Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

When I got home I changed into PJ’s and plopped myself on the couch watching TV, with some Ben & Jerry’s. Now that I think about it, its embaressing that I cried in front of David. The worst person.

To make matters worse my mom called earlier to say that they can't come home tomorrow. The meeting was extended. So instead of tomorrow night they will get here Friday night. I’m getting lonelier and lonelier.

My phone vibrated on the coffee table. From where I was sitting I could see it was a text. Not feeling like talking to anybody I left it there. But of course whoever texted me is very persistent because it vibrated again.

Heaving myself from the couch I grabbed my phone and fell back. Both were from Sam. The first said:


And the second:

I'm sorry your my bff I should have left with you. Forgive me?

I didn’t text her back. Knowing her, she would take the opportunity to keep texting me. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. Its pouring tubs of rain and someone is ringing my doorbell.

Its not thundering or lightening but raining really hard. Damn me and my bleeding heart. I quickly hurried to the door and opened it. David came in hugging his torso. I stayed looking outside, caught off guard because I wasn’t expecting him. I faced him,

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to apologize.”

“For what?”

“Being a complete ass to you.”

“Its going to take more then just a sorry.”

“And that’s why I ran all the way here. No car.”

My mouth formed an O. He didn’t run here, did he? I sighed. My parents are going to kill me because he is getting the carpet wet. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him toward the restroom.

He struggled at first but when I gave him a look he stopped and gave me a nervous smile.

“Get in the tub.” I instructed.


“I don’t want my carpet dirty.”

He muttered some words under his breath but did as I told him. I went to my parents room to get him some of my dads clothes.

David POV

Umm…what the hell? She dragged me up to the restroom, made me stand in the tub and left me. Well if I do want to get back on her good side then I’m going to have to kiss ass a bit.

Emily came back with grey sweats, a white t-shirt, and boxers? I understand the sweats and t-shirt but boxers?


She put the clothes on the sink counter. I picked up the boxers with my index and thumb fingers. Holding it like it was toilet paper. I managed to make her crack a smile.

“They’re new. Geez don’t have a cow man.”

“Whatever!” I yelled after her when she closed the door.

Not knowing what to do I left my clothes in the tub to dry. When I opened the door no sound came from the house. If I didn’t know Emily was here I would have thought no one was home.

“Emily?” I called out. She popped her head out of a room.

When I got in she was sitting on her bed hearing Homecoming by Hey Monday. She looked at me expectantly. If I just say sorry then ‘I’m sorry’ then leave Sam or her wouldn't believe me.

“Look Emily I’m sorry for being an ass to you.”

“Not good enough.”

“Then what do you want me to do?”

She thought a moment.

Emily POV

“Then what do you want me to do?”

I wanted so badly to forgive him and get this over with but a little part of me said that I had to torture him.

“I want you to go stand outside in the rain.”

“B-but its raining hard and I already changed.”

I smirked at him. “So?”

“Awww c’mon Emily don’t be like that.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. He was about to open the balcony door when I stopped him,


He stopped and looked at me. I got up and walked toward him. Maybe two feet away I stopped.

“Why are you doing this?” I whispered.

“You’re a cool friend Emily.” I gave him a look that said yeah right.

“That and Sam made me.”

I hit him in the arm.

“You’re such an ass!”

“But a hot piece of ass.”

He smirked. I pushed him up against the wall and walked to the door. David grabbed my forearm before I could walk out.

“Ok you didn’t deserve that.”

His words sounded sincere but his eyes and body language betrayed him. You know what they say. Body language speaks louder then words. He was still amused. I exploded in anger.

“You have got to be the stupidest person I know. I can tell you’re lying! You know David I almost forgave you but I just have to get used to the fact that you’re a jerk and always will be! So no I don’t accept your apology! I just wish you never talked to me the first day I went back to school! We would have avoided so much damn trouble!”

He looked at me angry. Once you look under all that hotness all that’s left is a shallow son-a-b-

“Stop speaking your thoughts Emily!” he screamed at me. I didn’t even notice I was doing that.

“I talked to you because you are cool to prank. Knowing you would do the same thing back. And the only person aside from Sam that I could talk to without giving me a look that they were going to pounce on right there! And maybe just maybe I actually feel something for you!”

I stood there speechless. My mouth agape. He kept babbling on.

“Ok your witty remarks, your smile, your laugh, every time you see something you like your eyes twinkle, or when you don’t like something the way that little line creases in your forehead. Emily I don’t think you notice but I get jealous every time you talk to a guy that isn’t me.”

When he finally stopped he looked at me. His expression held an ‘oops I said too much’. I said the only thing I could come up with,

“My remarks are not witty.”

David blinked a couple times before he laughed. I stood on my tipy-toes closing the distance between us.

-The next day-

Me and David promised to keep our little relationship a secret until it was the right time to tell everybody. I was late today because I let David take my car so he could get home last night. And the consequences of that is I had to show the new kid around. His name is Greg. At first sight you see a nerd with braces and glasses but I found out we had a lot in common.

“Sorry we only have one class together and its gym which is the last period.” I handed him the schedule back.

“That’s ok. At least I have you for one.”

Did I forget to mention that he’s a charmer? I laughed and told him,

“C’mon let me show you where your homeroom is.”

I started walking toward the 700 Building. The bell rang letting people go to second period. I faced him again.

“I’m going to show you your classes then off you go, alright?”

“Yeah.” He smiled that sweet smile.

David POV

When the bell rang I was the first out of class. I waited for Erik to go to our next class. Jerry got sick and couldn’t come. When Erik didn’t show up I went to Sam’s locker. She was putting her books away and getting new ones.

“Hey Sam do you know where Erik is?”

“Yeah he went to the restroom. He’ll be right back.”


I waited next to her. Most likely Erik will come here first before he goes to his locker. Sam was struggling with her books so I asked,

“You need help?”


She turned to give them to me tripped on something and fell on top of me. I waited a couple seconds before I asked,

“You ok?”

“Yeah.” She answered.

I laughed and was about to get up when Erik came around the corner.

"Hey-" he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw us. Right when I was about to open my mouth Emily and some dude came up behind him. She was smiling but it vanished when she saw me and Sam.

I was at loss for words. The last thought that ran through my head was,

Shit! I’m fucked up…
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