Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love

Awkwardness and Realization

Emily POV

After I put the first-aid kit away I went to sit down next to David. I still can’t believe that dumb ass forgot to finish tying his shoe. Not like I was going to walk away. He turned to me with an unreadable expression. I raised my hand to his bandage to make sure it was put right.

“Thanks.” He told me.

“Your welcome but now you owe me something.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know.”

“Oh I know.”

That is when my eyes caught his. I instantly stopped. He licked his lips, casually over his cut. As if it wasn’t there. He leaned in a little closer. I’m just there, my breath stuck in my throat. When he finally leaned all the way, he barely brushed my lips. Gently, as if he was going to break me.

My hearts beating fast…

Stuck in time…

Hoping this will last…

I closed my eyes and leaned forward. David gladly took that opportunity. He put his hand on my neck, pulling me closer. I intertwined my fingers in his hair. Making the kiss much more passionate.

-Tuesday at school-

Did I ever tell you that biology sucks? The teacher is so boring. Her voice is so low you could mistake it for a man’s. And you could never guess what her name is. Ms. Baldass. (An actual last name lol.) Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out expecting it to be Sam telling me hi. Instead I’m surprised to see David’s name flash across the screen. I haven’t talked to him since Sunday night. If we ever saw each other by our lockers we acted as if we weren’t there or if Sam was with us, forcing us to be there we wouldn’t look at each other. How can one night change someone’s actions?


He pushed me back on my bed. One hand by my head supporting his weight, the other on my waist. I ran my hands up and down his chest. His tongue exploring every part of my mouth. Then fighting for dominance. I pushed him up so we were sitting down again, this time I straddled him. I giggled when he thrust into me a little bit. He just smiled but kept the kiss going. It wasn’t until he was kissing my neck that I sighed his name in satisfaction that he stopped. Abruptly, he stood muttered an ‘I gotta go’ then left.

I’m a deer caught in headlights

-End of Flashback-

My phone vibrated in my hand again. I opened it.

Hey :)

I looked at David who was passing notes with Jerry. I rolled my eyes and put my phone on silent. I started to finish writing the notes on the board.

David POV

When I left Emily’s house Sunday I couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. I felt bad but then I didn’t. I felt bad because she was with Jerry. Technically, they never said it’s over. But all in all it felt right to me. For some strange reason I, me David Ashworth, is afraid of what she will tell me.

Something white at the corner of my desk caught my eye. Curiously, I opened it. Jerry’s neat handwriting was on the page. I always thought he wrote like a girl. Every time I made fun of him because of it I got punched in the shoulder. The note says:

Hey David, are you mad at me?

I don’t get why he would think I would be mad at him. I am the one made a move on his ex before they broke up.

Why the hell would I be mad at you? Another question are you still talking to Emily?

I passed it back to him, waiting to get the paper back. I took a glance at a certain desk, with a certain girl sitting there, with certain brown hair, and cer-EMILY’S A LEFTY? Now that you know who it is. I got my phone out texting her hey. I even put a smiley face. It’s funny to see her stop writing, take out her phone, and look in space (not literally). Jerry passed the paper back to me.

Idk just cuz.. Yeah I'm still talking to Emily. I know what you want. She's sorta not mad at me. To make it up tp her I let punch me anywhere. I just wish I knew she was going to kick me in the balls, where I fall and she knees my face. But it was worth it. I still have her as a friend.

I shook my head. I would have been like whatever. Well…maybe not. The bell rang for lunch. I went to my locker putting my books away.

“Hey are we cool? No hard feelings?” Jerry asked me.

“No hard feelings. I just thought you would be mad at me.”


“Are you going out with Denise now or what?”

“Yeah. Emily said she didn’t care. She called me a dick wad but smiled.”

“So shes cool with it?”

“Yeah. I’m going to skip the rest of the day with Denise. See ya later.”


Emily POV


Gym. The last period of the day. I’m glad. I have Sam in this class. When we got out we were separated into pairs to practice soccer. Unfortunately I got David. Part of me was glad the other pissed off. We got one ball and went to the end of the field where there was more room.

“You go first.” David gave me the ball and stood ten feet away from me. I put the ball down and kicked it. He kicked back. This went on for five minutes when he finally stopped and didn’t kick it back. I looked up at him, him staring at me intently.

“What?” I asked him.

“Why don’t you talk to me?”


"Yeah you always have something to talk about or blame on me or complain about or-"

“I get it. I get it.”


“I don’t know.”

This time he kicked the ball back. I did the same.

“Is it because of Sunday night?”

Angry I kicked the ball hard.

“It was just a question.” He snapped. He kicked the ball equally as hard.

“It wasn’t supposed to happen.” I kicked the ball hard yet again.

“What wasn’t?”

We were kicking the ball hard at each other. I think it was losing air.

“The kiss. That stupid kiss.”

“So now it’s stupid.”

“Yes. I’m supposed to hate you.”

“You know what? Whatever.”

With one last kick to me he walked away. Was he mad because of what I just said?

Wow. You’re finally realizing that he has feeling for you…

“Wait.” I whispered but it was too late. He was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
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