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I think this is more than just puppy love


Time- Chapter Three

Emily POV

It turned out that Andrew was more like a big brother to me than anything else. It was never that I was just using him but whenever I was with him I was never bothered by David. He really was fun to hang out with. Our time together was never spent in silences. Give him a topic and he would be able to spend hours talking about it.

My incident with David didn’t go unpunished though. I was given another three weeks of detention and had to clean the gym with David once Homecoming was over. It wasn’t one of the best things I have gone through. Although something did happen that I’m going to remember forever.

The whole time, which really was only thirty minutes so far, David kept muttering under his breath that this was my entire fault and I should be doing this by myself. A couple times I had thrown a napkin or cup in his direction that resulted in him just throwing it back. I stood there staring at him walk toward a puddle of, what was it, orange soda, on the ground. He hadn’t seen it and I was waiting for him to notice. When he didn’t I opened my mouth to tell him when I thought about it.

Trying not to let the laughter bubbling in my chest out I watched as he picked up trash inching backwards towards the puddle. When his foot reached the very end of it I clutched my bad tightly anticipating his next move. Swish! The floor squeaked as his shoe slipped on the soda. He fell on his back the liquid saturating his clothes as he fell on the puddle.

I walked to him stopping just over him. “What happened?” He glared at me and told me to shut up.

That was one of the many accidents that we caused. After so many detentions I was suspended. Finally my parents had enough of it and switched me to another school. I didn’t want to leave Sam and other friends that I had made, including Andrew, but my parents didn’t give me a choice. I was to go to the other school and try to fix my behavior.

I still talked to Sam though. She was my best friend, how could I not? She would sometimes tell me anything interesting that happened at school. She and Andrew were basically the only ones that I kept in touch with, or at least on a daily basis. I would often stay up talking to Andrew on the computer. The mornings after were hard but when I remembered what fun I had my mood would lighten. This went on for about two years and I had gotten used to it and actually liked it. Key word: liked.

“Honey, you’re going back to your old school,” my dad said. I stared at my dad over my bowl of cereal. It was too early in the morning, my mind wasn’t fully functioning yet, and my dad was telling me this now?

“I’m confused,” I answered.

“You’re moving back. Your mother and I thought it would be best if you go back. We’ve looked at your grades and we were surprised that they were actually better over there. So on Monday you’re going back.” He kept talking but I stopped listening. Going back?

“I don’t understand. I don’t want to go back.”

“Those are two different things, honey.” My dad gave me a sympathetic smile and I knew I wasn’t given the choice.

Monday rolled quicker than I would have liked. My stomach was in knots as I stood watching the other students goof around waiting for the bell to ring. Take deep breaths, I told myself. Gone two years yet nothing change. Everything was still where I remembered it was. Even as I started to walk to the office where I was to pick up my schedule I had a feeling that things were going to get interesting.

David POV

Erik’s wide eyes met mine. I gave him a confused look. “Emily’s back.”

Her name brought back all the times when school was pretty exciting. I used to love coming to school. Sounds weird, right? But it was so much fun seeing her get mad, but then again I was a freshman and my mind should now be fixed on passing finals to become a senior and finally graduate this hell hole.

Watching people pass me as they headed to their lockers I stood up from leaning on the lockers. Final exams aren’t until another few months. I walked towards the office hoping to meet Emily on the way there. This should be fun.

Long brown hair close to her shapely ass and legs that went on forever was the first thing that I noticed. When I figured out it was Emily I mentally slapped myself. Not giving myself anytime to think about her looks I walked closer to her calling her name to get her attention.

When she looked at me I should have given myself more time to prepare what I was going to say to her.
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I know I put a long time lap but I put it there for a reason. Please comment?