Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love

What the hell?

David POV

The last thought that ran through my mind was

Shit. I’m fucked up…

Sam quickly got off of me and went straight to Erik.

“It’s not what you think.”

The bell rang leaving us the only ones left. I was still being an idiot laying on the ground staring at Emily. My mouth hanging open.

“Its not?” Erik said trying to keep his cool. By then I came to my senses and got off the floor.

“No its not. I tripped! I was struggling with my books when he asked if I needed help and when I turned around I tripped.” Sam tried to defend herself. Erik just walked away from her. She stood there looking at his back for a few seconds when she ran after him calling his name. I looked back at Emily who was picking up Sam’s books. When she turned back to me she said,

“Come on Greg.”

“I’m not Greg.” I told her. I heard a snort come from behind me. I turned to a dude with glasses that didn’t fit him.


“I’m Greg.” I faced Emily again and gave her a look that said Really?-Him?

“What the hell do you want with her?” I took a threatening step closer. He flinched but tried to hide the fear he had for me. Emily pushed me to the side.

“I’m his little tour guide.” She answered instead of that coward behind her.


“You know what I meant. I’m just going to show him his classes then that’s it.” The blonde bitch behind her finally got some balls and interrupted,

“Damn dude what’s it to you? Not like you’re the boss of her.”

I looked back at him and then at Emily. She gave me that look. Instead I just walked around her and beside Greg. I made it look like I was going to punch him. He flinched…again. And went on the other side of Emily. I smirked and went to my class. Late but there.

But what was really bugging my mind was Sam and Erik. I hope they don’t break up. That thought really never appeared in my mind. Damn since the beginning I always pictured Sam beside Erik.

Emily POV

I was torn when I first saw David and Sam. But once you really get a good look at the position, their faces, and really where they are you can tell it wasn’t cheating. Sam looked both desperate and on the verge of tears when she ran after Erik. The both of them skipped the rest of the day. Maybe Erik just overreacted a little bit.

“Hey Emily?”

I was standing by my locker putting my books away so I could go home when Greg came to stand next to me.

“Hey Greg what’s up?”

“I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date with me this Friday night?”

He batted his eyes a little. Can guys do that? I wanted to say yes but David’s face kept
popping up in my head.

“I’m sorry but I’m seeing someone. But it was really nice of you to ask.”

His face fell. He could be a nerd but still knows how to play at my heart and feelings.

“It’s okay. Maybe some other time.” He walked away before I could say anything else.

I walked jogged outside to catch David before he left. If I didn’t get there in time he will leave me in my car and make the excuse that he forgot.

When I got outside the September cool air hit me. I saw Lindsey basically hanging off of David. And he didn’t do anything?! I hid behind all the other people going to the exit. I don’t understand I’m getting worked up about this. I mean if we have to keep this a secret then we can’t show anything suspicious, right? He could have at least pushed her away a little. Whatever. I’ll talk to him later. I should go to Wal-mart and get some things. An iTunes card for my iPod looks good right now.

After I got my iTunes card I looked at the DVD’s barely released. I was about to turn around walk to the cash register to pay when I ran smack into someone. The card fell out of my hand. I shook my head a little and was going to get it but a muscular hand beat me to it. I looked up to a guy with light brown hair and evergreen eyes. Something looked familiar about him…

“Andrew!” He looked confused then recognition spread all over his face.

“Emily?” He encircled me in a tight bear hug.

“Oh my gosh. I can’t believe its you.” I was so excited to see him.

“I know me neither. You grown.” He smiled hugely.

“You too. Sexy as ever!” I teased him with the pick up line I used on him when I first talked to him. Well…y’all know the story.*wink wink*

“Yep. And this piece of ass is still single.” I fake scoffed.

“Is Andrew Martinez still single?” He chuckled and playfully pushed me.


“So how you been?”

“Good. And you?”

“Same-o same-o.”

“So what you come here for?”

“An iTunes card. And what about you?”

“Nothing really.”


He had stood next to me while we had our little conversation and when I paid. So we were outside standing by the entrance.

“You got a car now?” He asked me.


“Let me see it.”

“I didn’t bring it here.” I told the truth though. Andrew looked at me.

“But how do you have a car?”

“I have a car but didn’t bring it.”

“Then how did you get here?”

“I walked from school. And I’m fixing to walk home.”

“I could take you if you want me to.” I smiled gratefully at him and said yes. On the way there he kept telling me about the collage he goes to. The mad parties he goes to. I laughed when I asked how many times he gets rejected and he faked got offended. When we got to my drive way I turned in my seat to him.

“Thanks Andrew it was really great seeing you again. How about we do it again sometime?”

“Yeah but I got in a car accident.” My mouth was hanging open.

“And I hit my head.”

“Are you okay?” I can‘t believe how breathless I sounded. He leaned over close to me.

“I lied but it’s the excuse I’m using.”

"What excu-" He cut me off by crashing his lips on mine. My mouth was still hanging open so when he stuck his tongue in my mouth I wasn’t really expecting that. I quickly pushed him off me.

“What the hell Andrew?”

“I already told you.”


“Look Emily I like you a lot. And lately I had you a lot on my mind. I thought it was convenient when I saw you tonight. Basically I want to get to know you more than just being your friend.” I can’t believe he is saying this.

“And do you know what you just did?”

“Not so smart but still.”

I sighed and shook my head.

“You still have the same number don’t you?” He asked me.


“Then I’ll text you later. Think about it.”

I got out without saying another word to him and went to my door. I didn’t even take a second glance back as opened got in my house and closed the door. I locked both locks before I went up to my room. Up the steps I had a weird feeling that I wasn’t the only one here.

I ran up the last steps, up to my room, closing my door and locking while turning on the light. My heart was about to burst out my chest. I felt a presence behind me…


I screamed a blood curling one. I turned around and kicked the guy in the stomach.


He stumbled back holding his tummy. He looked at me surprised.

“Damn you kick hard.”

I don’t know how my face looked but I’m sure it wasn’t a good one. David got up quickly forgetting his stomach and gave me a hug. I hugged him back immediately.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”

When I didn’t answer him he pulled away so he could still hold me but look at me,

“Something wrong Emily?”