Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


David POV

I got up this morning with my nose hurting like hell. I told my mom and she let me stay today.

"Bye Erik." I told him.

"Your just saying that cuz you don't have to go to school."

"So, what if I am?"

"Then I would say that you suck more than ass."


Once he left I went up back to my room I laid down and tried to go back to sleep. But my damn thoughts kept going back to Emily. The worst part is that I didn't know why. I thought it was nice that she at least helped me clean off the blood from yesterday. Then again she didn't make it better to throw a pillow at me.

The door bell rang. Ugh, I don't feel like getting up. If I just ig-

ring ring

Damn. I got up and slowly made my way to the door. When I opened it I was surprised to see Emily standing there. And she was smiling? Then out of no where she stopped and glared at me. What hell I do?

"Are you going to let me in or stay standing there staring at me?"

"Standing seems pretty nice."

She scoffed and pushed me to come in. I closed and turned to see her walking into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?"

"I decided to be nice." She answered.

"And you think coming to see me is being nice?"

"No. Erik told that you weren't coming and I told all of our teachers and they gave me your school work."

She smiled at me evilly and gave me a folder with some paper in them.

"That's not being nice."

"Of course it is. You said that you cared about your grades and I didn't want you to fall behind."

"Out of missing one day?"

"Yeah, a lot can happen in one day." She smirked at me.


Emily POV


I started to laugh at his expression. He was pissed and he was pissed bad.

"Calm down. Its not a lot."

"Have the damn folder isn't a lot?"

"Its not all yours."


"Gosh you're retarded."

"Am not!"

"Is too!"

"Am not!"

"Is too!"

I grabbed my book back and headed upstairs. David followed me, of course he would its his house after all.

"Where are you going?"

"No need to be pissy, David. And I'm going upstairs, duh."

"I was just asking. And. I'm. Not. Being. Pissy."

"Whatever floats your boat."

I went into his room. I dumped my book bag at the door causing David mumble something that was close to 'you think this is your house' and sat on the bed.

"Can you leave?" He asked irrated.



"I'm supposed to help you with your school work."


Finally after hours of school work and arguing with David every five minutes about who had the right answer we were finished. I lounged on the couch waiting for Sam, once again, So I could leave. I screamed making David laugh at me.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked staring at me.

"You're so boring."

"I'm watching TV. How am I bo-...shut up. You could leave you know I'm not asking you to be here."

"First, I said I was being nice. And secondly, I don't have a ride."

"Walking." He reminded me as if I was stupid.

"I live too far."


"So? Lets do something."

"No thanks Emily, I'm happy here."

"How can you not get tired of watching TV?"

"I don't watch the same channel." I scoffed at him.

"It doesn't change anything. C'mon lets go to the mall."




"Fine! And you know what Jerry was right about you!"

I got up and started towards the door. David quickly got up and followed me.

"What he say?"

"I'm not telling you."


"Only if you take me to the mall."

He sighed and grabbed his keys. Sweet, it worked. Now all I have to do is make something up that sounds like it came from Jerry. David all but pushed me out the door and into his garage. Before we got in his car he said,

"You better tell me."