only one willing to lay my life on the line to get her home safely.

“What you did man,” Billy said. “Wow.”

“I had to do it. I couldn’t stand knowing she was in there. What they were doing to her.” I shuddered at the thought.

He nodded. “I wouldn’t have been able to help myself either. If we had known where she was, I don’t doubt Cameron would have gone in there single-handily to get her,” He smirked.

“Probably would have taken them to. I swear when it comes to Grace you do not get in his way.”

I grimaced. “Yeah I know.”

“I heard about that,” He chuckled. “I’m surprised you’re still walking.”

“After I seen the look on his face the first time, me to,” I admitted.

I’d stood up to him, for her, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. Her father didn’t seem like a man who ever came off second best and I was about to face him for the second time. The worry must have shown on my face.

“Don’t worry. Cam’s a good man and after what you just pulled for Grace. He’ll be good to you.”

“I hope so, he wasn’t too fond of me the first time.”

“What about you?” He asked. “If they caught the both of you, wouldn’t you be considered a traitor and killed for having anything to do with her?”

“I was,” I told him. “The only reason they didn’t kill me was because they thought they were getting information out of me. I was just making it all up so they didn’t kill me before I could get Grace out and make a run for it.”

Billy laughed and shook his head in response. Taking a hard right into an alleyway.

“Wondered why we hadn’t seen them around lately.”

A white bar stood right before. So she did remember. I would have never found it on my own. Billy stepped inside the doorway and started calling out a few names. Meanwhile I held back and watched Dimitri make his way up the last stretch of street with Grace in his arms.

“What’s going on?”

I recognized the voice as Grace’s father and turned around. He was the first to join us in the alleyway. His eyes instantly found me.
