Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

“David hurry up and stop! I’m tired of having my eyes closed!” He’s not doing anything nasty you dirty thinkers! He had stopped across town, let us walk around for ten minutes and made me close my eyes so I wouldn’t know where we were going.

“Calm down Emily. We’re almost there…now lets just go up the stairs.” He opened a door and led both of us inside. After who knows how many sets of staircases he stopped. It was in slow motion as he let open my eyes and showed me the beautifully decorated room with candles and a little paint area in the middle. I don’t know who kissed who but we ended up against the wall in a full blown make-out session. Me needing breath and wanting to explore the rest of the room I pushed David away.

“Something huh?” He asked with a smirk. I gave him a playful glare and walked to the paint stuff. I felt David come up behind me.

“I wanted to do something special with you.” He smiled sheepishly. “Even if it’s not much.” He sat down and indicated for me to do the same thing. I sat down with my legs crosses. But I made sure that I was still covered. If you girls know what I’m talking about.

We had started painting and five minutes later we ended up painting ourselves. He was blue while I was red. All around us different colors were splattered. I looked at David who grinned toothily at me. I started laughing. “What are you laughing at?” I shook my head trying to stop laughing.

“You’re mostly blue and you show me your teeth that happen to be white.” He chuckled at me.

“Yeah well you’re red and laughing showing me your white teeth and I don’t say anything.”

“Shut up!” I pushed him. He got up and stretched. “Well I think it time to clean up.”

“What? We just started.”

“Yup…” I gave him a look. “You’re the one that decided to start painting me.”

“Please it’s not my fault you sat down so close to me.”

“Whatever.” Once we cleaned up he showed me all the drawings he made. I have to admit that he knew how to draw really good. He made everything pop up from the page. There was one that was a walkway. It was like you could walk right into it. I turned to him,

“Where did you learn to do this?”

“Umm…when you left during freshman year I had a lot of time so I took an art class. Turns out I’m really good at it.”

“I really like it.”

“I knew you would.” He smiled at me before pulling out a key.

“Come on I want to show you something.” We went to the roof of the building. I gasped as he led me to edge of the roof to see the rest of the city. “You like it?” I smiled dumbly and rapidly nodded my head. “Emily…” I looked straight into his eyes. Those soft hazel eyes that I fell in love with so long ago but didn’t want to admit it. “I’ve been wanting to tell you this for such a long time…I mean…umm…you know…” I felt really bad for putting him through the torture so instead I interrupted him by pulling his face closer and closing the distance between us. David groaned and pulled away.

“I wanted to be the first one to do that!” I chuckled.

-Home After Date-

Once David left I crawled into bed with a huge smile on my face. I couldn’t stay with him that much longer because my mom had called telling us to go home so I wouldn’t be tired for school tomorrow. I could not go to sleep and I think neither could David because he text me telling me hey with a smiley face. Either he knew I was awake or was going with a risk. I quickly text him back not wanting to keep him waiting. I sighed and dug my face in the pillow. I felt sick to my stomach. Like something bad was going to happen. I looked at the on my night stand. Only 3:30.

David POV

I had just finished texting Emily back a response when my phone started to ring. I picked it up without looking at the caller ID. Mostly likely it’s Emily.


“Hello David.” So not Emily. It’s a guy. What sane person would call me at three in the morning? Well other than Emily. Shes awake.

“Who is this?” He laughed having his voice muffled. Stupid…doesn’t he know that the phone itself makes your voice sound different?

“Oh I think you know.” Could you believe him? First he calls me this late and then expects me to know who he is.

“Please I don’t think technology has improved that much.”

“Let me refresh your mind…hmm…” I was growing impatient. It was like this guy-

“Emily…” I froze. What does he have do with her? “Enjoyed kissing me. She just lied to you so you wouldn’t feel bad. Ring any bells?” I searched and searched my mind. Nothing came to me. I guess I’m going to have to play dumb. Well it’s not really playing dumb if I don’t even know what he’s talking about. He laughed saying, “Ah David, David, David.” He forgot to muffle his voice again. I knew instantly who it was. Fucking bastard!

“Listen you piece of shit…hello?!” He hung up. No…

Emily POV

I had received a text back from him saying ‘Your really awake?!’ I sent him yes. It’s been five minutes and he still didn’t respond. What else could he be doing? Not like he could do anything else. I mean look at the time. Or he could have just fallen asleep. Suddenly something hit my window. I waited to see if I had just imagined it. Tink. Again. I got up to look out. A figure stood by the tree I used so many times to sneak in and out. I opened the window thinking it was David. He climbed up to my window sill. Something told me to scream or run. But I just dismissed it as being scared of getting caught. He had his hood on so I couldn’t quite see his face. After he jumped in I closed the window keeping out the chilly air.

“Pretty cold, huh? I liked the smiley face you sent me. I thought it was cute.” When he didn’t answer I stepped closer to him.

“David?” he gave out a short humorless laugh. Not David. Nothing like him. The only light was the moonlight. So I could barely see the persons face as he took off his hood. It didn’t shock me how swollen his face was. What did shock me was who it was. I gasped as he had a malicious grin stuck to his face and made his way toward me. No…

David POV

I ran to my car. I don’t care if my parents or Erik woke up. I needed to get to Emily and I needed to get to her fast. It being late gave me an advantage. It being a school night gave me another advantage. There were two ways to get to her house. One: the short way with speed bumps and stop signs. Or two: the long way with one or two lights. I didn’t have time to go slow. I took a left and pushed my foot on the pedal harder. He never really told me he was at her house but I couldn’t take any chances. And deep down inside I knew he was there. God I wish I get there in time.

Emily POV

Andrew had me close to his body. My back hitting his chest. A knife at my neck. Both of us facing the window.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked. He laughed the same laugh every time I asked a question. Why can’t my parents wake up?

“Because I feel bad for you I’ll answer that question. You see Emily…all you had to do was say yes. I’m not that bad. Hell I’m better than David. Why can’t you see that? I listened to you when you needed it. What he do? Made fun of you.”

“That was a long time ago. He loves me now!” I jumped to his defense. Should not have done it. He pushed the knife into my neck a little. Not so much as to cause any damage but to just leave a cut. I closed my eyes to keep from crying. Andrew pushed me as if to tell me something. I opened my eyes to see where he was pointing. I looked out the window and into hazel eyes. It was in a blur as David jumped to my window breaking the glass. Andrew digging the knife into my neck. Then them fighting. My dad coming in my room with a bat. My dad got the wrong impression and thought it was David that was attacking me not Andrew. I used all the strength I had left to push my dad before he could hit David. Not being able to balance my self any more I fell back into David’s arms. “Emily…” He whispered as I closed my eyes.
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Please comment? I think this one sucks.