Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

Just the door opened and Sam came running out. She stopped right by us. David quickly got off of me and went downstairs.

"Thanks for helping me get up!" I yelled sarcastically at him.


I gritted my teeth together as I looked back at Sam. She had a huge grin on her face. I looked behind at Erik he was running all over his room trying to find something.


She jumped back surprised that I screamed in her face.

"What? Man, you don't have to scream at me I'm right here."

"You kept smiling like a moron. How could I even talk to you?"

"You could have tried."


"Yeah, try it again."

She started to smile like before. I laughed and pushed her. What a retard. But she was my retard.

"Hurry up I want to leave."


She went back in Erik's room and saw him looking everywhere, under his bed and in his book back. She tapped him on the shoulder and gave him a paper. He sighed and snatched it. Sam laughed and did something else but I didn't see because I went to grab my back bag. I had circled the kitchen twice when I remembered that it was in the living room. Man, I'm walking around this house like its mine. Where are their parents? Where are mine? Eh, probably work.

Before I went to the living room I grabbed a soda from the fridge. I was shocked to see that David was actually doing his homework. I went and sat next to him.

"So since when do you do your homework?"
I asked him.



"Yeah. Unlike you Emily I pay attention in class."

"I pay attention, just not to you to see that you pay attention."

"Yeah I like to have fun in school but I do care about my grades."

"You know, I never thought I would ever ever here that come out of your mouth."

"Thanks. I like to here that you have no hope in me at all."


He eyed my soda. I could get him one but that would mean I have do something for him. Nah.

"Stop eyeing my coke."

"Its not your coke if it came from my fridge."

"Its not your fridge."


"Yeah its your moms and dads."

He scoffed and put his text book away. Sam came running down the stairs.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah lets roll."

I grabbed my bag and followed Sam and Erik to his car. I got in the back seat and relaxed. I started to think about David. He is such a loser. But I did feel bad that his nose starting to bleed. I didn't expect it. But then again he did fall on cement without trying to block his face. He always looked as he was always some big jerk that cared about no one than himself. Well he didn't do anything to prove that he wasn't but he didn't have the 'I'm-a-bad-boy' attitude. He could fake it. There were a lot of fakes. Why am I even thinking about him?

We stopped and dropped off first Sam because she lived closer. She kissed him and said bye to me before getting off. I sighed and leaned my head back.

"Hey Emily um...are you going to come up to the front?"

"Sure why not."

I went in the front and he started toward my house.

"So hows life going for you Erik?"

"Eh its life, what do you think?"

"I don't know. Mines a living hell if you wanted to know."

"Why? Cuz you go to the same school as David?"

"Not just the same school. I have a best friend that dates her brother and makes me go to his house every damn day."

"Its not my fault he's my brother."
That made me laugh out loud.


"But David can be really cool, though. As his younger brother he has gotten in trouble by our mom so many times cuz of me."

"Really? Like what?"

"When we were like 4 or 5 we went to the zoo with our parents and we got lost cuz I wanted cotton candy."

"Ha ha. What your mom think?"

"That he took me cuz he didn't want to go see lions by himself."


"Yeah. Why are you so mean to him?" He said after a minute or two.

"He started it first."


"A long time ago."

"But that was a long time ago. How do you know that he doesn't want to be friends with you or something like that?"

"Does he?"

"I don't know. I'm just giving you and idea."

"I can see why Sam likes you now. You can put up an argument."



"You ain't changing the subject. Really why?" Damn he caught me.

"I don't know Erik. I guess I'm so used to it."

"It would be funny to see you try to be nice to him and he looks at you all weird."

"Shut up."

After five minutes he dropped me at my house and left. I went to my room and literally threw myself on my bed. I got a text from Sam.

Hey girl you get home yet

Yeah just got here

Oh what youu talk about?

Nothing just David

*gasps* ;)

What does that mean?

Nothing...what about him?

Erik wanted to know why I wasso mean to him

What you say?

I'll tell you tomorrow


I'm tired

Okay...bye =3

I pulled the covers over me and snuggled into my pillow. As hard as I tried I couldn't stop thinking about David. What if he wants to be friends? I don't think so. Otherwise he wouldn't do the things he does now like make his girlfriend throw food to the back of my head. I fell asleep still doubting if I should actually try to be nice to him.