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I think this is more than just puppy love

Mess ups

Jerry POV

I can't believe Emily. Denise?

"This stinks." David said.

"I do not stink!" Sam yelled at him.

Me and Erik laughed. But my mind kept drifting to what Emily could be telling her. I'm dating Emily. Why would I care?

Emily POV

Two hours later me and Sam were in Erik's bathroom putting the finishing touches to our make-up and dresses. She were an emerald dress with some really pretty heels. I argued with her that I wanted them but eventually she beat me be that they went with her dress better. Erik, of course, was also wearing a green button up whose color matched Sam's dress. I am wearing this beautiful dress. Its white and hugs my curves but lets loose at the bottom. There was a knock at the door. I quickly got before David could. There was Denise in short blue dress with a tie in the middle. Her hair was falling in curls around her face. Not soon after Jerry came in, wearing blue?

“David!” I yelled.

He took two steps at a time coming down. He stopped at the foot of the stairs staring at us weird. I’m guessing my face was not as composed as I hoped. He ran up the stairs. I chased him and after five minutes of looking for him I had pinned him on his bed face down. The rest of them were looking at us with amused faces.

“Emily get the hell off of me!” He squirmed and squirmed.

“Be nice David. And get off of my son Emily.” His mom said coming in the room.

David was going to attack me but noticed the camera in his moms’ hands and groaned hiding his face. His dad came in a wrinkled suit. Like he just got out of work. As tired as his face looked that didn’t stop the smile on his face. It wasn’t one of those ‘I’m so happy for you’ but one that said ‘suckers!” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Mom were going to restaurant-" Erik began.

“not prom.” David finished.

“I know but y’all look so cute.”

“That’s corny.” David said.

“Shut up.” She turned the camera on.

“You know I got lucky. Your dad didn’t want to tell me where it was.”

“Thanks dad.” Erik said.

“Anytime.” He replied just as sarcastic.

“Might as well get this over with.”

Erik grabbed Sam and hugged her from behind. Once the picture was taken his mom looks at me and David expectantly. We take one look at each other and walk away in different directions of the room.

“What are y’all doing?” She asked confused.

“Stupid over there sent Jerry the wrong color he was supposed to wear.” I told pointing to David.

“What color was he supposed to wear?”

“Jerry was supposed to wear white.”


“Nice to know you love me mom.” David said.

“Of course I do.” She grinned at him.


When we got off the car it was packed. Every parking space was taken. We looked at Sam who was smirking at us. She went ahead holding Erik’s hand. She walked right in front of everyone earning complains. She gave the guy taking the people to the tables a flirty smile. He ignored everybody and asked her what she needed.

“Reservation for Karr.”

Once we were seated Erik turned to her.

“What the-"

“We got here faster didn’t we?”


She kissed him and leaned back. They had started their conversation. As much as I tried to keep up I kept thinking about how David could mess the colors up. I really wanted to match with Jerry.

No. You’re just trying to hide the fact that you’re actually pleased he messed them up.

Nu-uh. I wanted to match.

Keep telling yourself that. But you know I’m right.

Shut up.

When I came back to my senses I saw David looking at me intently. I took a quick glance at Jerry who was looking at the scene. A couple was fighting. I look back at David to see him going to the restrooms. I got up and followed him. I don’t know but I felt like I had to confront him. I hid so when he came out he wouldn’t see me. Finally he came out and started walking back. I grabbed him and turned him around. I was surprised by how close our faces were. Our noses were almost touching.

“What do you want?” He asked a bit harshly.

“Are you pissed?”

“No. Is that all you wanted?”

“No what is your problem?”

“What problem? I don’t got a problem.”

“Yes you do.”

“No I don’t.” He argued back.

“Yes you do.”

“Fine then tell me what is it?"