Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


David POV

“Something wrong Emily?” Her face was blank. Showing no emotion.

“Please talk to me. Something bothering you?” Instead of answering she hugged me tightly and hid her face in my chest. That’s the last time I listen to Erik to come surprise her. Damn moron. We stood like that for a couple minutes until she finally said,

“David can you stay with me?”

“Of course.” She put her face more into my chest and said something else but it came out muffled. What she say?

“I’m sorry but what did you say?” I tried to pull her back but she held on tighter. When I finally could see her face again, by poking her in the ribs, she was beet red. I had to ask.

“Why are you blushing?” Emily shook her head back and forth stubbornly.



“Ugh...fine then since it’s only…” I looked at the alarm clock on her night stand. “5:30!” Emily looked around me.

“Nu-uh 5:36.”

I clicked my tongue. She laughed again before going into her closet.

“What are you doing?” I called after her. When she didn’t answer after a few minutes I was going to go in with her but she came out with BIG boxes. She dropped then at the foot of her bed.

“Thanks for helping me David.” Emily said sarcastically.

“Your welcome.” I said just as sarcastic. I plopped myself on her as she opened the first box.

“What is that?” I asked her.

“Umm…remember when I told you about this out-of-school class my mom and dad are making do?”

I shook my head no. When she tell me that? Or was I not paying attention to her?

“No? Then who did I tell...well anyway I’m telling you know. My parents are making me go to this art/photography class.”


“You would think I know.”

She grabbed a camera from the box and put it beside her. I grabbed it and turned it on. After five minutes she had everything on the bed. Almost everything was covering the designs of her comforter but a spot beside me. She left the box on the floor and sat beside me. So that’s what it’s for. Kind of obvious right? Man, I’m stupid. But I can’t tell her that. She’ll just laugh at me.

“So what do you do know?” I asked instead.

“I’m supposed to make an album with the pictures I take.”

“Oh. Actually when did you start this project?”

“I think last month.”

“And when is it due?”

“Next week.”

“Then why are you doing it now.”

“Because David I feel like doing it now. And in plus we have nothing else to do.”


Emily POV

I laughed and shook my head.

“Yes, us. As in you and I.”

“Do I have to?”

“Stop being a baby. You’re not really going to do anything. Just to tell me what you think. And be honest about it.”

He groaned and let his head fall on my shoulder. I leaned down and kissed him lightly. Before I could pull away he grabbed the back of my head keeping my face there. I tried to pull away but he stubbornly held me there. I giggled like a little school girl. Gosh never imagined myself doing that. When we pulled away he started to trace my arms with his fingers. It was light enough to give me goose bumps. He smiled at me before leaning in for another kiss. This time I moved my head so he just kissed my cheek.

“I really got to finish this.” I told him.

“Fine.” I leaned in for another kiss but thought twice about it. I just gave him a peck on his cheek.

“I know what were you going to do.” He said with a smug smile.

“Yes and I knew what you going to do.” I replied with a smug smile of my own.

“Please…so!” He tried to hide the fact that I was right but couldn’t. I laughed and started to sort out my pictures.

-Who knows how long later-

I was only able to finish the cover page and a couple in the inside. David kept bothering me to finish already. It’s probably a good two hours or more when I stopped right know. I had to keep stopping to argue with him. I’m really glad he stayed. I feel much safer. I also have so much on my mind right now. But the major thing I’m debating is if I should tell David about Andrew. I mean we just started out relationship. I don’t want to ruin it. But what if I tell him and he understands? So many questions running through my head.

“So since you kept bugging me to finish. What do you want to do now?”

“Want to watch TV?”

“Not really.”

“How can you not want to watch TV?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t.”

“Hey at least I was honest.” I added after few seconds of him just staring at me.

“Yeah maybe too much.”

“Oh shut up David.” I nudged him with my arm and started to pick up all the picture crap. Really why did my parents make me do this?

“When did you start this class?”

“I think six months ago.”

“Whoa. When do you go?”

“One day a month.”

“That far a difference a class time?”

“Yeah I know tell me about it.” I got and went toward my closet.

“Hey Emily what happened to that Greg dude?” I looked at David just before I entered the closet. He seemed lost in thought.

“He asked me out on a date.” His head snapped at me. Hmm…never knew a head could go that fast.

“And what you say?” He just sounded jealous. I was about to start squealing with delight. I think I’m starting to sound like one of those girlfriends.

“What you think I say?”

I went fully in the closet and put the box with the other one. I had put it there when I remembered I only had stuff in there that I thought was special. When I came out David was standing in the middle of the room. I couldn’t make his expression.

“I don’t know you tell me.”

“Does this help?”

I walked up to him, swung my arms around his neck, and kissed him. He didn’t respond at first. Probably because he wasn’t expecting it and was still thinking about Greg. When he still didn’t respond I pulled back. I mean the guy has a chance to make out with me. I glanced up at him.

“I said no. I said I was seeing someone else.”

“I know.”

“Then because you know rejection hurts.”

“I’m sorry but I have to use the bathroom.”

I stared at him for a couple seconds before laughing and telling him to go. I went downstairs to get something to drink. Out of knowing David for so long I barely realized how noisy he is. Him coming down the stairs by himself made it sound like three or four people. Chugging down water I felt David snake his arms around my waist and pull me close to him.

My back hit his hard chest. Causing me to choke on the water going down my throat. When my coughing fit was over I noticed the cup not on my hands. I looked frantically around me until my eyes landed the island. I glanced up at David, concern covering his face.

“You ok?”

“Yeah much better no thanks to you.”

“And why is that?”

“You’re the one that made me choke.”

“I wanted a hug.” He pouted.

I giggled and stood very high on my tipy-toes to kiss his forehead. Seeing he is about a head taller then me. He smirked and grabbed me. What I thought was going to be a hard, rough kiss was actually a soft gentle one like he gave me on Sunday. I pulled and whispered seductively,

“Lets play hide’n’seek.”

“Yep you’re hiding and I’m seeking it.” He put his hand at the hem of my shirt. I smacked it away.

“You mean as in the kid game?” He asked incredulously. I nodded my head.

“Fine but I’m only counting to ten.” I crossed my arms.

“Fifteen?” He tried to reason.

“Twenty.” I answered confidently. He groaned but closed his eyes.

“One…ten…twenty!” He finished quickly and opened his eyes. I just knew he was going to do that! He groaned again but this time more desperately.

“One…two…three…” I went upstairs quickly but quietly. I hid in the coat closet. Amazingly I never used it. I guess there are some benefits. Like right now.


David finished off screaming. I tried to push my body into the corner as much as I could. I saw his shadow go by once, twice, and the third time he went by I let out a giggle. Damn and I had hid so well. His body froze. It came closer and closer. He agonizingly turned the knob slowly. I swallowed hard. And just like that the bright light blinded my eyes, along with David’s,


I hid my eyes with my hands. The light went away but David’s body sat next to me.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“Sitting next to my girlfriend.” When he said girlfriend my stomach did flip-flops. I like the way he says it.

“Oh yeah David. I couldn’t get it right.”

“You’re very welcome.” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“You son-a-bi-I meant why are we sitting in a coat closet?”

“Oh because I want to talk.”

“Okay.” I replied eagerly. It’s once in a lifetime you find a guy that wants to talk. The both of us ended up sitting across from each other. But our legs out and touching.

“You know Emily I was close to never meeting you?” He crossed his legs and leaned over to me. I did the same thing. Like criss-cross-applesauce.

“Really?” He leaned his face even lower. Our cheeks almost touching.

“Yeah.” Ooh his voice got husky. I had to smile.


“Well you know the real reason I transferred to our school right?”

“Of course. Your douche bag brother.”

“You know Sam’s like in love with him right?”

“Yeah.” Where is he going with this?

“Then that makes you a hypocrite.” How dare he call me that!

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t mean it in a mean way. Your best friend loves the guy and you’re saying he’s a douche bag.”

“I am not a hypocrite because never in the time that I have known him have I said that I liked him in his face.”

“Fine whatever.”



“Of course.”


“You’re not going to win the conversation David.”

“I guess but what were we talking about in the first place.”

“Your douche bag brother.” I smirked. He chuckled but didn’t say anything. If he did say something the same conversation probably would have started.

“Anyway…” He began. “In the beginning we told our mom that we didn’t want to go to the same school, right? But after he got the black eye,” He pointed at me. I smiled sheepishly. “He asked me if I could transfer so I could mess with you. I just didn’t expect you to fight back.”

“I think I would have met you somehow.”

“Yeah but I probably wouldn’t be here right now.”

“Yeah I think your right.”

After a few more minutes of talking I reluctantly let him carry me to my bedroom. Not to do the nasty. You dirty minded people! But instead I changed into pajamas while he argued that he didn’t need any. No wonder when he laid down next to me he was just in boxers. That loser. I put my head on his chest. I fell happily asleep with the soft thud of his heartbeat.