Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love

Arguments and Little Surprises

Emily POV

He leaned his head closer right about to kiss me. But the crazy part was I was going to let him. There was a loud cough. We both looked up. Oh no…

There stood Sam, Erik, and Jerry. Sam is smirking. Erik is just plain out shocked. And Jerry well…he is glaring at the both of us. At an instant David is no where near me.

“What the hell?!” Jerry yelled.

I don’t what it was but something cracked in me and made me go stand in front of David.

“What the hell, what?!” I yelled back.

“What are you doing with him?!”

Can you believe that he is yelling at me? First he has the nerve to kiss my second best friend and he thinks he can yell at me? What is his problem? And David, who won’t stop moving behind me, isn’t helping. The only thing I could come up is,

“What the hell are you doing kissing my best friend?!”

“What are you doing kissing my best friend?!”

This dude is good, but not better than me. I grew up making snide remarks.

“We weren’t kissing!”

“Didn’t look like it!”

“Then get glasses!”

I wasn’t going to let him put me down. He’s the one that started this. He shouldn’t have kissed my second best friend. He could have at least broken up with me. I wouldn’t mind that much. Ok well maybe a little. Knowing that he broke up with just to go out with some chick would just hurt a little little bit.

“I said I was sorry! You don’t have to go behind my back and try to kiss my best friend to get back at me!”

“As I recall, you never said you were sorry. Denise did! Denise! What? You aren’t man enough to cough up a fucking sorry!”

Deep down inside I didn’t mean anything that I said. But I’m starting feel a bit hurt at what he did. Maybe it just took time to realize it. My hands are curled up into fists at my sides. Jerry sighed as in defeat. I knew it was bad idea going out with him. Since the beginning I should have known that going out with one of your close friends was not something you should do. These types of relationships never end well.

“Can I talk to you alone?” He finally asked. I could tell he gave up and just wanted to get this over as much I do.


I looked at Erik, David and Sam. David was the first one to get the hint. He lifted the little gallon gas and left toward the front of the house. Erik was next to notice what I meant, he started to walk to the front of the house too but came back to drag Sam with him. He smiled sheepishly and left. I turned back to Jerry.

David POV

When I got to my car I blew out the breath I didn’t notice I was holding. Erik came up behind me with Sam whisper/screaming,

“What the hell Erik?! Then why did we come? I wanted to see what they said.”

“Sam if they scream then we will know. And we came to pick to David since his car ran out of gas.”

He turned to me and gave a smirk at the little gallon I had. He couldn’t hold it anymore and started to laugh. I glared and shoved the gallon to his chest.

“Here you put the gas in.”


I leaned against my car. I remembered our way to the gas station when I asked Emily if I could keep her car. Her expression was hilarious. It took a lot of control to not laugh.

“So David you looked mighty comfortable when you had Emily pinned to the wall.” Sam said.

I looked at her. I gave her a look that said yeah-right. But secretly I loved it. To me it felt right. I would never tell anyone but I would get jealous when she was with Jerry or when they would kiss. That is why it didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would that they broke up. What bothered me the most was what Jerry did.

“Shut up Sam.”

“I knew it!” She smiled like there was no tomorrow.

“You knew what?”

Erik was the one to answer me.

“She thinks you like Emily. And when she saw Emily pinned to the wall right about to get kissed by you made her theory even more believable.”

“That’s bull.” Sam stopped smiling and glared at me.

“Not it is not David. It’s the truth.”


“Yes. The way you smiled. And when you leaned closer and closer…”

Her voice was getting lower and lower to a whisper. Erik coughed loudly as to stop Sam from saying what ever she was going to. She smiled at him gave me a smirk and walked to stand next to Erik. I shook my head knowing what she meant.

After Erik finished he left with Sam. She wanted to stay and talk to Emily but didn’t want me to take her home so she left with Erik. I mocked hurt when she bluntly said she didn’t want me to take her home.

I leaned down tying my shoe before I left when suddenly Jerry came from the garage and got into his car and left. He didn’t even look at me. What a loser. I’ll talk to him tomorrow. I just hope he isn’t mad at me. Emily came around to see if I was still here. Or at least I think that is what she did. She sighed and put her hands on her hips.


I should have finished tying my shoe before I got up to walk to her. I accidentally stepped on my shoe lace and fell straight to the floor. Emily gasped and ran over to me. I felt her arms snake around my shoulders helping me get up. When I sat down she gasped again but then sighed frustrated.

“What?” I asked her confused.

“What is it and you keep getting cuts on your face?” She couldn't stop her mouth from twitching up a bit. Nice to know I make her smile. Note the sarcasm.

“I don’t have cuts on my face.”

I touched my face and felt a cut in my lip and my cheek. My cheek stings real bad. Emily helped me into her house where she sat me on her bed while got the first-aid kit.

“You are the most retarded person ever David.”

“No I am not.”

“You manage to forget to finish tying your shoe; trip and fall, then get cuts on your face.”

“Ok I admit that’s pretty retarded but not the most.”


After she was done putting a band-aid on my cheek and cleaned my lip she put the first-aid kit away. She came and sat next to me. I turned to her half expecting her to tell me to leave. Instead she traced her hand on my bandage.

“Thanks.” I told her.

“Your welcome but now you owe me something.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know.”

“Oh I know.”

I leaned over and gently pressed my lips to hers. My lip may be cut but that didn’t stop me. I was going to do it before it isn’t going to stop me now. She was surprised.