Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Chapter One – Beginnings

Emily POV

I don’t have exotic eyes that change color with what I wear, or long beautiful blonde hair that looks like I did it at the salon every day. I have plain brown eyes with plain brown hair.

My best friend is Samantha although she goes by Sam. We met in the 6th grade when we were paired up to do a math worksheet. Ever since then we’ve been inseparable. We always make each other laugh when we need, or are a shoulder to cry when we can’t hold it in, or just someone who would listen when we need to rant. In a way we are each other’s safety net.

One day during our 9th grade year, we were arguing like kids about which cereal was better, Fruit Loops or Apple Jacks, and so far I was winning. At some point we realized we were the only ones talking in the hallway.

Turning we saw a very good-looking boy with shaggy hair and blue eyes that held more shock than lightning. His name was Erik. It was easy to find out with rumors about him at his old school and his wandering eye catching Sam.

About two weeks later I was asked to take a paper to the front office during lunch. I was glancing out to the student filled courtyard when I saw a figure hunched over by the trees. It didn’t take long for me to figure out it was Sam with tears running down her face.

Running outside I crouched beside her, “Sam, what’s wrong?”

“E-Erik c-c-cheated on m-me,” she managed to stutter. I was beyond angry.

“Where is he?” I muttered. My hands clenched into fists before I relaxed them stretching my fingers.

“I think in the cafeteria.” I marched in there ready to argue. The last words I heard were Sam’s advice but I don’t think that is going to work. I scanned the room spotting him at a table with another girl. I went over and tapped him on his shoulder harder than I intended. He faced me, his face becoming a smirk from his once confused look.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Sam is the sweetest person out there, and what do you do? Go and screw someone else.” Something flashed in his eye but I didn’t take the time to notice it.

“What are you going to do about it?” I didn’t know how it happened; well I do, but the next thing I knew my fist connected with his face. He groaned in pain holding his eyes swearing more than a sailor.

I turned away with a smug smile although it changed to one of fear, before me stood our coldhearted no non sense principal. Not hearing my explanation of what friendship means I was assigned two weeks of detention and had to write an apology letter to Erik.

I would get crap from him every day being teased by the letter I had written, and I was getting tired of it.

My head was shoved into my locker. I turned back to take Erik again when my eyes caught mesmerizing hazel ones, everything about him when screamed perfection. It was until he started speaking did he not seem so perfect anymore.

“Ha! That’s what you get.” He started walking away with a smirk. I gave a confused look to his back before talking.

“What are you, five?” I mumbled. Speaking again I said in a louder voice. “What was that for, oh wait I know, you’re too scared to tell me. That’s why you’re walking away.” I faced my locker laughing to myself. I should have kept my mouth shut. He walked back, grabbing my arm forcing me to face him.

“I did it for my brother.” The resemblance came back instantly. They had the same cheekbones, forehead, and nose.

“Awe, look who’s the big protector of his brother,” I teased.

“Shut up,” he practically growled. I raised an eyebrow crossing my arms.

“Please, what are you going to do about it?” He stepped closer pushing me into the lockers.

“I am going to make your life a living hell,” he threatened. I didn’t even know his name and he was going to make me regret life? I snorted, yeah right.

“You can’t come up here, it’s a school,” I reminded him in a sing-song voice.

“How do you know I don’t come here?” he countered.

“Do you?”


“That’s how so if you were so kind, why don’t you run along to whatever school that you go to,” I smirked.

“I transferred,” he said with a smirk of his own. I closed my locker facing him again.

“Let the games begin.” With that I turned and walked away. I knew there was going to be no rules to this game.
♠ ♠ ♠
It gets better. I promise.