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I think this is more than just puppy love

Waking Up

Emily POV

“Please wake up…don’t leave me Emily.” What was wrong with me? I tried to open my eyes but I didn’t have the energy. I don’t know how long I was laying here. That voice was seemed desperate. As if it’s life would end without me. “I don’t what I’d do without you…please.” The voice nipped at me. I wanted to say something but my throat burned badly. It was very hard to breathe. “Please Emily…” One last comment is all it took to make me try my hardest. I moved my fingers. I guess the first sign that someone is waking up in a hospital right. Soft hands instantly went around my cold ones. I couldn’t move my head because my neck was in a cask. I finally opened my eyes, the light blinding them. The first thing I saw was the roof, then David.


“Don’t. You can’t. It’ll make you neck heal a lot slower.” I pulled him so he was sitting next to me. I put my head on his lap and closed my eyes. “Thank you.” He said after a few minutes of silence. I looked up to him my eyes questioning. “For staying with me. And…not letting your dad beat me with a bat.” I became even more confused. Why did I come here? Why does my neck hurt so much? What happened?

“Wh -” Before I could answer him a doctor came into the room. His eyes bulged out when he saw I was awake. He hurried to where all the cord thingys were connected to me and the machine.

“When did she wake up?” He asked David.

“About five minutes ago.” The doctor grabbed my clipboard from the end of the bed and started to write stuff down. Both me and David looked at him as he checked everything. From my blood pressure to the cut. When that happened David looked away, out the window. When he finished he turned to us,

“Any questions?” I was going to open his mouth but he put his hand up.

“Use this,” It was a dry erase board. “Don’t use your voice yet. The cut is still very sensitive.” I grabbed the board and marker. My first question was,

What do I eat?

“This cord is giving you food right now. Later on when you can eat pudding and jello, stuff like that, we’ll give it to you.”

Second: What if I have to use the restroom?

“Your parents or someone will help you.”

Third: When do I get released?

“When the cut heals enough.”

Fourth: What happened?

He looked at David before answering. “I think I’ll it to him to tell you. Any more questions feel free to ask me.” I nodded my head no. He smiled and left the room. I faced David once more. I wrote: Can you please help me sit down more? He nodded and picked me more. I scooted over so he could sit next to me. I erased it before writing again: If you don’t mind me asking, why am I here?

He sighed and glanced to the window again. “You don’t remember do you?” I shook my head no. “Well…I think you know who Andrew is.” I grimaced. He took that as a yes. “Well he thought he could go over to your house and force you to be with him. It would’ve worked if he didn’t call me. I tried saving you and your dad heard us. But when I kinda broke your window Andrew punctured the knife into your throat. That’s why you can’t talk right now. Anyway your dad heard us and came in your room with a bat. Andrew pushed me making your dad think that I was the one attacking….you used the only strength you had left to push your dad away from me.” I didn’t remember anything he told me. I wrote: What happened to Andrew? The word Andrew swerved a bit because of my anger toward him.

“He’s in jail. He can’t go on trial to you come out and able to testify.”

What about my parents?

“There here but went to get coffee. They met mine, turns out they go way back. Your mom and my mom were best friends.” I raised my eyebrows. “Yeah my dad and yours were close friends too.” I’m guessing he knew what I was going to ask next.

“Since high school.” I nodded my head. “Emily.” I looked back up at him. “I’m really sorry about everything that happened to you.”

How long was I here?

“It’s been about a couple weeks since you came.”

When did you go to school? He smiled at me sheepishly. I knew I got him. I gave him a look.

“I did all the work I missed.”

Who brought it to you?

“Sam and Erik.”

-One Week Later-

Turns out that the cut wasn’t that deep. And me being able to use only the white board really helped me. I could finish my sentences now. I would only stop for a few breaths before talking again. David spent every waking minute with me. I really enjoyed his company because my parents had to go to work. I told him to go to school but all he would say is no I want to be here. I would roll my eyes but smile none the less. Right now the same doctor from when I woke up was checking all the things to make sure everything was going good. David went to the restroom.

“So Doc when do I get released?”

“In about a week or two.”

“Why that long? I mean what about school. How many things I’m going to have to make up.”

“I know you do it because they bring it to you. So no worries.” He was really nice. A very cool doctor. His name was Dr. Hanes. About his mid-thirties, tall, black hair, green eyes. “Ok, you’re doing much better. Oh and don’t think I didn’t find out about that donut that young man brought for you.”

“For your information Dr. Hanes I got tired of all the pudding you made me eat. And in plus what could one donut do?”

“It’s not my fault you don’t want to eat jello.”

“Whatever tickles your peach.”

He laughed and left the room. A few minutes later David came in a sandwich in his hand. He came and sat across me. I had my legs folded and I was sitting down. I hate to be laying down when people are in here.

“So what you doing?” David asked me. I lightly glared at him. He knew exactly what I was doing. Eyeing his sandwich. I really was getting tired of just vanilla pudding. “Shut up David.”

He laughed out loud. And bit his sandwich. “Can I have some?”



“You can’t eat solid food yet. Doc said so himself.”

“Yeah and he found out you brought me a chocolate donut.”

“Really? What he say?”

“Nothing. Can I please have some?”

“No.” I scoffed and glared at him. He just kept eating the sandwich in front of me. I knew he was doing it deliberately because he would smirk at me every few seconds. I finally got tired of looking at him and trying to reach it that when he bit into it again I waited a couple seconds that I grabbed his head and crushed my lips to his. I literally forced the food out of his mouth and into mine. I sat back satisfied. Hey at least I got something. I looked back at David. His mouth hung open a little. I closed it with my hand smiling coyly.

“If you’re going to be doing that then I should get more sandwiches.” I laughed sorta relieved.

“So when are you getting out?” He asked putting the sandwich by the table beside the bed.

“He said in about a week or two.”

“Why that long? You’ve been in here like a month already.”

“I was only awake for one of those weeks.”

“Yeah and I’ve been here awake for all of them.”

“I told you to go to school.”

“But I want to be here.”

“Then why are you complaining?”

“Idk.” I laughed. I stared him straight in the eyes. Something I always thought was romantic for a guy to do. He slowly leaned over and kissed me lightly. As if giving me the option if I wanted to. I put my hand on his cheek putting a little more pressure into the kiss. Our lips moving in sync is what made me lose track of time and my surroundings. I didn’t even hear when the doctor came into the room. He coughed loudly enough for the both of us to hear it. I pulled back embarrassed.

“Sometimes I think you’re here for other then just to watch over her.” Dr. Hanes said to David. I laughed as David shrugged and tried to hide his face.
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