Status: Next few chapters being written

Dear Stranger

Dear Stranger,

You don’t know me. I, in all likelihood, don’t know you. You are just the unlucky person whose name I came across by chance. See, I read somewhere that people are more likely to tell strangers their secrets than their friends. When you think about it, it’s true. I don’t think there’s any one person that knows every secret about me.

See, I’ve also read that it’s not good to keep your emotions bottled up inside you all the time. Most of my secrets are my feelings about things, so I’ve decided to let it all out to a stranger. I took my phonebook, threw it up in the air and whatever page it landed on I picked a random name from by closing my eyes and putting my finger down on a random spot on the page. It took like five times for me to actually land on a name, and not some stupid advertisement, but here we are.

I’m going to be sending you a series of letters, each letter containing one of my secrets. I know you probably don’t need to hear my problems added on to your own, whatever they may be. Hell, I know you probably don’t even want to open the next letter. I know I probably sound insane to you, but I don’t care. I don’t care if you don’t want to hear my secrets. I don’t care if you even read the letters.

I just care that I’m finally putting these secrets in writing, and making them official.

Another Stranger